All Chapters of My triplet brought me a husband: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
61 Chapters
Chapter 21
Diamond’s POV‘Say ahhh.’The young boy opens his mouth and I insert the swab into his throat to take a sample of his mucous. After taking the swab, I am to put it into a sample bag and give to the nurse, but instead I just stare at it.‘Dr. Smith’, the nurse calls.‘Oh sorry, take this to the lab and tell them to run a test on it. It’s probably just a bacterial infection but we still need to take precaution.’Take precaution.My mind immediately wanders to Lennox and how much precaution I would take being around him.I can’t do this.I can’t go back there and most importantly, he can’t know about them.‘Doctor?’‘Give him antibiotics, penicillin, to relieve the pain.’‘Alright Dr. Smith.’I hurry back to my office shutting the door behind me. I pull out my chair and sink into it, burying my head in the table. Just then, I hear a knock on the door. The person doesn’t even wait for a reply and enters into my office.Rebecca.Of course and I scoff.‘Are you okay? I saw you rush in here,
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22Karl’s POV‘A lot of women like lilies.’‘I’m pretty sure women love roses and it has the word sex written all over it.’I said accessing the rose bouquet on the shelf.‘That is if you want to have sex with them.’ Donald nodded his head like I said a bad thing.‘I do want to have sex with Diamond but not now, we have time, so I’ll do this the old fashioned way. Courting.’‘Mr. Kyle? Where are you please?’ Donald said looking at everywhere else but me in a vague search. I laugh and continue grinning like a high school boy about to give a girl flowers for the first time. I sure as hell remember this feeling.I finally settle for lilies since I didn’t want to give off the ‘I want to have sex with you vibes’ so soon. I go to the counter to pay and the woman smiles and says…‘Good choice.’‘Thank you.’We leave the store and walk across the road to where my car was parked.‘Where next, Mr. Kyle?’‘I have no idea and that’s why you are here Donald. Now don’t ask me silly question
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Chapter 23
Karl’s POVI can’t lose her again. At this point it just feels like the universe is against me.Lennox.I vowed never to speak of that name again. Why does he always find a way to keep interfering with our lives? Even from another damn city.I couldn’t stop thinking about them being together, even if it’s just for work. Knowing Lennox, he’ll want her back or the kids at least. And there is no way Diamond will ever allow him have the kids.If she goes, I lose her.After Diamond broke the news to me, I was devastated, to the point where I couldn’t utter a word. I just stood there staring at her. It all seemed too cruel to be true.The irony.Everything was finally falling into place. I know she said she wasn’t interested in being more than just friends but I can sense that she’s just afraid. I had no intention of pulling away after her rejection. I was going to assure her that there was nothing to be afraid of. That we will keep the past behind us and have a new beginning. But I guess t
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Chapter 24
Diamond’s POV“Mummy I can’t find my superman PJs”, Hayden yelled from their room.“I’ll come look for it baby.”I was packing for our trip to New York. The boys had scattered their things all over the place making it hard for me to put it all together. Braden and Jayden didn’t need as much assistance as Hayden. Especially Braden.I didn’t know how many things to pack since I had no idea how long we would be gone, so I just ended up packing as much as I could. I shouldn’t have told the boys that too because now they wanted to carry all their stuff. Hayden already had six PJs in his bag but he still wanted to pack the superman PJs.I went to the boy’s room to help them park and search for Hayden’s superman PJs. Who knows, I could even talk him out of carrying it.“Jayden, you all done?”“Not yet Mummy.”“Mummy?”, Braden calls.“Hmm.”“Is Uncle Karl still following us to New York?”, he asks.“Yes baby, he is”, I respond smiling with both ears.And at that exact moment, we hear the honk
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Chapter 25
Diamond’s POV“How can I help you?”“It is you. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.”The person, whoever it was, just kept staring at me after I had asked her a question. I couldn’t recognize her. Even if it’s been 7 years, I’m a doctor so remembering things is kind of my forte. If I knew her then, I should be able to remember her but the face didn’t ring a bell.“Do I know you?”“Oh sorry, I’m Marylou, Agatha’s friend.”Agatha.That’s the last name I wanted to hear. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes silently asking God…Can’t I just stay one day in New York without being hunted by my past?It was inevitable anyways. Knowing Agatha, once she learns that I’m back, she would want to confront me. Probably to tell me to stay away from Lennox. Which is exactly what I plan to do. At least for the first time we will be on the same page.Noticing that I didn’t respond, she continued…“I was just driving when I saw you. It’s been so long, what, like 10 years. It’s good to see
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Chapter 26
Lennox’s POV “I don’t like my Barbie doll anymore Daddy.” “What’s wrong with it Nat?” “She said she’s prettier than me.” I laughed and she pouted. How did she even speak to the doll? I tried recalling if she had any Barbie dolls than could talk or make sounds. The only dolls she had that made sounds were animal dolls. So how did Barbie tell her she’s prettier? Thinking about how hilarious it sounded I laughed out loud which only made her more upset. “It’s not funny Daddy.” Natalia whined as she teared up. “I’m sorry princess.” I tried to contain my laughter. “How could she say that?”, I played along. “Exactly Daddy, she’s not my friend anymore.” “No we’re not going to fight with her okay. Promise me you’ll speak to her and you’ll become friends again.” “But…” “No buts Princess, if you speak to her I’ll get you ice cream. Deal?”, I ruffled her hair and she giggled. “Deal.” At that moment, someone knocked on the door and Natalia ran to check who it was. “D
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Chapter 27
Chapter 27Lennox’s POV Agatha and her friend looked like they had committed a crime. They kept looking back and forth between each other and me. Agatha’s friend opened her mouth to speak and shut it again. She had been doing that for the past 5 minutes as we stared at each other. I was equally shocked at the news I had just heard. There’s no way Diamond was back.Agatha was the first to speak.“How long have you been there Lennox?”“Long enough.” “You were eavesdropping on us?”, her hands moved up to her hips.Here we go again. But I couldn’t worry about that, all that occupied my mind now was Diamond. I couldn’t believe she was back. Why?“You weren’t going to tell me that she’s back?”, I said equally putting up a defensive act.“So what if she’s back Lennox, what difference does it make? What’s going to change? Oh wait, you plan to leave us for her, don’t you? You are such a cheat Lennox. Are you happy that she’s back?”I wondered how she even thought that far. She mo
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Chapter 28
Diamond’s POVI was feeling a lot of things, but one surpassed. Rage. And not entirely at Lennox. I was upset with myself for noticing how good he still looked. He was definitely pulling of that stubble and his brunette hair was brushed to the side with some strands falling behind. The suit he wore.It looked like it was custom made for him and knowing Lennox it probably was. He looked so normal, like the events of 7 years ago had no effect on him. It’s not like I expected him to be damaged or anything but I couldn’t stop the uneasy feeling in my stomach as I noticed how unaffected he looked.I turned away from him and focused on the Director as he spoke.“You’re here Dr. Winthrop.”“Alright time for formalities. Dr. Smith, Dr. Winthrop. Dr. Winthrop, Dr. Smith. You two will be working together on this surgery.” He grinned. It seems all Medical Directors are always so friendly and jovial.Lennox continued staring at me as the Director introduced us. I decided to speak f
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Chapter 29
Lennox’s POVI couldn’t take my eyes off her. It was as if she had bloomed. Before we were asked to sit I took my time observing her body. I tried my best not to make it so obvious but I guess I wasn’t discreet enough for Ralph. He saw how lost I was in Diamond. I mean who wouldn’t be?She looked so beautiful and it was hard not to stare regardless of what our relationship had been like in the past. He put us in this situation on purpose. ‘Things to attend to’ my ass. She had gained more weight which only made her curves more evident. She wore a sleek black dress that hugged her body tightly. The green wedge she was putting on made her outfit look simple yet sexy as hell.With a body like that she could pull of anything. Seating beside her, I stared at her face, her black hair which she wore in a pony tail made her hazel eyes pop.She cleared her throat to speak and unintentionally I spoke at the same time too.“How…”“So the…”We both laughed.“Go ahead”, I encourag
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Chapter 30
Lennox’s POV So it was true. Agatha’s friend was right. Are they together? Married? A lot of questions ran through my mind. I just sat in the car for the longest time and deadpanned not knowing what emotion to portray. Diamond looked at me for a while too, probably trying to read my emotions. I just kept on staring at Karl and as he neared the car my attention was back on Diamond who seemed unbothered. Or was she trying to contain whatever she felt? She closed the door to the passenger’s seat and I followed suit. I walked to the other side of the car to meet them. My legs definitely weren’t in sync with my brain. Why are they living together? Or do they just happen to live in the same building? I was able to see my brother clearly now. He had also changed a lot just like Diamond. Looking at him, I felt my heart squeeze. My little brother. I did miss him, more than I would like to admit. I began to recall our childhood memories. How we wou
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