All Chapters of My triplet brought me a husband: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
Chapter 31
Diamond’s POV This couldn’t be happening. Barely two days in New York and the thing I hoped would never happen for the past seven years was playing out right in front me. I had no idea what to do. Quickly hide Jayden’s face? That would be silly and even more suspicious. When I heard Jayden’s voice, for a moment it felt like all the nerves in my body were damaged and I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move until he hugged my legs. I didn’t even dare look at Lennox. I wasn’t prepared to see his reaction and he definitely should not have seen mine too. The fear was written all over my face and one look at me would confirm whatever suspicion Lennox currently had. I assumed a lot of questions would be running through his mind. Same thing Agatha’s friend had asked. Am I not supposed to be Barren? I could lie to him and say the boys were adopted. I immediately had a sickening feeling at the thought of ever doing that to my boys. I vowed never to deprive them of th
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Chapter 32
Lennox’s POV They looked like a younger version of Diamond. But something seems to keep connecting me to those hazel eyes. Not just because of the rare eye lens, but these are exact copies of me. Even the curly hairs... Wait, why am I even paying attention to these details? People can have similar traits right? But... Could they be mine? Then I remembered doppelgangers exist. Even science has an explanation and knowing Diamond she won’t hesitate to exploit it. But they had to be mine. I didn’t know what to feel. First, I found out Diamond is not barren and now there’s a possibility that her boys are mine. It felt as if I was taking a junior resident exam having not studied prior to it. My brain couldn’t comprehend anything. I just stared at the boys in awe for the longest time. Luckily one of them spoke, pulling me out of my trans. “Is this him Jayden?” “Yes”, the little boy whom I’d met outside responded. I crouched to the eye level of the b
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Chapter 33
Lennox’s POVThere’s a saying that tell one person a secret and it’s not a secret anymore.Agatha’s friend saw, Agatha heard, I heard and now mom too.Soon enough Diamond being in New York would be the circulating news. I hoped it won’t make socializing difficult for her and her children. Although deep down I knew that Agatha wouldn’t let Diamond be. It was just a matter of time before a confrontation happens.My mom stood by the kitchen entrance with her lower jaw hanging open.She had just heard me say Diamond was back and there was no hiding it now.I let out a sigh in frustration. It’s not even been a week since I was informed that the doctor I would be working with was flying into New York. That means Diamond just arrived and all of these issues has arose.“Yes Mom, she is back.”“Oh my God when? For how long now? When did you find out? Who else knows?”She paced around the room asking so many question. I was exhausted from the day I had and therefore in no mood for a Q&
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Chapter 34
Diamond’s POV Lately the hospital reception has been my place of solace. Yes it’s filled with patients, some on the brink of death and others with one complication and malformation or the other.But it takes me away from my problems and to other people’s problems where I sort for ways I can help them.Moreover it’s been a major distraction for me this past week. So I decided to put on a smile today and focus only on my job.I walked into the Winthrop hospital smiling as I breathed in the fresh air mixed with the smell of amoxicillin and metformin.I headed to the receptionist’s desk where some nurses and a female resident were seated to ask about my class with the Harvard Professor. I got an email earlier saying that there had been a change of time. But that was the only information the mail gave so I came in at the regular time scheduled initially.The nurse at the desk was paging a doctor when I arrived so I waited for her to finish. She put down the telephone and gave me a w
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Chapter 35
Diamond’s POV Almost everyone had left.Except those on night shifts and emergency cases that required the patient to be monitored regularly.I sat in the hospital cafeteria waiting for Lennox. It was nearly empty except for the one male resident who was having a late night coffee probably to stay awake for his shift. Been there, done that, I thought.As well as the workers behind the counter who clearly had no orders to take.Work hours had ended almost an hour ago so only a few doctors and nurses were still around.I used my spare time to finish some paper work, read and reply my emails and study a bit on the surgery.When I had nothing left to do, I began to think and overstress things like I was do.But then again, when it comes to Lennox I should be stressed. Which was more reason why this meeting shouldn’t even be happening. We shouldn’t be spending time together let alone seen doing it after work hours.It would pass the wrong message and Lennox is a married man a
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Chapter 36
Lennox’s POVDiamond had gotten stiff when I mentioned our kids being related. She didn’t utter a word for almost five minutes. I let the statement linger for a while before adding that our kids were cousins, but yet her shoulders didn’t relax. I had suspected the kids were Karl’s but I didn’t want to rule out the fact that they could be mine. Something about those boys just drew me to them. It felt like I was supposed to be spending time with them. So when Diamond tensed up at the mention of our kids being related, I got more suspicious.I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable but if there was any truth to my suspicion, I had to know.After a while, her shoulders relaxed a bit and she responded.“Yes, they are Karl’s so that makes them cousins. Sorry for zoning out, I was just thinking that it isn’t a good idea for our kids to meet let alone hang out considering our history and all you know”I didn’t know what I expected her response to be but it certainly wasn’t this. I mean that
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Chapter 37
Diamond’s POV Again I was too stunned to speak. Things were moving too fast. All that had happened so far were not supposed to happen. The plan was to come to New York, have the surgery while ignoring Lennox and my past life here and go back when the surgery was over. But even I knew that deep down it was impossible for that to happen. I couldn’t have dinner with Lennox and worse with Karl there. Lately, a lot of things Lennox had suggested did not go down well with me but somehow I always succumbed. I couldn’t accept the offer, it would make things too complicated and send the wrong message to whomever was watching. So I reiterated again that his offer wasn’t something I was okay with. “I don’t think it’s a good idea Lennox.” “C’mon Diamond, it will be good for you.” He had seemed to know what was good and not good for me lately. “It’s late, I have to get going.” I brushed off his protest and he blocked my way as I tried to move. “Let me drop you off,” he insis
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38Diamond’s POVI was surprised to see Agatha. I had purposely delayed my meeting in the Dean’s office because I wanted to avoid any chance that I could bump into her. I had a feeling she would be dropping off her daughter at school since Lennox would be at the hospital for a quick morning shift before our session with the professor. But I was wrong, it seemed wasting time had even increased my chances of seeing her. It took a while before Agatha saw me too and when she did, she mustered the most daring glare she could. It was almost as if we had a stare down contest going on. This gave me an opportunity to properly access her and I’m sure she did the same too.From what I could see, Agatha didn’t look like she was happy. There was this sullen aura around her in comparison to that which her daughter emanated and the surrounding too. It felt as if she was at the brink of unleashing hell on anyone who crossed her path. And I thought to myself that I wasn’t going to
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Chapter 39
Diamond’s POV Agatha’s face had turned bright red. She looked like any moment from now she could explode. Ignoring Lennox’s call, I turned off the phone and placed it back into my pocket as Agatha’s eyes followed my every move.What a perfect time for Lennox to call.Just a few more minutes and I would have been done with this conversation.I sighed and I shook my head.I looked back at her as she stared at the space the phone had been in, fuming.Slowly she looked up at me. Her eyes said things that couldn’t be passed across with words.I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off.“How dare you Diamond?”, the disgust was evident in her tone.For some reason, the thought that passed through my mind was ‘now you know how it feels’, even though I wasn’t having an affair with Lennox.She continued speaking, raising her voice.“Are you trying to snatch my husband away from me?”I raised a brow as though I hadn’t heard right.“You want to take Lennox away from his family”
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Chapter 40
Karl’s POVThe chef was running late.I had hired a Michelin chef from Italy just for my date with Diamond.I knew she liked Italian food so why not get it directly from the source.I was probably going a bit overboard, but come on, it’s Diamond and she deserves the best.I couldn’t wait to salvage the look on her face when she sees all that I had planned for her.Out of excitement I had forgotten to check the accountability of the chef. Apparently it’s not just about being a good chef, punctuality mattered too. I was new to all these. Donald was always the one setting up, making arrangements and calling who need to be called while I made the calls.I continued dialing his number and on the third ring he picked.“Where the he…”, I cleared my throat reminding myself that I had to be composed.“Where are you?”“I’m on my way, my team and I just ran into a little traffic.”I wasn’t concerned about what delayed him I just wanted to know his exact location.“Where exactly are y
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