All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S CINDERELLA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
72 Chapters
A surprise
EVA'S POVAs we finished our lunch, Sophie’s phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen and rolled her eyes. "Great. Another meeting. Catch you later, guys," she said, standing up and heading for the door.I turned to Megan, curiosity getting the better of me. "What exactly is Sophie’s position here?"Megan chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee. "Sophie is the Vice President."My eyes widened. "Wow, that’s impressive. And what about Tristin?""He’s the President," Megan said, smiling at my surprised expression. "The two of them practically run the place."I blinked, trying to process this new information. "No wonder they bicker so much. That must make things... interesting.""You have no idea," Megan said, shaking her head. "They’re always at each other's throats, but they also make a great team. It’s kind of a love-hate thing.""Sounds complicated," I said, thinking back to their banter in the car."It is," Megan agreed. "But they balance each other out. Sophie is all about innovation an
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Desire and duty
TRISTIN'S POVThe day had been long, and as I finally headed back to my apartment, I felt the weight of the countless meetings and decisions. Running a company was no small feat, especially with Sophie constantly pushing her ambitious ideas. Not that I didn't appreciate her drive—it was one of the reasons we made such a good team, even if we were often at loggerheads.I stepped into my apartment, a sleek, modern space that felt more like a sanctuary from the chaos of the corporate world. I tossed my keys on the kitchen counter and poured myself a glass of scotch. The rich, amber liquid was a welcome comfort.As I took a sip, my mind wandered back to the events of the day. Specifically, to Eva. There was something about her—her enthusiasm, her nervous smile—that I found endearing. It was rare for me to feel a connection with new employees, but Eva was different. She had a spark, and I couldn't help but admire her determination.I smirked, remembering her reaction to the car. Sophie and
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TRISTIN'S POV"Don’t you love me anymore, Tristin?"I felt a pang of guilt. Despite our issues, I did care for Livia. But our relationship had become strained, and moments like these only added to the tension."Of course, I do," I said, sitting down next to her. "But we need to talk about this. You can’t keep doing this, Livia. It’s not fair to either of us."She leaned her head on my shoulder, her breath smelling of alcohol. "I’m sorry," she murmured. "I just miss you. We hardly see each other anymore.""I know," I said softly, wrapping an arm around her. "But we need to find a better way to deal with this. For both our sakes."We sat in silence for a while, Livia gradually dozing off. My mind drifted back to Eva again, and I couldn’t help but wonder how she was settling in. It was odd, feeling this protective urge toward her. I barely knew her, but something about her had struck a chord.I shook my head, focusing on the woman beside me. Whatever I felt about Eva would have to stay b
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A fight at the office
EVA'S POVThe next morning, I arrived at the office feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. My first day had gone well, but I knew there was still so much to learn and prove. As I settled into my desk, I couldn’t stop but to notice that the atmosphere in the office had changed somehow. People were whispering but I brushed it off, focusing on my tasks.About an hour into my work, Sophie stopped by my desk. "Hey, Eva," she said, a hint of concern in her voice. "Did you know Livia is overseeing your department now?""Livia?" I asked, puzzled. "What is she doing here?"Sophie sighed. "Tristin’s fiancée. She’s been with the company for a while but usually works in a different division. She’s a bit... intense."My stomach dropped. "Great," I muttered, trying to hide my anxiety. "Thanks for the heads-up."I couldn’t believe it. Livia, my high school bully, was striding into the office with the same haughty expression she always wore. I hadn’t known she worked here, let alone that she was T
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Driving suggestions
EVA'S POV"Let go of me, you crazy—"But Sophie cut her off. "You think you can bully her just because you’re Tristin’s fiancée? Think again!"I finally managed to get close enough to grab Sophie’s arm. "Sophie, please! Stop! This isn’t helping!"Sophie glanced at me, her eyes softening slightly as she saw the tears streaming down my face. She hesitated, her grip on Livia loosening just a bit.Livia took advantage of the moment and wrenched herself free, staggering back a few steps. She glared at Sophie, her expression murderous. "You’re going to regret this," she spat, straightening her disheveled hair."No, Livia," Sophie said, her voice cold and steady now. "You’re the one who’s going to regret it. You don’t get to treat people like dirt and get away with it. Not while I’m around."The tension in the room was palpable as Sophie and Livia stared each other down. I felt a mix of gratitude and fear, knowing that this confrontation would have consequences for all of us."Enough!" A com
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Text message
EVA'S POV "She needs to be held accountable, Tristin. This isn’t just about Eva. It’s about the toxic environment Livia is creating.""I know," he said quietly. "And I’ll handle it. But right now, we need to focus on making sure Eva feels safe and supported here."I looked at Sophie, my eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you for standing up for me."She gave me a small, reassuring smile. "No one deserves to be treated like that, Eva. Not on my watch."As we sat in the conference room, the tension finally began to dissipate. Tristin looked between Sophie and me, his expression still serious but softened with concern."Sophie, I’ll go speak to Livia," Tristin said, his voice calm but firm. "We don’t want to escalate this any further than it already has."Sophie nodded, her demeanor relaxing a bit. "Alright, Tristin. Just make sure she understands that this kind of behavior is unacceptable.""I will," he assured her, then turned to me. "Eva, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach
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Night drive
EVA'S POVOnce inside, I let out a long sigh and dropped my bag on the floor. I made a beeline for the shower, letting the hot water wash away the stress of the day. As I stood there, I replayed the events in my mind, from Livia’s slap to Sophie’s fierce defense. It had been one heck of a rollercoaster.Fresh and in my favorite comfy pajamas, I settled onto the couch with a contented sigh. I grabbed my phone to check for any messages and noticed a text from my foster mom—no, my real mom. That’s how I saw her now.*Mom: Hey sweetheart! How was your first official day at work? Call me when you can. Love you!*A warm smile spread across my face. I quickly hit the call button, and within seconds, her familiar, comforting voice came through the line."Eva! How are you, honey?""Hi, Mom! I’m okay. It’s been quite a day, though.""Oh? Do tell," she said, her voice laced with curiosity and concern."Well, where do I start? I found out Tristin’s fiancée is Livia, my high school bully, and she’
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TRISTIN'S POVAfter Eva's hesitant text about driving lessons, I found myself thinking about her more than I cared to admit. There was something endearing about her vulnerability mixed with determination. I was lounging in my apartment, Livia’s earlier tantrum still a dull ache in my memory, when I decided to take matters into my own hands. If Eva wanted to learn how to drive, why wait?I made my way to her apartment and rang the doorbell. The seconds stretched into what felt like hours before she finally opened the door, looking adorably disheveled in her pajamas. I couldn't help but smirk."Get dressed, Eva. We’re going for a drive."She blinked at me, clearly disoriented. "Now? It’s the middle of the night.""Precisely," I said with a grin. "Less traffic. Come on, get dressed."She sighed but complied, returning a few minutes later in casual clothes. I led her to my car, opening the passenger door with an exaggerated bow. "Your chariot awaits, milady."She climbed in, giving me a l
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What have I gotten myself into??
TRISTIN'S POV"I’m new at this, remember?"I laughed. "Alright, alright. Easy on the gas. Let’s just coast a bit."She managed to get the car moving more smoothly, and I began giving instructions. "Turn left here. No, the other left! Brake! Not that hard! Gently, Eva, gently!"She hit the gas instead of the brake, and the car lurched forward again. I clutched my chest in mock terror. "Eva! Are you trying to end my life? I still have so much to live for!"She burst out laughing, despite her nerves. "I’m not trying to kill you, I promise!""Could’ve fooled me," I muttered, though I was smiling. "Alright, let’s try that turn again. And remember, slow and steady wins the race."We spent the next hour driving around, with me alternating between teasing her and giving overly dramatic reactions to her mistakes. At one point, she attempted to park, and I pretended to cover my eyes. "Dear God, if I survive this, I’m never complaining about Sophie’s driving again."Despite my antics, I saw her
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Insignificant girl
LIVIA'S POVThat little nobody from high school had somehow managed to infiltrate my life again. Seeing her here, in my company, was infuriating. It was bad enough dealing with her back then, always so eager to please, always getting in my way. Now she was here, and she had Tristin’s attention. That was unacceptable.When I arrived at the office, I made a beeline for the department I was overseeing. I needed to establish my authority. If Eva thought she could waltz in here and play the victim again, she was sorely mistaken.As the hours passed, I watched Eva closely. She was trying to keep her head down, but I could see the nervousness in her eyes. Good. She needed to know her place.Then, during a department meeting, I decided to make my move. As everyone was leaving, I called Eva over.“Eva, stay behind. I need to discuss something with you,” I said, my tone cold and authoritative.She nodded, looking anxious, and I relished the control I had over her. Once everyone else had left, I
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