All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S CINDERELLA: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
72 Chapters
Flooding Memories
EVA'S POVThe memories kept flooding back, each one more painful than the last. One of the worst incidents was in the cafeteria. I had been trying to keep a low profile, sitting by myself at a corner table and quietly eating my lunch. But Livia had other plans.I was halfway through my sandwich when I heard her voice behind me, loud and mocking. "Look who it is! The charity case, dining with the elite." Before I could react, I felt something wet and cold hit me. Livia had thrown a carton of milk over my head, followed by a pile of mashed potatoes. The cafeteria erupted in laughter as I sat there, drenched and humiliated, my lunch ruined."Hey, what do you think you're doing?" A voice rang out across the cafeteria. Sophie, who I didn’t know then was Tristin’s sister, had stood up from her table and was marching over, her eyes blazing with anger.Livia just laughed. "Oh, come on, Sophie. It's just a bit of fun. She knows her place."Sophie reached me and pulled a napkin from her pocket
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Reliving the past
EVA'S POVYears later, the memory still stung. But it also reminded me of the kindness Sophie had shown me, standing up to Livia when no one else would. And it reminded me of how far I had come since those dark days in high school. I was no longer the scared, timid girl hiding in the shadows. I had grown stronger, more resilient.But despite all that, part of me still felt that same insecurity, that same longing for recognition. And now, working at the same company with both Tristin and Livia, those old wounds were reopening, making me question if I could ever truly move past them. The memories crashed over me like relentless waves, each one more painful than the last. I hadn't realized how deeply they still hurt until now. Livia's cruelty, the helplessness, the humiliation—it all felt so fresh, so raw. As I lay on my couch, I became aware of the tears streaming down my face.I wiped my eyes, but the tears kept coming, fueled by the bitter recollections of high school. "Why did she h
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EVA'S POVI snapped back to reality, the memories dissolving like mist in the morning sun. I was no longer in the chaotic cafeteria or the harsh hallways of high school; I was in my apartment, lying on my couch. But the pain from those days lingered, raw and unhealed, making my heart ache.I wiped at my cheeks, surprised to find them wet with tears. The memories had brought back so much hurt, so much humiliation. I had tried so hard to forget, to move on, but Livia’s cruelty was etched into my soul.A sob escaped my lips, and I hugged a cushion to my chest, seeking some comfort in its softness. "Why does it still hurt so much?" I whispered to the empty room, my voice trembling.I remembered the look on my foster mom’s face, the way she had pleaded with Livia, her dignity trampled in the dirt. I remembered the cold, hard tiles of the school bathroom, the taste of toilet water, the laughter echoing in my ears. I remembered the cafeteria, the milk soaking through my clothes, the way Soph
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EVA'S POVI woke up the next morning, determined to face the day with a positive outlook. After a quick breakfast, I headed to work, ready to dive into my tasks. The office buzzed with activity as usual, and I settled into my routine, tackling emails and organizing my schedule.Around mid-morning, I received an unexpected message from my manager requesting my presence in his office. Curious and slightly apprehensive, I made my way down the familiar corridors to his door. As I entered, I noticed a man standing beside him, tall and impeccably dressed, with a confident smile."Good morning, Eva," my manager greeted me warmly. "I'd like you to meet Aaron. He's from our partner company and will be collaborating with you on the upcoming project."Aaron extended his hand, his smile widening. "Nice to meet you, Eva. I've heard great things about your work."I shook his hand, taken aback by his charm and good looks. "Nice to meet you too, Aaron. I'm looking forward to working together."My man
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Aaron's fever
EVA'S POVWe exchanged a few more pleasantries as we settled into our respective desks. Despite my lingering nerves about the project's scope, Aaron's presence brought a sense of excitement. Working with him might just be the refreshing change I needed.Throughout the day, we exchanged ideas and mapped out our initial strategy. Aaron's enthusiasm was contagious, and I found myself opening up to his suggestions more readily than I had expected. By the time our kickoff meeting rolled around, I felt a newfound confidence in our partnership.I found myself seated alone in the noisy company cafeteria, picking at a plate of salad while checking emails on my phone. My thoughts were still tangled in the emotional rollercoaster of remembering about high school memories. Just as I began to feel overwhelmed, a friendly voice broke through my reverie."Mind if I join you?"Looking up, I saw Aaron standing there with a warm smile, holding a tray with a sandwich and a drink. Despite my earlier appr
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A little jealous
EVA'S POVThe next few days at work were nothing short of amusing because it continued the same way. Ever since Aaron and I started working together on the new project, it seemed like he was the talk of the office. His good looks and friendly demeanor had every colleague and coworker practically drooling over him.I was at my desk, deep into reviewing some project documents, when my coworker, Jess, leaned over with a dreamy look on her face. "Did you see Aaron today? He looks like he walked straight out of a fashion magazine."I stifled a laugh. "Really, Jess? Is that all you ever think about?"She sighed dramatically. "You wouldn't understand, Eva. He's like the perfect guy—smart, handsome, and so charming!"I shook my head, amused. "I think you all are exaggerating. He's just a normal guy."Jess gasped, clutching her heart as if I had just insulted a deity. "Normal? Did you hit your head? Aaron is anything but normal. Haven't you noticed how everyone lights up when he's around?""Ma
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EVA'S POV "Great. Just what I needed. High school 2.0.""Well, at least you're handling it like a pro," I said, smiling.He shrugged, grinning. "It's all about confidence, right?"As we ate and discussed the project, I couldn't help but appreciate how easy it was to talk to him. Despite all the fuss everyone else made about him, to me, he was just Aaron—a friendly coworker who happened to be good-looking and charming. But that didn't mean I had to join the drooling crowd.When we finished lunch, Aaron gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Thanks for the chat, Eva. Let's crush this project.""Absolutely," I agreed, feeling a genuine camaraderie between us.Returning to my desk, I noticed Jess giving me a knowing look. "So, how was lunch with Prince Charming?"I rolled my eyes good-naturedly. "It was productive. We talked about work, Jess."She waggled her eyebrows. "Uh-huh. Sure you did."I couldn't help but laugh. "Believe what you want, but we're just coworkers.""That's what the
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Grab some coffee
EVA'S POV"Good morning, everyone," Tristin greeted, taking his seat at the head of the table. "Let's get started."As the meeting progressed, Aaron and I presented our updates, smoothly transitioning back and forth between points. We were in sync, and it showed. I could feel the energy in the room, especially from my female colleagues, who seemed to be watching Aaron more than paying attention to the presentation."Great job, Eva and Aaron," Tristin said, though his voice sounded a bit tighter than usual. "You've made impressive progress.""Thanks, Tristin," Aaron replied, beaming. "Eva's been an incredible partner on this."Sophie leaned over to Livia and whispered loudly enough for the whole room to hear, "Don't they make such a cute couple?"I felt my face heat up instantly, and I could sense Aaron glancing at me with a bemused expression. Meanwhile, Tristin's jaw tightened noticeably, and Livia's eyes narrowed."Uh, thanks, Sophie, but we're just coworkers," I said, trying to lau
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Can't Seem to Stand It
TRISTIN'S POVWe had a big project meeting. As usual, Aaron and Eva were the center of attention. I couldn't help but notice the way they worked together, so effortlessly, so in sync. It was infuriating."Great job, Eva and Aaron," I said, trying to keep my tone professional. "You've made impressive progress.""Thanks, Tristin," Aaron replied, beaming. "Eva's been an incredible partner on this."Sophie, never missing a chance to stir the pot, leaned over to Livia and whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Don't they make such a cute couple?"I felt my jaw tighten. "Uh, thanks, Sophie, but we're just coworkers," Eva said, trying to laugh it off."Oh, come on, Eva," Sophie continued, clearly enjoying herself. "You two are perfect together. Look at the chemistry!"Aaron chuckled, shaking his head. "We're just a good team, Sophie. Right, Eva?""Right," Eva agreed, nodding emphatically. "Just a good team.""Alright, let's focus on the project, shall we?" I said, trying to bring the
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Turned down
TRISTIN'S POV"Oh, come on," she teased, rolling her eyes. "You can't tell me you didn't notice the chemistry.""Sophie, please," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I have a lot of work to do.""Alright, alright," she said, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "But you know, they'd make a cute couple."I didn't dignify that with a response, but as she walked away, I couldn't help but think about what she said. Aaron and Eva... a cute couple. The thought made my stomach churn.The next day, I was heading to the cafeteria for a quick coffee break. I spotted Eva and Aaron sitting together, chatting and laughing. I felt a pang of something unpleasant—jealousy, I realized. It was stupid, but there it was."Mind if I join you?" I said, trying to keep my tone light as I approached their table.Eva looked up, surprised. "Sure, Tristin. Have a seat."Aaron gave me a friendly nod. "Hey, Tristin. How's it going?""Good, thanks," I replied, forcing a smile as I sat down. "What are you tw
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