All Chapters of My triplet brought me a husband: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
61 Chapters
Chapter 51
Diamond’s POV I was surprised to see Karl.We had spoken to him earlier in the morning and last I checked the time it was mid afternoon already. I was sure he was in Texas when we had the phone call with the boys. Although the journey from Texas to New York wasn’t a long one, especially if you were using a flight.Either ways, I wasn’t expecting him anytime soon.He didn’t mention that he would be back in New York.Or was it an attempt at a surprise?The situation he found me in didn’t look so good though.I was in a heated conversation with Lennox when he walked in.The expression on his face showed that he disliked everything about the situation.“We were just talking. I’ll excuse myself,” Lennox said and left the room.Karl frowned and walked towards me.“I didn’t know you were coming back today? You didn’t say anything over the phone.”“I missed the boys and I missed you. I wanted to see you guys, so I caught the next flight to New York”, the frown never left his
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Chapter 52
Diamond’s POV I was surprised to see Karl. We had spoken to him earlier in the morning and last I checked the time it was mid afternoon already. I was sure he was in Texas when we had the phone call with the boys. Although the journey from Texas to New York wasn’t a long one, especially if you were using a flight. Either ways, I wasn’t expecting him anytime soon. He didn’t mention that he would be back in New York. Or was it an attempt at a surprise? The situation he found me in didn’t look so good though. I was in a heated conversation with Lennox when he walked in. The expression on his face showed that he disliked everything about the situation. “We were just talking. I’ll excuse myself,” Lennox said and left the room. Karl frowned and walked towards me. “I didn’t know you were coming back today? You didn’t say anything over the phone.” “I missed the boys and I missed you. I wanted to see you guys, so I caught the next flight to New York”, the frown never
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Chapter 53
Diamond’s POV Rebecca stepped out of the car. She was wearing her hair in a bun different from the normal waves she usually carried outside the hospital.She was wearing a long red sundress with wedges too. She rarely wore dresses, long ones at that. If she wasn’t in her scrub then it was a jean or fitted skirt.She walked towards us with a black bag in hand.“Surprise!!”, she grinned.“How are you here?”, I asked utterly shocked.“Let’s save that talk for later girl,” she smirked then tilted her head to look at Lennox who was standing beside me.Well her outfit had changed but not her persona. I smiled and introduced her to Lennox.“Rebecca this is Lennox. Lennox this is Rebecca.”Rebecca rolled her eyes.“You didn’t have to go both ways you know. And you forgot our little friend here.”She looked down at Natalia who was holding unto Lennox’s hand.She bent slightly and patted her head.“What’s your name darling?”“My name is Natalia Winthrop.”She smiled at Natalia
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Chapter 54
Diamond’s POV Rebecca was too stunned to speak.She just kept staring at me in awe.I smiled knowingly and took the knife from her hand. I got a plate to cover the vegetables she had chopped. I reduced the heat of the cooker then I led Rebecca to the living room.I was going to tell her everything and we needed to sit because it was going to be a long story.I didn’t even know where to start from I didn’t know how much details to give regarding certain parts of the story.Aaron.I didn’t know whether to speak about him.Taking in a deep breathe, I decided to tell the story as it came to me.“We need to be seated for what I’m about to tell you Rebecca. But I need to make sure you’re following okay?”She nodded.“Lay it on me.”I leaned back in the couch.“Well, four years ago I used to stay in New York. I basically grew up here. My family owns a hospital here. The Caddell hospital. So I was once called Diamond Caddell. I used to be a kiss ass. To my family, hell I becam
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Chapter 55
Karl’s POV Seeing Lennox and Diamond together made memories from my past flood into my head.The feeling I got when I would see them together where being reiterated.I was furious.It felt like she was slipping away from my hands again.I had gone to Texas for a few days and Lennox thought he could have his way?It took everything in me to not go into the room and punch him in the face.From the look of things it seemed they were having an argument.But I wasn’t bothered by that, they should be having arguments.They should be fighting.Not being together in the same damn room.I was as angry at Diamond as I was at myself for letting him get this close to her.When the kids had told me about their playdate, I felt a huge rush of adrenaline to every part of my body.Was it fear?I knew I couldn’t let them be together alone while the kids had their playdate.Besides Lennox was probably using his kid to get back into Diamond’s life.Maybe she was too innocent to see it b
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Chapter 56
Diamond’s POV In the next few hours, I would be having dinner with my parents.I had mixed feelings about the whole situation.It had been four years since I last saw them. A part of me missed them and wished they missed me too.Of course they had hurt me in the past, but I was ready to put that behind me.The kids where spending the day with Rebecca so that gave me enough time to prepare.Karl had left the house before I got up too.I was confused on what to wear. It seemed I hadn’t really changed.I still cared about what they would think of me.‘The new Diamond’, that’s who they would be expecting.So I threw on a simply dress and tied my hair in a bun.I was done sucking up to them, or trying to impress them. I dressed up how I would have on any other day.I left the house and I got into my car.I drove to their house.My heart beat accelerated as I got closer.I arrived at the house. I sat in the car for a full 20 minutes just staring at the house.I remembered
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Chapter 57
Lennox’s POV My thoughts were garbled.I kept thinking about what had happened during the playdate.It was a Sunday morning, and as usual I sat close to the window in my room watching the rain pour.Bonus points for it being a rainy day.The weather was just right.Humid and cold. I let the cool wind blow into my face as I stared out the window.Lately I had spent my Sundays studying.The textbook the professor had given us to read was just a bunch of repeated information. But I was well aware of those sort of text books. They had hunted me back in medical school.You think it’s repeated crap and you toss it aside to focus on more ‘complex’ materials. And then you receive a question filled with that repeated crap. You think it’s easy but no, you are asked to explain it exactly how it was stated in the textbook.And the lecturer says he is not a fool for saying you should study that material.So I forced myself to read the repeated crap. But on this gloomy day, I could
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Chapter 58
Diamond’s POV We were in Lennox’s office.The director had received more information on our patient’s family history and other underlying conditions. Apparently the senator had been embarrassed and didn’t want to release such information out of fear of it being leaked. But the director was able to convince him, asking him to choose between his reputation and his daughter’s life.He went for the latter and so we were seated in Lennox’s office going through the new files.We had also gotten recent MRI scans that showed the tumor had not metastasized which was good news.I took the image we had received the first day and the new one, trying to observe the differences.Lennox was seated across me on the other side of the table.I could feel him staring at me which only made me self conscious.He had been doing that for the past 30 minutes that we were seated.I would look up at him and he’d pretend to be accessing files and images.I ignored him and continued what I was doi
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Chapter 59
Diamond’s POV The day was a hectic one.I had a four hours lecture with the Harvard Professor and no breaks in between.After that I had to carry out a lecture surgery for some junior residents since apparently the doctor assigned to was indisposed.And that lecture went on for about two hours.I finally had time to catch my breath as I strode back to my office.But really what I needed was a time out .I sat in my office to try and get some work done but I couldn’t.I sighed and left the office.I went into the Doctor’s lounge to get coffee or at least something to drink.While filling my cup, a male spoke behind me.“Coffee in the afternoon?”I turned to see Timothy leaning against the wall. Legs crossed, arms folded as he smiled.Again with the teeth.He was truly specially sculpted by God himself.“I just needed to drink something and water wasn’t it,” I said as I brought the cup to my mouth.“Stop!”I looked up at him with the cup on my lip.“Sorry?”“I have s
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Chapter 60
Lennox’s POV I was done with work for the day. I had some patients rounds and a brief meet up with the director to discuss ‘not work related’ stuff.As I stepped out of his office to go back to mine and pack up, Diamond’s words kept reoccurring in my head.I felt bad for overstepping. But curiosity got the best of me.The whole story of the kids true father was too much of a mystery for me to move past it.But her encounter with Timothy had nothing to do with it.I didn’t want to admit it to myself earlier but I felt uneasy seeing them together.When he had flirted with her and she went on with it, I had felt a sharp sting in my heart.I tried to dismiss the feeling but it kept coming back and when I saw them together in her office I was infuriated.I had the sudden urge to punch Timothy in the face for being his flirty self.He definitely had a charm to him that all the females in the hospital were so eager to get on.He was good looking and young too, probably looked you
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