All Chapters of My triplet brought me a husband: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
61 Chapters
Chapter 41
Diamond’s POV“Hayden come on let’s go.”The boys were excited for their second day in school. They had woken up early and gotten dressed up on their own. Hayden forgot his special pencil in their room so he went back to get it.“I’ve got it Mummy, I’m coming now,” he yelled from inside the house.As pumped up and excited as the boys were I couldn’t help feeling exhausted about the things I was required to do. Karl was out of town now, so I would have to get off work early to pick the kids and take them home, and take them to school every morning before heading out to work again. I really felt Karl’s impact in my life and the kids too. He had been of so much help these past years and I didn’t know how I would have coped without him. I truly did appreciate Karl’s presence in my life. Hayden finally came down and we all entered the car as I drove them to school.“Mummy where did Uncle Karl go to?”, they all said at the same time and I laughed.“You really miss him huh?”“Yes Mummy w
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Chapter 42
Diamond’s POV The rest of the ride was rather entertaining as we listened to the children bickering. There had been an awkward silence after Hayden mentioned Karl being Lennox’s brother. But of course silence never last when the children are involved.Natalia asked Lennox if he had a brother and Lennox affirmed saying she would eventually meet him.The kids continued speaking normally after that as Natalia gave them information on their school.We got to the school and Lennox pulled over.I gave the boys one last pep talk and of course Natalia was there too while Lennox stood beside the car watching us. “Okay boys and girl,” I looked at Natalia and she giggled.“Like I said before behave yourselves in school. And most importantly no fighting!!”They all nodded their heads and ran off into the school.Lennox and I watched them go before we turned and got into the car to leave.The ride to the hospital was a silent one. I just stared out the window while Lennox drove.But i
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Chapter 43
Diamond’s POVI stared at the text with mixed feelings. I didn’t know what to make of it. The text was a reiteration of what Karl had told me a week ago. My mother was inviting me to dinner at their place. Karl and I still hadn’t made a decision. But then, it was easier because there was no pressure. Now Karl is gone and my mother made her request over a text which I had already opened. Clearly I couldn’t ignore her.I read her text over and over again.She had added a cute heart emoji and (hopefully it wasn’t just all in my head) she sounded genuine, like she actually cared and wanted to rebuild our relationship. I didn’t know how I was able to get all that from the text but that was the feeling I had as I kept on reading it.I was tempted to accept her request, besides it could even happen before Karl got back. I couldn’t shut my mother out or any member of my family at that. After all we were blood and it does say that blood is thicker than water. Thinking about it further onl
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Chapter 44
Chapter 44Karl’s POV It was hard being away from Diamond and the kids of course.I couldn’t stop thinking about them even throughout the ride to Texas.When I arrived Donald was already waiting for me. He held up a sign with my name on it.I grumbled as I walked towards him.“What is this Donald?”I pointed at the stupid sign he was holding, my voice stern.I was already pissed that I couldn’t salvage the moment Diamond and I shared that evening.“A..a sign? For identification?”He stammered. I nodded my head and walked passed him, towards the car. I took the keys from him and drove us straight to the company.For the next hours, I sat in my office as Donald filled me in on the details of the contract, all that had been done in my absence and the paper work I needed to fill.After our brief meeting, I went on the fill the paperwork and reply emails too.I also had to send a draft of emails to Donald to forward to our business partners.By the end of the day, I was ex
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Chapter 45
Diamond’s POV“Mommy can we have pizza for lunch in school?”I dropped the vegetable dressing fork I was holding and picked up Hayden. I set him on the kitchen counter and cupped his face.“You boys need to eat healthy okay. I’ll tell you what, sometime this week maybe we can have an ice cream sundae, what do you say?”“Yayy!!”, he jumped down from the counter and ran into their room to tell his brothers.“Take it easy, Hayden. And you boys should get dressed okay, I’ll take a look at your backpack when I’m done.”I was really busy now. Even before Karl, at least I had Rebecca and Aaron before he died. But now it was just me. I had to wake early, cook their lunch and get them ready for school while I prepared for a day at the hospital too. And of course after that I would pick them too. Thankfully, there had been no course to stay extra hours at the hospital recently. I thought about contacting Karl’s friend who helped us watch after the kids when we had dinner together but I
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Chapter 46
Lennox’s POV Natalia couldn’t stop talking about her play date with Diamond’s kids throughout the ride home.It warmed my heart seeing her so excited, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time.“You’re really excited, aren’t you?”“Yes daddy. We’re going to have so much fun at Aunt Diamond’s house,” she continued beaming.Seeing her interact so freely with Diamond was something I never expected. And when she hugged her legs earlier my heart felt some kind of warmth. I could comprehend what it was.We arrived at the house and Natalia immediately got out of the car yelling Mommy. She couldn’t wait to tell Agatha.I closely followed her behind to prevent her from hurting herself due to all the running.Agatha was in the kitchen preparing dinner when we entered the house. Natalia immediately ran to her and hugged her from behind.“Mommy, I’ve been invited to a play date at my friend’s house.”I smiled as I equally anticipated Agatha’s response. But Agatha ignored what s
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Chapter 47
Lennox’s POV Natalia ran upstairs immediately. She must have witnessed the bickering between Agatha and I.And she wasn’t the only one who did.Agatha’s parents stood at the door way. They both looked very disappointed and I couldn’t blame them.Who would want to visit their daughter’s home and find her in a situation like this with her husband. And to make matters worse, our child watched us fight.I took some steps back, away from Agatha while still maintaining my distance from her parents. “How could you do this Lennox? In front of Natalia”, Agatha’s mother moved closer to Agatha as she rubbed her back.“Me? Did you hear our conversation?”She looked back and forth between Agatha and I.“No we just came in now. But we know you guys were arguing.”I expected nothing less from her. In her eyes Agatha couldn’t do any wrong. I felt uncomfortable being in the kitchen with all them so I excused myself. They were supposed to be my in-laws but we’ve never had that kind of rel
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Chapter 48
Lennox’s POVHow could she say that?It made me question if Diamond was really her daughter. Of course I knew she was, but still.A mother who doesn’t have her daughter’s best interest at heart?It was beyond appalling that she could even utter such words. I was stunned that Diamond’s mother could ask for such a thing from me to her daughter. There was no way I was going to adhere to it. Knowing Diamond, she definitely earned her spot in the surgery and no one had the right to take it away from her except the senator himself of course.“I can’t do that?”“Why not?”, she frowned.I was surprised she could even ask why. But I couldn’t sound too defensive before she began to question my loyalty again.“I don’t have the right to do that.”Finally taking the hint, she nodded and turned back to the TV. She picked up the remote and hit play.The sound of women chattering soon filled the room again. Just then, Natalia came into the living room to tell us that dinner was ready. I barely notic
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Chapter 49
Diamond’s POV The play room was almost ready.I had arranged all their favorite toys and some toys I thought Natalia would like. They had a TV in the room where they could watch their favorite shows. I thought the play date was a good idea to go all out for the children not just on special occasions.I went into the kitchen to prepare their snacks.I got all of the boys favorite snacks, candy included. I didn’t forgot to make some salad by the side though. They would have that for lunch. I had woken up early to prepare and set up before it was time for the boys to prepare.When I was satisfied with the way everything looked, I got the boys prepared.I walked into their rooms to make sure they were already dressed. Yes, they were at home but I still needed to make sure they looked smart.“Already boys? I’m sure Natalia will be arriving with Lennox anytime from now.”“We are ready Mummy!!”, they chorused.“Wait, I want to wear my green joggers too”, Hayden said immediately
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Chapter 50
Diamond’s POV I didn’t want to stress what could have been perceived as normal.Aaron could have been a family friend after all. Besides, he was just looking at one framed picture.And in the spirit of not stressing things more than they should be, I went back to the kitchen to make his coffee the way I knew he preferred it.Two spoons of sugar and condensed milk.For a doctor, he took a lot of sugar.I held the steaming hot coffee in my hand as I walked back to the living room.Thankfully, he had dropped the framed picture now. He was staring at something else.I walked further into the room and Lennox turned to look at me.“Why isn’t Karl in any of these pictures?”I didn’t understand the question until I looked down at what he was holding and I was met with the sight of my worst nightmare.Lennox had moved on from looking at the framed picture to the photo album I had made of the boys.It contained pictures of the day I gave birth to the boys as well as other memorie
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