Lahat ng Kabanata ng After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
134 Kabanata
Chapter 41
The phone rang, and when Amelia saw that it was Dickson calling, she quickly answered. Clearing her throat, she greeted him with a cheerful "Hello!""Hello, Amelia!""What's up, Dickson?"After a brief pause, Dickson’'s deep voice inquired, "Are you available tonight?"Amelia's heart raced with excitement. It had been a while since Dickson had asked her out. "Yes, I'm free!""Let's have dinner tonight!""Sounds great! What time?""I'll pick you up at seven. We're going to a beautiful Dinner. Dress up!""Sure thing. I'll see you tonight!""See you tonight!" The call ended, and Amelia couldn't contain her joy as she jumped up.Stella happened to return and, upon seeing her friend's joy, she sneered and questioned, "Why are you so happy?""Stella, Dickson just called and invited me to dinner at the Avelia Diner tonight! friend, come and help me choose the right dress!""Well, it's all thanks to me. I can only assist you to a certain extent. The rest is up to you!" Stella hummed.Amelia w
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Chapter 42
Dickson glanced up and coincidentally spotted Amanda. She wore a black skirt that fell below her knees, accentuating her delicate swan neck and collarbone. Despite the dress not revealing much cleavage, she looked stunning and alluring—something he hadn't seen from her before. Her exposed collarbone and calves caught his attention, prompting a frown and an inexplicable surge of anger.What intensified his frustration was Andrew intimately holding Amanda's shoulders, gazing at her with admiration. Dickson could sense Andrew's genuine affection for her. The idea of them engaging in something unspeakable after their meal further irritated him, leaving Dickson with a mix of complicated emotions.Awkwardly coughing, he loosened his cravat with an icy expression. "Dickson, what's up?""Nothing. Go ahead and place the order." Amelia's expression dropped; she had just ordered."Dickson, why do you seem so distracted?""No, I'm not!" Dickson tried to conceal his irritation but couldn't tear hi
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Chapter 43
"Amanda, will you marry me?"Boom!Amanda's thoughts were in disarray, on the verge of explosion. She stared at Andrew in shock.In an instant, Andrew produced a diamond ring, sizable as a dove's egg, from his pocket.As the restaurant's music started playing, couples in coordinated attire arrived, clutching large bouquets of flowers.Halavia Diner was a hotspot for marriage proposals, offering to create the perfect setting for customers looking to pop the question, albeit at a steep price for the average individual."Amanda, today I officially confess my love for you! Will you marry me?" With those words, Andrew knelt down, presenting the diamond ring to Joanna.Amanda, unprepared for the proposal, pleaded, "Drew, please stand up. Don't do this!"Caught off guard by Andrew's public declaration of love, she was left utterly bewildered."Amanda, we've shared 3652 days together! Today marks the 2520th day of my love for you, with more to come in the future!"Amanda felt such intense ner
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Chapter 44
Amanda was terrified beyond belief, her heart pounding so intensely that it felt on the verge of leaping out of her chest.She contemplated, "If he had collided with that truck at the previous speed, even with seat belts, we might have died! It's one thing if I'm gone, but what about my two children?"Fearful of the consequences, Amanda refrained from shouting at him again. Instead, she pleaded in horror, "Dickson, I beg you. Please don't do this..."Vroom!He restarted the car, transforming it into an uncontrollable beast, roaring as it careened through traffic."Dickson, please stop! I'm begging you!"Dickson appeared oblivious to her pleas, continuing to accelerate. The car daringly overtook others on the road, each manoeuvre nerve-wracking.Fortunately, Dickson proved to be a skilled driver. Whenever it seemed imminent for his car to collide with others, they miraculously avoided each other."Ah! Ah!"In moments of intense fear, Amanda closed her eyes multiple times, clutching the
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Chapter 45
During the incident, he hadn't gotten a good look at the girl's face. However, at this moment, he seemed to recall it. The girl who had rescued him had remarkably long hair that almost twisted around his neck underwater, a stark contrast to Amelia’s shorter hair. Nonetheless, upon being rescued and waking up on the shore, the first person he saw was Amelia. Subconsciously, he had assumed it was Amelia who saved him.Amanda coughed violently, utterly drained. Having spent a significant amount of time in the ocean, she had ingested a considerable amount of seawater. Despite her proficient floating skills, dragging a well-built man with her left her feeling quite helpless.Both of them bobbed in the water, only about ten metres away from the shore. If she were swimming back alone, she could probably do it in less than a minute. However, dragging Dickson with her, they struggled in the water for over ten minutes before finally reaching the shore.As Amanda coughed persistently, she stagge
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Chapter 46
“That lady really does talk a lot and gets on my nerves!” The reality was, Kiki couldn’t stand someone like Stella. Back when Terry was alive, she put up with Terry's family for his sake. Now that Terry was gone, the Anderson family had no connection to Patrick and his disguised wife,Stella. Kiki was only keeping up appearances for Terry's memory. However, Stella’s lack of tact irked Kiki. Despite a recent near-death experience, Stella chose that moment to bring up marriage, making her intentions crystal clear.“How's Amanda?”“Amanda?” Kiki was shocked. Dickson, visibly upset, mumbled, “She was in the accident with me.”“I didn’t see her!”Dickson attempted to rise from the bed, prompting Kiki to stop him. “Lie down. You're still on the IV drip! You're injured. Where do you think you're going?”“I need to see her!”“Stay put! Let’s call the nurse and check on her.” With that, Kiki pressed the call button.A minute later, a nurse rushed in."Mr. Dickson, what can I do for you?"Since
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Chapter 47
Around lunchtime, Dickson was swimming in the pool when he unexpectedly experienced a foot cramp and started to drown. Despite having servants, the Terry’s family, unlike the Anderson, didn't have an abundance of housekeepers and bodyguards. Amanda was the first to notice Dickson in distress. Given the urgency of the situation, she dove in to save him before seeking assistance. After pulling Dickson out of the pool, Amanda hurried to call for help, and Amelia promptly tended to Dickson.Upon waking up, Dickson questioned her, "Did you save me?" Amelia knew he had misunderstood but nodded nonetheless. From that day on, Dickson's attitude towards her underwent a complete transformation. Despite being six years her senior, he refrained from dating, anticipating her growth."Why is he suddenly asking such a question after all these years? Could it be that Amanda said something to him?" Amelia wondered, observing Dickson's contemplative silence. She cautiously inquired, "Did Amanda say som
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Chapter 48
Upon hearing her cries of pain, Dickson promptly released her."Amanda..." He wanted to apologise, but the words just wouldn't come.Giving him a cold stare, Amanda questioned, "It's past three in the morning. What on earth are you doing?"Dickson, with a thick white bandage on his head and half of his face swollen, clad in a hospital gown, did appear somewhat eerie. "I've come to see you!""You must be out of your mind! If you don't leave soon, I'll call the police.""Go ahead and call the police!"Amanda, furious, swallowed and frowned, asking, "What do you want?"Dickson's thin lips quivered as he gazed at Amanda with a gentle yet complex expression. "I don't want anything. All I wanted was to see you."Observing the gentle look in his eyes, Amanda inexplicably got goosebumps. "Dickson would never look at me so gently! This ruthless and aggressive man must be planning some trick on me again!" she thought internally, keeping her guard up. "This is my house. Please leave! Haven't you
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Chapter 49
Bruce is missing, fear naturally crept into the minds of the bodyguards. The previous night, Dickson forbade anyone from following him, and the bodyguards dared not disobey or let him out of their sight. Their only option was to shadow him discreetly. However, Dickson drove at a rapid pace, and within minutes, they lost track of him. Despite searching throughout the night, they couldn't locate him, intensifying their anxiety.At seven o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang, prompting Amanda to get up and turn it off. Nowadays, she struggles with sleep, managing only three or four hours a day. Last night, due to Dickson's interruption, she got less than two hours of sleep. In the living room, Dickson lay on the couch, deeply asleep. Deprived of oxygen due to the blood loss, he was unusually drowsy. Even after Amanda got up, he remained asleep.Betty also rose and observed Dickson on the couch with a resigned expression."Miss Amanda, what should we do about him?""Leave him be. Le
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Chapter 50
"Mandy, I've brought you some breakfast and some daily necessities..."Before Andrew could finish his words, he caught sight of Dickson."What's he doing here?""Drew, don't get me wrong! I don't know what was wrong with him last night. He came all the way here."Hearing that, Dickson responded by tightening his grip around Amanda's shoulder while looking at Andrew tauntingly."Amanda and I are married. We don't need someone else to tell us what to do."Amanda struggled a little. "Dickson, we're divorced already!""We can still remarry, can't we?""You're nuts. Let go of me!"Andrew couldn't help but frown. "Amanda, what's he doing here?"From the looks of the situation, he figured that Dickson had spent the night here.The idea was driving Andrewup the wall.Dickson sneered, "Why can't I be here?""Drew, I'll explain it to you later! Dickson, you have to go! If you don't, I'll really call the police!"Dickson gulped and looked grimly at Amanda. "Amanda, I'm going to ask you again. Wh
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