All Chapters of THE BIILLIONAIRE’S SHOTGUN MARRIAGE.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
68 Chapters
“Ah… I… F… I am so sorry, ma'am,” she bowed gently while she twitched her lips rather guiltily.She really should not feel guilty, honestly. It was King’s fault that he did not tell her about her.Just an ‘I have a mother’ would not hurt his ego, for real.But instead, all he was after was how she should respect him and not put her mouth in his matter.What an egoistic bastard!“I can see you are short of words,” she smacked her tongue.“I am so sorry. King did not tell me…”Should she be saying that?What if King had told his mother that he had told her already?“Girl, same!” She exclaimed and Payton raised a brow.The ‘girl, same’ totally blew her away!“He did not even show me your picture either. I have been wanting to meet you for a long time!” She said.“A long time?” Payton raised her brows.“Yes. About a year or something. He kept refusing to tell me anything about you! Could you believe he called me a few days ago to tell me about the wedding?!”Hold on. A year ago?She had b
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The drive home was as silent as a graveyard as Payton and King refused to say to each other other words.While Payton looked out of the window, like she was taking the new route in, King took quick glances at her while he held his phone tightly in his hand.All he wanted to know was why this woman was still pretending even now that they were married.At least, she must have done that to him because she wanted something, and this must have been it.Getting married to him.So, why the fuck was she crying when they were leaving the wedding hall?As his phone beeped, he turned to look at the message that had just entered and then clicked on it.It was from Sasha and he smiled softly. “Yes, I promise. It is just a deal marriage. It will be over soon,” he typed back in response.Earlier, she had messaged him and asked if things were over between them, and of course, he had told her no.There was no way he was going to let go of Sasha because of this sly woman.Once he gets the truth out of
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“I never considered you as my friend either, King Thorn. The world does not revolve around you.”“And I said that you will respect me. Not spewing cuss words at me is included!”“Hold on, what is your obsession with respect? Were you disrespected all your life?!” She asked and finally snatched her arm from him.“You asked for this, my dear wife,” he shook his head.“Ask for what? This stupid marriage? Damn me if I ever want this for myself!”“You did that on purpose just to have me marry you. You knew it was going to be the only way around this!”“And why would I?” She frowned.“Because I am King Thorn, and everyone is dying to meet me, to know me, or be with me!”“You are so delusional, King Thorn,” she shook her head in disgust.“You think I am amongst those people? I don’t even know you! I mean, I have never heard of you till last week. I told you, the world does not fucking pivot around you!” She snapped, pointing her index finger at his chest.“First, you drugged my drink, then,
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As Payton closed the door behind her, she turned to look at her surroundings and when she saw the door that looked like that of an elevator in a corner, she breathed out.Does he have an elevator in his house?Feeling down, and pained, she dragged her feet down the route she had taken when she was coming with the man and when she had descended about three staircases, she met with the maids who were ascending the stairs with loads in their hands.“T… that is my load, right?” She asked.“Yes, ma’am. Should we show you to your room?” One of them asked and she nodded her head.Payton moved to the side for them to pass first so that she would go after them and then, she palmed her forehead.She must looked so ridiculous right now.She probably looked like a fool and they must have been mocking her behind the doors, right?She followed them till they got to a door and then entered the room with them.As she entered, she ignored the women who went ahead with their business and then stared at
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“So what happened after?” Savannah asked amidst laughter and Payton hissed.It was early in the morning, a Sunday morning and if not for the change of environment, she would not know that she was married as there was no even difference.She had woken up quite early and Savannah’s call had come in almost immediately.So, she began to tell her what happened the previous day after she got home with King.“Hey, can you help me look into this guy further? I think he will be abusive or something,” she smacked her tongue, trying to not talk about the kiss.If it could even be termed as a kiss.He had abused her. That was not a kiss.Still, she did not want to tell that to Savannah.“Why? Did he hit you?!” She screamed.“He did not. He just… he could for an abuser,” she shrugged as she returned her toothpaste to its rack and then dabbed my mouth with a towel.“Payton, I don’t think he is that kind of person.”“What do you know?” I hissed.“There has never been any scandal about him! No one has
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Payton knew that one of the best ways to not seem weak in front of the man was to always dress well. Of course, she was not dressing to please the man. She would never do that.She just wanted to maintain her elegance around him. She would never let him catch her unkempt.She wore a shimmery black material dress. The V-neck was a little deep, held up by two small spaghetti straps, but then there was also a drapey off-the-shoulder cap sleeve. She had actually worried that the dress would make her shoulders look huge as it was her first time wearing it, but with the pushup strapless bra she was wearing, she loved it. The material gathered below the bust then it loose fitting to the floor, with a slit that goes halfway up one thigh.“You are so beautiful, Ma’am,” Tiana commented as Payton looked at herself in the mirror again.“Thank you.”“But, are you going out after having breakfast?” Tiana asked again.“No, why?”Tiana stared down at her dress again and then shook her head.“Nothin
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Payton knew that what offended her strongly was the fact that the man had brought another woman here, and to top it all, they did not mind being lovey-dovey around the house.So, why should she give up the jar of water for that woman?“Payton…” King gnashed his teeth like he was going to erupt and she gave him a sneering stare.When Payton did not budge or seem like she was going to leave the handle of the jar, he withdrew, patted Sasha’s back and asked if she would drink from the bottled water.“You know that I am sensitive to these things. I know it is sealed but I would prefer a purified water,” she said, feigning a tiny, pitiful tone as much as she could.Payton moved the jar over to her side, dropped her hand on it, and shook her head.“I will get you some,” he said, stood up, and hurried away.After he was out of sight, Payton chuckled at his stupidity and then lifted the jar to pour water into her glass cup.“Bitch.”Maybe her ear had heard wrong. Maybe…Because there was no wa
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“Why did you do that?”“Can’t you talk without grabbing my arms? Does doing this make you a man or does it show how angry you are?” She frowned.King swallowed hard and then pushed her away.This woman has been bringing out this side of him that he did not know that he had.He has never hated someone as much as he hated her.Her arrogance. Her eyes. The way she talks. Everything!They annoy him.They rile him up!“Why did you do that?” He asked, trying to be as calm as he could.“What did I do?”“Why did you say that to Sasha?”“Ah…” Payton drawled, nodded her head, and then moved away from him.“Ah?” King raised his brows as he turned to look in the direction she was walking in.“I am asking you a question, Payton!” He snapped when she stopped by a table that was in the corner of her room and picked up a brush.Seemed like it was one of her brushes for painting.“You are here because of her?” She finally turned to look at him, pointing the brush at him.King walked over to her and sl
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King stared at Dariel in annoyance as he would not stop laughing after what he told him.“So, she told you to stay away from each other because you might end up killing each other?” Dariel asked amidst laughter.“I hate her temerity so much! She is impudent and arrogant!” He snapped.“Is this coming from you, Thorn?” Dariel laughed and King smacked his tongue.“It is a mistake talking to you,” King nodded his head as he agreed to himself and Dariel asked again.“But…” he stopped laughing and furrowed his brows.“Why did she come to your place?” “Who?”“Sasha, of course. Why did she go there so early in the morning?”“She has missed me terribly, and I understand,” King nodded his head.“How the fuck did you earn your reputation with this sluggish mentality of yours?” Dariel asked.King frowned as he remembered what Payton had said to him the previous day.“How did you become a top billionaire with that brain?”She had asked him.Dariel asking him something similar was so annoying and h
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“It’s time,” King swallowed hard as he looked around the room like he was going to find something else.“Time for?” Payton frowned.“Press conference,” he said and then turned to leave.Payton and Dariel exchanged glances and then shook their heads before they walked after him.After they got out of the office, King turned to look at Dariel and removed his hands from his pocket.“Have my office locked. No one should go in till I return. I am conducting a manual search in the office and I will be in attendance,” he said and turned to leave.“Alright,” Dariel nodded his head.As they entered the elevator in silence, Payton took her lower lips in her mouth as she saw him press the last floor. She folded her arms across her chest and then squinted her brows.“You mean… you could get bugged too? YOU?” She stretched her words like it was impossible for him to get bugged and he hissed at the tone.He did not answer, instead, he looked ahead as he pressed his lips tightly together.The last t
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