All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S CINDERELLA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
72 Chapters
Hating Eva
LIVIA'S POV“Is this true?” Tristin asked, his eyes darkening as he looked at me.I crossed my arms, trying to maintain my composure. “She was being insubordinate. I was just putting her in her place.”“Insubordinate?” Tristin repeated, his voice low. “You think that justifies physical violence?”I felt a flicker of panic. “Tristin, you know how important it is to maintain discipline—”“Enough,” he interrupted, holding up a hand. “This is not how we handle things in this company. You’ve crossed a line, Livia.”I opened my mouth to protest, but Tristin cut me off again. “We’ll discuss this in private. Sophie, Eva, come with me.”As they followed Tristin out, I felt a mix of anger and humiliation. How had things spiraled out of control so quickly? I needed to regain my footing, and fast.I followed them secretly behind to eavesdrop on their conversation In the conference room, Tristin turned to face them. “Are you okay, Eva?” he asked, his voice softer.Eva nodded, though her voice was
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Planning evil
LIVIA'S POV"Where have you been, Tristin?" I demanded, my voice sharp. "I've been waiting here for hours!"He closed the door behind him with a sigh. "Livia, it's late. I took Eva for a driving lesson."My blood boiled at the mention of her name. "That little nobody? You left me here to go help her? What is wrong with you?"Ignoring my outburst, he walked past me, clearly trying to keep his composure. "Livia, calm down.""Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" I shouted, standing up and following him. "Why are you wasting your time with her? She's nothing compared to us!"Turning to face me, his expression turned cold. "Livia, enough. Eva is an employee and a friend. You will not insult her in my presence."I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Are you defending her? Over me? She's a pathetic little nobody, Tristin! You should be focusing on us and our future, not playing chauffeur for some insignificant girl!"His patience seemed to wear thin. "Livia, our engagement was arranged fo
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Awesome mom
LIVIA'S POVBack in my apartment, I collapsed onto the couch, the adrenaline from our fight still coursing through me. I needed to devise a plan to ensure that Eva didn't interfere with our future. But for now, I could only wait and hope that Tristin would see reason and prioritize our relationship over his misguided loyalty to that insignificant girl.My chest heaving with anger and frustration. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Tristin was supposed to be mine, and that girl, Eva, was getting in the way. I needed to take control of the situation. I grabbed my phone and dialed my mother’s number. The moment she answered, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.“Mom,” I began, my voice trembling, “I need you.”“Livia, darling, what’s wrong?” she asked, concern evident in her tone.“It’s Tristin,” I sobbed, letting the tears flow freely. “He’s spending all his time with this girl, Eva. I don’t know what to do. He’s ignoring me, and I feel like I’m losing him.”“Calm dow
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TRISTIN'S POVThe morning sun poured into my office, I sat at the head of the conference table, addressing a room full of senior executives. The discussion was in full swing, numbers being thrown around, strategies debated, and I was in my element. "Alright, let’s move on to the next quarter projections," I said, pointing to the pie charts on the screen.Just as Megan started her presentation, the door burst open. There stood my stepmom—though I simply called her Mom. She had an air of drama about her, and today was no exception. The room fell silent as everyone turned to see what the commotion was about."Tristin! We need to talk," she announced, her voice carrying the weight of a royal decree.I sighed internally, knowing there was no stopping her once she was on a mission. "Mom, I’m in the middle of a meeting," I replied, trying to keep my tone respectful yet firm.She waved a hand dismissively. "This is more important."The executives exchanged glances, some hiding smiles. They k
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Dealing with his mom
EVA'S POVTristin and his mother walked out of the office, Sophie and I were chatting near the elevator. I was sharing a funny story from my morning commute, and Sophie was laughing. Suddenly, Tristin's voice broke through our conversation."Hey, Sophie, Eva," he called out, catching our attention. "Why don't you two join us for dinner?"I felt my eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, I don't think—""Of course we will!" Sophie interjected, linking her arm through mine and giving Tristin a mischievous grin. "We'd love to, right, Eva?"I glanced at Sophie, then back at Tristin, feeling a bit trapped. "Uh, sure. Why not?" I managed to say, even though I felt incredibly nervous.I noticed a subtle shift in Tristin’s mother’s posture. She straightened, her smile polite but tight. It was clear she wasn't thrilled about me joining them. I sighed inwardly, knowing this dinner was about to become much more complicated.As we headed to the restaurant, I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place. Tristi
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I think I have feelings for him
EVA'S POVI settled onto my couch, I couldn't help but replay the events of the evening in my mind. Tristin had been so patient with his mother, despite her insistence on involving Livia. His ability to stay composed in such a tense situation was impressive, and I found myself admiring him even more.I let out a sigh, my thoughts drifting to Tristin’s smile and the way he had looked at me earlier. There was something in his eyes, a softness that made my heart flutter. I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away, but it was no use. The more I thought about him, the more I realized how much I enjoyed his company.I caught myself blushing, the warmth spreading across my cheeks. "What am I doing?" I muttered to myself. "He's engaged to Livia. I need to stop thinking about him like this."But no matter how much I tried to convince myself, I couldn't deny the growing feelings I had for Tristin. He was kind, thoughtful, and incredibly handsome. And despite his sometimes cold exterior
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EVA'S POVI still lay on the couch, my thoughts drifted back to high school, a time when everything seemed simpler, yet more confusing. I remembered seeing Tristin around school, always surrounded by a group of admirers. Back then, I had no idea that Sophie was his sister. It was Livia who always seemed to be glued to his side.I recalled one particular day when I had been walking to my next class, lost in thought, and I overheard Livia's voice. "Tristin, you should totally come to my party this weekend," she had said, her tone dripping with sweetness that made me roll my eyes."I'll think about it," Tristin had replied, his voice even and noncommittal.Livia's laughter had followed. "Oh, come on, you know you want to. It'll be fun!"I had glanced over and seen Tristin's face, calm and collected as always, giving nothing away. He had this ability to keep his emotions hidden, something that fascinated me even back then.Another memory surfaced, this one from a school assembly. I had be
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Hurting mom
EVA'S POV"Hey, Eva," Livia called out, her voice laced with mock sweetness. "What are you doing all alone? Don't you have any friends?"I felt my face flush, but I didn’t respond. Ignoring her was often the best strategy, though it rarely worked."Aw, look at her," one of Livia’s friends sneered. "Such a little nerd, always with her nose in a book."Livia strutted over to my table, picking up my notebook and flipping through it. "Wow, you really think you're so smart, don’t you? How pathetic.""Give it back, Livia," I said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady."Oh, look, she's talking back," Livia said with a laugh, tossing my notebook back onto the table, but not before tearing out a few pages. "Oops. My bad."Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. "Just leave me alone," I muttered, gathering my things."Why should we?" Livia taunted. "It's so much fun watching you squirm."Another memory hit me, this one from gym class. We were playing volleyball, and Livia was on
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It hurts to remember
EVA'S POV"Well, well, well," Livia had sneered, striding up to the stall. "Look who we have here. Little Eva, playing shopkeeper. How quaint."I had tried to ignore her, focusing on arranging the fruits neatly. "Just leave us alone, Livia.""Why should I?" she had replied, her voice dripping with malice. "This is so much fun."She had reached out and knocked over a basket of apples, sending them rolling across the ground. My foster mom had quickly moved to pick them up, her hands trembling. "Please, miss, don't do that," she had said, her voice soft and pleading. "We're just trying to make a living."Livia had laughed, a cold, heartless sound. "A living? From this pathetic stall? How sad."She had grabbed another basket and thrown it to the ground, spilling the contents everywhere. I had felt a surge of anger and helplessness, tears stinging my eyes. "Stop it, Livia! This isn’t funny!"Livia had turned to me, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, but it is. Watching you and your 'mommy' scramble
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Evil Livia
EVA'S POV"Well, well, if it isn't little Eva," Livia had sneered, her voice echoing off the tiled walls.I had tried to ignore them, focusing on washing my hands, hoping they would just leave me alone. But of course, that wasn’t Livia’s style."Hey, I'm talking to you," she had said, her tone sharp. She had stepped closer, and I could see the malicious glint in her eyes."Please, Livia, I just want to be left alone," I had said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady."Left alone?" Livia had laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "You're in no position to make demands."Before I could react, she had grabbed my arm and shoved me against the sink. The cold, hard edge had pressed painfully into my back."Why do you even bother coming to school, Eva? You're a joke," she had hissed, her face inches from mine.I had struggled to get free, but Livia's grip was strong. "Livia, let go of me!""Or what?" she had challenged, her voice dripping with scorn. "What are you going to do about it?"Ashley a
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