All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 131 - Chapter 134
134 Chapters
Chapter 131
Seeing Dickson had found Eric to confront him, Amelia was frightened and uneasy.Dickson’s face was covered with a layer of coldness. “Why are you so nervous?”“I’m not nervous!” Although Amelia denied it, her heart was about to jump out of her throat.Dickson examined Amelia with a sinister expression.“Dickson, don’t look at me like that. Do you… not trust me?” Amelia’s body went numb from hisstare.As she spoke, her tears fell again. She looked weak and helpless.Dickson did not say anything else. He just smoked silently and waited.While waiting, Amelia became even more uneasy.She wanted to find an opportunity to call or send a message to Eric to warn him not to spoutnonsense.Unfortunately, Dickson was watching her. She had no chance at all.Half an hour later!Eric was brought to an office.There was a huge double–sided mirror in the office.Dickson and Amelia were behind the mirror. They could see Eric’s every move.However, Eric could not see them.Seeing Eric, Amelia’s fac
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Chapter 132
Seeing that Francisca had recovered, she could not help but lie on the bed and fall asleep.She took a nap in a daze and felt someone putting a piece of clothing on her shoulder.Amanda was shocked and quickly opened her eyes.She turned around and saw Dickson.He was holding a suit and putting it on her at that moment.Amanda suddenly sat up straight. “Dickson, why are you back again?”Seeing how nervous she was, Dickson chuckled. “You still owe me a bowl of noodles, so why can’t Ibe back?”Amanda frowned in frustration. “This is a hospital. I can’t make noodles for you!”“When are you going to make it for me?”“When my daughter recovers, I’ll make it for you when I have time!”Dickson chuckled. “Alright, I’ll wait for you!”“There’s nothing else here. You can go back now!”When Dickson heard this, he raised his eyebrows and smiled. “No, I want to accompany you here!”“I don’t need your company. It’s already so late. Hurry up and go back to sleep!”“Don’t worry. I’ll make the noodle
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Chapter 133
“Francisca can’t be left alone. Look after her!”Anna nodded solemnly. “Miss Amanda, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her!”“Then I’ll take my leave first!”“Goodbye, Miss Amanda!”Amanda did not say anything else. She took her bag and left in a hurry.Dickson followed closely behind.Amanda arrived at the parking lot and reached for the car key in her pocket, only to realize thather car was still at the studio.Dickson was the one who sent her and Francisca to the hospital.“Uh…” Amanda frowned and resentfully put the car keys back into her bag.She was about to hail a taxi when a car stopped beside her.“Get in!” Dickson rolled down the window and looked at her casually.Amanda was stunned.Even though she didn’t want to get into his car, she knew he would go crazy again if she rejectedhim.Helpless, Amanda obediently got into the front passenger seat.In the car.Amanda did not say a word, Her expression was cold and indifferent.Dickson glanced at her from time to time, his g
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Chapter 134
Knock! Knock!The sound of the door was heard as it came with a knock not so loud.“Who could that be?” Dickson thought out loud as he tried finding out the person behind the door.“Are you expecting anyone in this house?” He asked Betty who acts like the second in command whenever Amanda isn't around.“I'm not expecting anyone, sir. As you can see madam Amanda asked me to watch over her son and that's what I'm being paid for.” She made her duties clear to him in a clearer tone.“I don't know if at all I'll be doing the right thing to open the door for the person behind the door to enter.” He stood up from where he sat and paced around uncontrollably.Betty watching the way Dickson moved spoke up, “You don't have to bother at all it might be that the knock was a mistake.”“That could be true as well. Let's hope that the knocker won't knock again.” Betty addressed him pointing her fingers to the chair instructing him to seat on it.Knock! Knock!“Did you hear that? I think I need to te
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