All Chapters of THE BIILLIONAIRE’S SHOTGUN MARRIAGE.: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
68 Chapters
“I will get your favorite drink and then check if there is anything you can have in the kitchen,” she clasped her hands and watched as he entered the bathroom.“Thank you,” he said, entered, and then closed the door.Entering the bathroom, King gave a quick sigh and then walked under the shower.There was no reason he should let Payton ruin his mood.It was his mistake giving attention to her which had unconsciously affected Sasha.He should not lose a good person like Sasha because of his rude, and weird wife.He was going to return to the life he was living before she entered his life, and he would live it as much as he could.Payton is not worth pitying or doing things for.Maybe it was finally time he put her in her place.= = =“Did I say too much?” Payton pressed her lips together as she looked down her window.It was past eight in the night and King was yet to return.Maybe he had chosen to not come home because of the argument they had in her office.
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King stood in the bathroom for a while as he kept redialing Payton’s number but it kept directing him to voicemail.Was she declining his call on purpose?When he looked around the bathroom and his eyes fell on the mirror, he raised his brows as he stared at his figure, looking ridiculous with his already unhardened dick hanging down.He hissed, dropped his phone in the hand basin, and then moved under the shower.He stood under the running tap for a while before he got out.When he got out, his phone in his hand, he shook his head as he saw Sasha who was lying on the bed, satisfying herself.“K… king,” she moaned his name, hoping he would return to the bed to her, instead, he grabbed his shirt that was on the hanger and wore it.Without bottoming up, he wore his boxers and then trousers, grabbed his wristwatch and car key on the stand, and then walked to the door.“Where are you going?!” Sasha panted as she removed the vibrator and then hurried out of the bed.He did not answer; inst
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Payton rolled in her bed for the umpteenth time, hissing and cussing under her breath.Maybe she should have not swallowed her pride to call the man.She opened her eyes to the darkness of her room and sighed again.It’s been over an hour since she had called the man and had heard the voice of the woman with him.While she had been beating herself fo saying those words to him, he was busy, fucking another woman.“What a fool!” She hissed and sat up.She switched on the lamp beside her bed, picked up her phone, and then looked at the time again.It was past nine and the maids had already retired to their quarters so there was no one she could call on.Because of how shitty she was feeling, she had not taken her dinner.Right now, she is so hungry and would like to eat.It was the food she had before she left home that was still in her stomach.As her stomach growled, protesting in hunger, she got out of the bed and then walked to the door.Before she stepped out, she glanced at the jac
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They stood still in their position, breaths fanning each other’s faces, and Payton breathing heavily before she finally cautioned herself and pushed the man away.“Move the fuck away from me!” She hissed and crossed her arms around her chest.“Why? Are you shy?” King chuckled mischievously and she exhaled.“You are so delusional!” She sizzled again.“How?”“Are you not? You are so delusional to think I am jealous or anything. Do I look like I care about the women you keep?”“Yes, you do,” he nodded his head.“Screw you for thinking that way then,” she rolled her eyes and turned to return to her food but he grabbed her wrist again.“What is it?!”“You… you are all flustered. Are you feeling venereal pressure or something of the sort?” He asked and Payton widened her eyes.Why does he not know how to filter his words?!“Excuse you?” “Unless you want to lie to yourself, you would deny that you do not feel something for me… sexually especially.”“Why do you always assume that everything
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Sasha leaned back and looked out of the window for the umpteenth before she grabbed her phone from the car’s dashboard and browsed through her contact list.As she clicked on the number she wanted to call, she heard the honk beside her then turned to look at the car that pulled beside her call and then dropped the call.The man came out of the car, walked over to her car; knocked on the window and she opened the door for him.“Took you so long!” She snapped and then looked around.“There was traffic,” the man snorted and then scratched the big scar that started from under his left eye to his chin.“So now you lie?” Sasha hissed.“At least, I’m here now.”Sasha swallowed and leaned back. This was the usual place she had always met this man as it was very secluded and little or almost no people passed there.She twitched her lips upward and sighed. “What is the job?” He asked her.A year ago, she had met this man.He was a leader of a gang organization and he was good at everything th
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“Excuse me?” Sasha drew her brows together and moved over to Dariel who was already seated on the chair.“Why? Am I wrong?” Dariel tilted his head.“D… did you just call me… King’s mistress?” Sasha asked with a shaky voice and a frowning face.Dariel smiled softly and clasped his hands together. “Are you not?”“You of all people should not call me that! No, you should not have dared to. You know me very well! I am King’s woman. I am his woman. It is me. Only me. So, what the fuck are you thinking by calling me his mistress?”“But… you are the other woman, so what does that make you? Whoever marries the man is the winner and Payton is. You are just the other woman.”Sasha knew that Dariel had never liked her.She never liked him either!Maybe it was because King suddenly brought her from ‘nowhere’ according to him, no. Or because she had no background… that she does not know.All she knew was that Dariel had never liked her and he never hid that fact.But… no matter how much he hated
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As Payton entered the staffs’ office and saw them grouped together, talking, she tilted her head, rested her hands on her waist, and then stared at them.“Should they not be working?” She thought inwardly.“Is this real? Madam will go berserk if she sees this” When she heard one of them say with a short laugh, she moved over to them.“I see y’all are having the fun of your life,” she said and watched as they dispersed hurriedly.“Ma’am,” one of them hid the phone behind her.“I would love to see that fun thing you were watching that made you lose focus on your work,” she said as she peeped the woman’s back.“I… it’s nothing, ma’am.”“Why? You don’t want me to see that thing that would make me ‘go berserk’?” She asked.“M… ma’am.”“Let me see.”Grudgingly, she moved over to her and then handed over the phone to her.Payton stared at the article that they were seeing and then squinted her brows.That was…?Her husband?!“BILLION DOLLAR TYCOON SPOTTED OPENLY SHOWING OFF HIS NEW RELATIONS
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Payton stared at the company from where she sat in her car and then exhaled.“Why are they everywhere?” She asked no one in particular.Because she had parked her car in the gallery’s basement in the morning, it was easy to slip out without the reporters being aware.But now that she was in front of King’s company, she knew that there was no way they would not bombard her if she got down now.Still, she decided that she was getting down and would not return to her company without seeing the man.How dare he not pick up her calls?He had caused this mess and she needed him to clear it up but he would not pick up her call?She turned off the engine of the car and then got down gently.She held her bag tightly in her hand and then walked to the crowd and immediately they sighted her, they rushed to her.Fortunately, the guards who were at the entrance saw and recognized her, so they hurried to her and then guarded her in.“Thank you,” she said to them with a smile and then walked in, ign
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King chuckled, wiped his thumb against his lower lips, and then settled in his chair comfortably.He thought he had had enough of his wife.No, he thought there was nothing she could do or say that would amuse him, but he was wrong.“You are insane, Payton!” He chuckled darkly.“I can say the same for you, King.”“What?” King snapped his brows together and sat upright.“Enough of your games. You should end your relationship with Sasha,” she repeated and he stood up.“Are you kidding?!” He widened his eyes.He was not surprised that she kept talking but that she had the guts to ask that of him.“You will…”“You are asking me to end my relationship with a woman I’ve been with for over two years.”“If I could end my relationship of over two years because of this goddamn marriage, then you should be ready to make sacrifices too!” She retorted angrily.King moved away from his seat and then walked gently to her.“And why should I care about that?”“It should be fair, should it not? You sho
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“Mum! What are you saying?!” King hollered.“You heard me loud and clear. Get ready for a honeymoon. I’ll be sponsoring it. Come to think of it, I have never given you a proper gift.”King imagined the smile on his mother’s face and then shook his head.“We don’t…” they were both saying when the call ended and the room fell into a bit of silence.“It is your fault, you know that?!” Payton broke the silence.“What? Mine? How? Did you see me make a call to her to tell her that?”“Do you need to do that? She must have seen the article!” Payton sizzled and King pressed his lips together.What was his mother thinking?She was not the type to meddle in his business this way so what is with the sudden change?“You better find a way to tell her that…”“What? Are you not her favorite person? I remember her saying that you are a wonderful person and you are her favorite too. So? Can’t you talk to your favorite person in the world to change her mind?” King frowned.“I’ve never met anyone as pett
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