All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S CINDERELLA: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
TRISTIN'S POVThe detective returned to the room with a stack of papers and a serious expression. "Mr. Tristin, we've been looking into the origins of the wanted poster and the anonymous report. It appears that the report was filed through a proxy server, making it difficult to trace back to the original sender. However, we found something interesting."He laid out several documents on the table, including a forensic analysis report. "The poster was created using sophisticated software that's not widely available. It suggests that whoever did this had technical expertise or access to specialized tools."Sophie leaned forward, her brow furrowed. "So, someone deliberately went to great lengths to frame Tristin."The detective nodded. "Exactly. And based on our initial investigation, we've identified a possible suspect who matches the profile of someone with both motive and means."He slid a photograph across the table. It was of a man in his mid-forties, wearing a stern expression. "Thi
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TRISTIN'S POVThe detective leaned forward, his expression intense. "That's what we intend to find out. In the meantime, we'll need to gather more evidence, interview witnesses, and trace the origin of that wanted poster."Eva spoke up, her voice determined. "Detective, Tristin wouldn't harm anyone. He's not capable of murder. There has to be another explanation."The detective nodded, jotting down notes. "I appreciate your input, Miss. We'll investigate every lead thoroughly."As the interrogation stretched on, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread. If someone was trying to frame me for murder, they were doing a damn good job of it. But why John? Why now?The detective listened intently as I recounted my recent interactions and conflicts with business partners. After a moment of reflection, it dawned on me. "Detective, there was someone I had a falling out with recently—Simon Hayes. He was a former business partner who felt betrayed when I decided to go a different direction with the
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we have to
EVA'S POVI watched Tristin closely as we exited the police station, the weight of the accusations still heavy in the air. My mind raced with thoughts and suspicions, trying to piece together the puzzle that threatened to consume us all.As we walked to her car, Sophie kept a reassuring grip on Tristin's arm while I unlocked the doors. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. John Richards' murder, the false accusations—it all seemed too orchestrated, too perfectly designed to destroy Tristin.Sliding into the driver's seat, Sophie started the car and glanced at Tristin in the rearview mirror. His expression was a mix of disbelief and frustration, his hands clenched tightly in his lap. I sat beside him, my face was a mask of determination."I can't believe this is happening," Tristin muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.My heart ached for him. I have known Tristin back in highschool and even now and I have seen how he moved through the cutthroa
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Legal team
EVA'S POVI couldn't bring myself to believe the turn of events that had led to Tristin being accused of murder. It was surreal and deeply unsettling.Taking a deep breath, I pulled out my phone and began my research. I started by searching for any recent news articles about John Richards. It didn't take long to find reports mentioning his sudden death, described as a brutal murder in his own home. The details were grim, and the police were appealing for witnesses to come forward.Next, I looked into John Richards' recent activities. I knew from Tristin that their fallout had been bitter, leading to John leaving the sister company they had founded together. Since then, John had launched a rival firm and had been vocal about his intentions to outshine Tristin's company.As I scrolled through social media and business news sites, I noted several heated exchanges between John and Tristin online. They had publicly accused each other of various wrongdoings, and it was evident that their ri
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Running for help
TRISTIN'S POVOne evening, as we gathered in Sophie's apartment, surrounded by scattered notes and coffee-stained documents, Eva spoke up, her voice thoughtful yet determined."What if it's someone within your own company, Tristin?" she suggested, her brow furrowed with concern. "Someone who might see you as a threat or has a personal vendetta against you?"Sophie nodded in agreement. "It makes sense. Your position as CEO puts you in a powerful, influential position. Not everyone might appreciate that."My mind raced with the implications. Could someone from within my own company be trying to sabotage me? It was a chilling thought, but it couldn't be dismissed."We need to look into everyone who has access to sensitive information," I said, my tone grave. "And we have to be discreet. We can't afford to tip off whoever is behind this."Over the next few days, Sophie, Eva, and I discreetly began digging into the backgrounds of key employees, searching for any signs of resentment or moti
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Believe me
TRISTIN'S POVAs I entered my apartment, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The events that was now happening in my life had taken a toll, both mentally and emotionally on me. I paced around my living room, trying to gather my thoughts, but the accusations and implications kept swirling in my mind like a relentless storm.After a restless night, I woke up early, determined to take action. I needed clarity, and the only place I knew I could find it was at my parents' house. They lived in a quiet neighborhood not far from the city, where I and Sophie had grown up and where memories of simpler times still lingered.I decided to go see my parents so while driving over to there, my mind raced with possibilities. What if my parents believed the accusations? What if they couldn't see past the headlines? I pushed those thoughts aside as I pulled into their driveway and rang the doorbell.My mother answered the door, her face lighting up at the sight of me. "Tristin, darling! What a su
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SOPHIE'S POV"Well well, if it isn't little Mr criminal here." I said with a grin on my face, I was just trying to get under Tristin's skin. "Oh please Sophie, you know your brother is innocent." Mom argued sadly, tears lingered in her eyes.“But is he really mom? do you really trust him? i mean every thing points to him mom as the fucking murder." My words cut through the tension like a knife. I could feel my mother's gaze turn cold, her hand slipping away from Tristin's. "Sophie, that's enough," my father interjected firmly, his voice a warning.I shrugged nonchalantly, my grin fading slightly. "I'm just saying what everyone's thinking, Dad. Tristin's the prime suspect here."Tristin swallowed hard, I knew he was fighting back the urge to defend himself against his own sister. "Sophie, you know me better than anyone. I didn't do this," Tristin insisted, desperation creeping into his voice.My mother remained silent, her eyes darting between us, torn with conflicting emotions. "Sop
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Getting help
SOPHIE'S POVI stormed down the hallway with my heart pounding with frustration and resentment. I have always resented Tristin, my half-brother, for the way he had treated me when we were growing up. He was the golden child, always favored by our parents, while I was the afterthought, the child from our father's second marriage that never quite fit in.I entered my room and I slammed the door shut, trying to block out the chaos brewing in the house. I paced back and forth, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. Tristin's arrest had sent shockwaves through their family, but for me, it was more than just a shock—it was a vindication of everything I have felt about him.Sitting down on my bed, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my thoughts. I knew my parents were blinded by their love for Tristin, but I couldn't ignore the evidence staring them all in the face. Tristin had always been reckless, impulsive, and capable of anything when he was younger. Could he really have committed
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Working overnight
SOPHIE'S POVBut then, a flicker of doubt crossed my mind. Could Tristin really be capable of murder? Despite their rocky relationship, I have never seen him exhibit such violence. Memories of their rare moments of being real siblings flashed before me— a shared laugh at a family gathering, a genuine compliment he had once given me on my achievements.I clenched my fists, torn between loyalty to my family and the unsettling doubt in my heart. "What if I'm wrong?" I whispered, feeling a pang of uncertainty.My phone buzzed with a text from my best friend, urging me to meet up. Taking a deep breath, I wiped away a stray tear and replied with a quick "On my way." I needed to clear my head, to sort through the chaos of emotions swirling inside me.As I stepped out of my room and passed by the study door, I hesitated. Through the crack, I could hear murmurs of strategizing, voices filled with determination. My parents were standing by Tristin, ready to fight for his innocence.I closed my
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SOPHIE'S POV"You think that's clouding your judgment?" Eva asked gently."Maybe," I admitted reluctantly. "But I can't shake this feeling that there's something we're missing, something that could prove his innocence."Eva nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Let's keep digging. Maybe there's a detail we've overlooked, a lead we haven't followed up on. Together, we can figure this out."I nodded gratefully, a flicker of determination sparking inside me. "Thanks, Eva. I needed to hear that."We spent the next few hours huddled over Eva's laptop, poring over news articles, witness statements, and any other information they could find. As we sifted through the details, I felt a sense of purpose rekindled. I might not have all the answers yet, but with Eva by my side, I was determined to uncover the truth— whatever it might be.As me and Eva sifted through the information late into the night, we discovered a discrepancy in the timeline presented by the prosecution. A witness statement the
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