All Chapters of THE BIILLIONAIRE’S SHOTGUN MARRIAGE.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 68
68 Chapters
King and Payton got out of the car and then dashed to the big door of the house and when they got there, the door opened, and they adjusted their clothes before they entered.The laughter from Dariel and his mother threw them off guard and they both turned to look at each other to wonder what was funny.“Mum?” King called out as he walked slowly to where the two sat.His mum was on the couch while Dariel sat closely beside her as they both stared at his phone.“Ah! Thank God how two are here,” she finally raised her head to look at them.“Dariel was just telling me. You guys should have talked sooner if you wanted a honeymoon that much,” she said.“W… what?” King widened his eyes.“And, if you wanted a honeymoon, could you not have planned it? It’s not like it is too much or something,” she hissed as she returned her eyes to the screen.“What did Dariel tell you, Mum?” King asked.“What do you mean? I only told her how you told me that you would love to go on a honeymoon so bad with yo
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“Drop me at your company. My car is there,” Payton exhaled as she got into the car beside King.“My driver will drop you at the gallery. I’ll send someone to bring your car,” he said.Payton did not say anything but only silently agreed with him and then opened her bag. She removed her phone, and then the car key.Handing the key over to him, she unlocked her phone and then went through the internet.She heaved a sigh of relief as she realized that the article was off the internet already and then looked out of the window.“It is taken down already.”As if he knew what was in her mind, he said.“I know,” she nodded her head, not turning to look at him.“I…did not mean for such pictures to be captured, which caused you to be dragged too,” he stuttered.“I’m glad you are agreeing that it is your fault,” Payton breathed out and shot him a glance.“Is there no way we can convince Mum? We do not need this honeymoon,” she asked:“There is no way, just drop it. The earlier you know that she
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King turned to look at Payton who had a hard expression on her face and then glanced at her curled fist under the table.He twitched his lips upward and then breathed out.He hated so much that his wife seemed affected by the presence of her ex-boyfriend.But… What effrontery?They were openly announcing their relationship?Was that not like… not normal?That was her sister’s ex-boyfriend. No?“D… do you know what you are saying? The two of you are in a relationship?” Will asked and then breathed out.“Dad, just give us your blessing already,” Ava smacked her tongue.Will dropped her eyes on Payton, King, and then nodded his head.“Let’s have dinner.”When Payton did not loosen up still, King finally nudged her gently and she turned her head to look at him.“Let’s eat,” he mouthed and she nodded her head.Payton stared at Max who sat closely beside Ava and then breathed out.What was going on in those two’s minds?===“I hope you were not shaken by the recent scandal that my son cause
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Payton led King to her room, the one she used before she moved out of the house in silence.When she entered, she blinked the tears that were threatening to fall as she saw that all of her loads had been packed away. There was nothing that reminded her of her room again, and it was painful to see that.In the room was just a big table and she immediately knew that it was her stepmother’s doing.She knew her dad. The last thing he would do was obliterate her trace in the house.She breathed out and nodded her head. Hating the silence in the room, she turned to look at King who walked to the window and looked out of it.She hated the silence. She wanted him to say the piece of his mind, but what could she do when he only looked around the empty room like he was on a tour?“You…” she started but he soon cut her off by asking.“Was this your room?”She nodded her head to answer and he sniffed.He guessed right. Even without being told anything, he could smell her scent which still lingers
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Will fondled King’s hand gently and then patted his shoulder before he let go of him.“After her mother died…” he started and moved to the window.“I did everything… I tried everything that I could to make her not feel the emptiness of her mother’s death,” he said as he stared at the blank space of the opened window.“Given the fact that she had witnessed the gruesome death of her mother, I thought that she needed to have a good life and then I supported every decision that she made. I really tried to be a better father for her,” he sniffed and nodded his head.“I don’t know if I am successful in that aspect. No, I know that I am not. I watched my daughter suffer and trapped in the past that she had created for herself,” he said.He was talking about the panic disorder that Payton suffers from.“I took her to many hospitals. I hired the best therapist that I could find but, it was hard to pull her out of the past, they said. Her will matters more.”“I thought marrying another woman wo
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King held the car for Payton and waited till she entered before he joined her after throwing at Max another cold glance.He clasped his hands together as the car drove out of the compound and they sat side by side in silence.After a while of sitting in silence, King swallowed and turned to look at Payton who looked out of the window.“H… how is your dad? Is he okay?”Payton nodded her head and sighed. “Yes. It’s just a migraine.”Their eyes met and the memory of them kissing came crashing in which made Payton tear her eyes off him hurriedly.She breathed out in the silence that had fallen in the car and then dropped her index finger on her lips.What were they thinking by kissing each other?King nodded his head as he saw the discomfort on her face and reaction.He would accept other things, but not the awkwardness between them over a kiss.Their relationship was not good, so the least they needed was the awkwardness that was going to set in because of a kiss.“A… about earlier—”“It
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“You hugged me on purpose that day. At first, I didn’t give it much meaning. But, after the article came out, I knew it was your doing.”“What proof do you have?”“That question. Your reaction. Besides, I do not need any proof to know what you could have done. Your plan was sabotaged because the internet could not find you as you had planned. You had thought that they would dig you out and you probably believe that once they do, I will have no other choice than to side with you and agree to the relationship.”“W… what are you talking about? Why would I…”“But do you know what would have happened if they had found you? I would deny you still,” he said to the lady bluntly. “I will not accept for my morals to be dragged in the mud. King, you know me better than all this!”“I would have denied ever meeting you… if it means keeping my reputation in check.”“Reputation, reputation, reputation!” She hollered and stomped her foot on the ground.“Has anything ever mattered to you more than th
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“I will do whatever you want me to do. If silence is what you want from me, then so shall it be. Please… you cannot cast me away,” she cried.Daniel shook his head and pulled her up gently. “I am not doing that, Sasha. If you need my help, you can call me.”“No. I don’t. Don’t leave me, please. One year? I can wait. If it is five years you need, I shall wait but you can’t leave me, please.”“Sash…”“I can even be the second wife!” She screamed and he drew his brows together.“What? Wake up, Sasha. This is the twenty-first century.”“So? I don’t mind being the other woman. I will be your mistress. Or whatever you call it, but please…”King pulled back gently and shook his head. “Take care of yourself,” he patted her shoulder and then walked out of the house.Sasha stood in her position for only God knows how long before she clasped her hands together and burst into laughter.Somehow, she knew it was going to get to this. She wiped her tears amidst laughter and then shook her head.He s
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