All Chapters of THE BIILLIONAIRE’S SHOTGUN MARRIAGE.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 Chapters
“Did you find anything?”It was early the next morning when King received the call from his informant.Before he had slept the previous night, he had tossed in bed as his mind kept going to Payton.He wondered if she had slept and if she was okay.Not to lie, he hated that he wondered about her.Well… he probably did because he does not trust her.Yeah, that was the only logical reason.“Yes, sir. I looked into her hospital record as you said and I saw that she is suffering from panic attacks and anxiety disorder. She was seeing a therapist till last year after she got fully treated for her insomnia,” he explained.“She suffered from insomnia?”“Yes. According to her medical history, she has been battling with them for about eleven years.”“Eleven years?”“Yes. I dug further and it was around the time her mother died.”“Ah… so, she still suffers from the panic attack?”“Yes. I think there are things that trigger it. That was not fully detailed.”King nodded his head and exhaled. “Did
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Payton adjusted her clothes for the umpteenth time, looked in the mirror, and tilted her head.Wondering why her mother-in-law was suddenly calling for her and King, she sighed.Not like it was wrong of her to do so or anything, after all, they had not visited the woman since they got married.It has been almost two weeks since they got married and their relationship did not improve by a bit.“Could you help me with the rope?” She asked Tiana who entered with a cup of coffee in her hand.“You are beautiful as always,” she complimented as she tied the rope from the back.Payton was wearing a silky blue long gown that parted from her thigh to her leg.It hugged her body tightly and then flared from her waist.With a silver bag and shoes that complemented her dress, she knew she looked perfect too.“Thank you, Tiana,” she smiled at the lady who never failed to compliment her every time.“He is waiting for you downstairs, though. And he looked very impatient,” she pointed out and Payton s
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“Ma’am, you left your ba…”Tiana left her mouth wide open as she saw the couple in that intimate position and then pressed her lips together.One would assume they were madly in love and could not stay away from each other when it was actually the opposite.No, even right now, she could question what she had always witnessed.Why are they hanging on to each other like they are in love?Payton and King hurriedly disentangled, pushing each other away gently.Payton looked around and breathed out.Why is it suddenly hot?She asked herself, fanned her face with her palm and when her eyes landed on Tiana, she waved her hand at her.Tiana hurried to Payton, gave her her bag, and then watched as the woman turned to leave.“I don’t like you either!” She whispered in King’s ear and then hurried down the stairs.King stood in his position for a few seconds and then placed his index finger on his lips.“Has she always had those full lips?” He asked out unconsciously.“Sir?” Tiana asked and he t
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“So, this wild ginseng is mainly for King. It will help more blood to flow into the penis, improving your erection and…”“Wait wait wait, mum!” King breathed heavily and stood from the chair.How could his mum say those words without filtering it?What is with helping more blood flow to his penis?”“What? Are you embarrassed?” Amerie blinked her eyes innocently and then turned to look at Payton whose cheeks had gotten red.“What is with you two? Are you babies?”“What are you doing, mum?” King drew his brows together.“Sit down,” she hissed.“Mum.”“Sit,” she shot him a dead stare and he swallowed hard.“I can’t believe you called us here for this,” he hissed and sat grudgingly.“So, this is wild ginseng,” she resumed.“It in fact has a lot of health benefits, so your wife can use it too, but make sure you take it more. It will boost your erection, and make you enjoy sex better.”“Have I ever complained to you about my sexual life,” King groaned with a bowed head.He made sure to not
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King lowered his eyes to Payton who wouldn’t stop smiling as she teased him.“Right.” He hissed and returned to his seat.“Now, I believe that with this little that I have done, I will be receiving good news from you two soon,” Amerie tilted her head.“What good news are you expecting without adding me to it?”They both turned around when they heard the voice of the woman that just entered.Payton pursed her lips as she stared at Lucy, her sister-in-law, and then forced a smile.“You didn’t tell me they are coming over,” she said as she moved over to them.“The same way you didn’t tell me you were coming,” Amerie said.“I had business in town, so I thought of stopping by.”“Hi, our beautiful wife,” she turned to look at Payton and smiled.“Hi.”“You will not greet me?” Lucy asked King who looked away from her.“Did you not tell me to not talk to you ever again?”“Since when have you started listening to me?” “Are you two on bad terms?” Amerie asked.“She is mad I didn’t introduce my
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“King, I am just…” Lucy started“Enough, please.”“Hey, you trust her facade?” Lucy scoffed.“Payton is my wife and you will not… no, you will never disrespect her that way ever again. Okay?” He asked, seething in anger.“King, you are making…”“Answer me!” He bellowed, making the woman beside him flinch.“Okay,” she surrendered with a frown on her face.“Good,” he said and then turned to face Payton.“Let’s leave,” he forwarded his palm to her and then nudged for her to take it.Payton glanced at his hand and then swallowed hard.Why was her heart excited because he took her side?“W… we are leaving?” She finally spoke and he nodded his head.“I told Mum we’re leaving already. Let’s go home,” he said, his hand still stretched her.Home.He said home.Her heart itched again.She swallowed hard and then dropped her palm on his.As King tightened his grip on her hand, she dropped her eyes on Lucy who had the most resentful expression on her face and she tore her face away.King pulled h
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“I… I am so honored to be in your house…” Ava groaned softly as she settled on the couch and then looked around the above-average, beautiful living room.She pressed her lips together, feigning gentleness as much as she could.“I am glad you honored my invitation,” Max smiled as she walked over to her with a glass of water.Ava collected it from him, wrapped her hands around it, and blinked her eyes at him before she drank a little from the water.“Thank you,” she said, leaned closer to the table, and dropped it there.“I hope you did not mind that I asked you to come here. I know we should have visited the restaurant or something,” he said as she looked down at her.“No no no!” Ava exclaimed and hurriedly grabbed the tip of his shirt.“I am glad I am here,” she said and pressed her lips together.Max nodded his head and smiled. “What would you like to have?”“Anything you offer me,” she said and he nodded his head.“I’ll be back.”After Ava watched Max out of sight, she leaned in the
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"If this happens, then there will be no going back," Max said softly as he let his fingers caress her lips.Ave moaned against them. She felt as though her body was on fire, and she didn’t even know what to do to quench her needs. It was the craziest thing that she had ever experienced in her life, and she just couldn’t get enough of Max as she drew a bit closer to him, hating the space between them.Her blue eyes flickered open as she looked at him seductively. "I don’t crave to go back to a mundane world, Max. I want you too, so please stop talking too much and do what you can," she scolded.Before she could breathe, he had retracted his hands from her lips and was kissing her deeply. She was not able to control herself anymore, thanks to the way everything seemed to make her feel so high. Ava let her hands hold onto Max’s short hair as she moaned like never before.He pulled her into his lap, kissing her wildly on the mouth and making her feel so many things at once. She softly pul
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Payton let out a sigh as she woke up the next morning feeling moody.Why was that?Her monthly visitor had just arrived!One thing she hated so much was being on her period when she had an important event coming up. Her exhibition was in two days and she had really wished it would come a day after.She groaned, got out of the bed, and then walked to the bathroom.But then again, it was right she saw it, right?She had been on edge ever since the sex with King and even though she had taken the necessary precautions to prevent pregnancies, she still felt scared.Now, it was safe to say that she was not pregnant, right?As she was about to enter the bathroom, her phone beeped from the stand, and she only took a glance at it before she entered the bathroom.As she began her business in the bathroom by first washing her teeth, she exhaled in relief as she remembered that she had packed her tampons with her luggage when she was moving to King’s house.It might have been a hassle if she did
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By the time Payton got to the living room, King was done with his breakfast and was ready to leave the house when Payton brushed past him.He pulled his brows together and then turned to look at her as she walked away, without turning to apologize for brushing him aside rather rudely and harshly.He walked over to her, grabbed her wrist, and then turned her around to look at him.“Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed again?” He frowned.“Mind your business,” she hissed and tried to wriggle her hand from his grasp.“Oh? You bumped into me. You would not apologize for that?” He asked with a raised brow.“I did?”“What are you thinking about? Are you good?” He asked, feigning the least of care.“What is it to you?” She asked and tried to move her hand away again.“You are so cranky… as usual,” he shook his head.“You’re not going to have breakfast ?” He asked her and she gave out a long, tired smile.“Fuck breakfast, King, can you just let me go?”He stared at her carefully and h
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