All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
134 Chapters
Chapter 91
The pair seethed with anger, teetering on the brink of a physical altercation.“Enough arguing. Both of you, just calm down,” Amanda pleaded desperately.Witnessing the impending brawl, Amanda was overcome with panic.Beep.Dickson's phone chimed in just as tensions peaked.Dickson glanced at the screen to find a call from his usually composed butler, Mark.Frowning, Dickson answered, anticipating an emergency.“Hello, Mr. Dickson. Your Sister is in the hospital. Please come over quickly!”“What happened to Sister?”“She suffered a sudden cerebral infarction. Hurry!”“Okay, I’ll be right there!” Dickson, now in a rush, had no time for Amanda and rushed to the hospital.As Dickson departed, Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. “Amanda, are you okay?”“I'm fine.”“What is Dickson up to, anyway?”Amanda let out a sigh, uncertain of how to express herself."My mind is in turmoil right now. I need some time alone.""Alright, return to your room and take a break.""Drew, you can go now. I need
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Chapter 92
It was 10 p.m. at the hospital, and Stella and Amelia hurriedly arrived. Kiki had recently woken up, and Dickson was by her side in the ward. As the door swung open, Stella and Roxanne entered."Dickson, how is Mrs. Anderson?" Dickson, seeing them enter abruptly, furrowed his brow. "Why are you here?"Stella approached the bed, setting a fruit basket at the bedside. "I called the butler, and he mentioned that Mrs. Anderson is unwell. It frightened our entire family! Upon hearing the news, we rushed over immediately.""Mrs. Anderson, how are you?" Stella expressed genuine concern, behaving as if Kiki were her own family. There was no hint of awkwardness, despite Dickson having recently fled the engagement banquet.Yet, until the public announcement of the engagement's annulment, she would maintain the facade that Dickson and Amelia were truly engaged."Kiki has just woken up, and she shouldn't be agitated. Both of you should leave now.""Well, Mrs. Anderson, rest well and recover soon.
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Chapter 93
"Mandy, what's going on?" Andrew urged. "Tell me!"After a brief pause, Amanda responded, "Well, I've talked to Francisca about the advertisement shoot. Francisca is interested.""Oh, that's fantastic!" Andrew exclaimed.Amanda still expressed concern, "I just want to confirm. The advertisement shoot won't take too much time, right? I don't want it to affect her studies.""No worries," Andrew assured. "It will only take one day.""Alright then! When is the advertisement scheduled to be shot?""Next Sunday," Andrew replied."Alright!" Amanda responded.Andrew smiled and said, "I'll come to pick her up next Sunday."Amanda replied, "Okay. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first.""Sure," Andrew said, placing the phone on the table casually. He always waited for Amanda to end the call first, never hanging up before she did.After Andrew hung up, Eunice, the mischievous one, sat on Andrew's lap and complained unhappily. "Mr. Andrew, you're being too kind to Ms. Amanda! You're willing
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Chapter 94
Eric persistently bothered Amelia, causing her growing concern. She expressed, "Whether he loves me or not doesn't matter. I love him, and that's sufficient. Eric, if you truly care for me, please stop harassing me! You can't provide what I desire."On the other end of the call, Eric was in a state of profound despair. He pleaded with dissatisfaction, saying, "Amelia, marriage is a lifetime of happiness! Don't joke about your own happiness..."Before Eric could finish speaking, Amelia impatiently interrupted him. She declared, "My happiness lies in marrying Dickson! I love Dickson, and I'm just messing around with you! How dare you presume I would marry you?""I...""Don't call me again," Amelia warner. "If you dare to jeopardise my happiness, I won't forgive you for the rest of my life!"With a bang, Amelia angrily ended the call. Outside the room, Stella had been eavesdropping on her friend's phone conversation. Despite the room's soundproofing, she could vaguely sense that somethin
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Chapter 95
At the hospital, Kiki spent over a week, and her condition had stabilised. Today marked her discharge. "Sister, be careful!" Dickson warned. Despite four healthcare workers and two family doctors attending to Kiki, Dickson was still concerned. He personally assisted her into the wheelchair. Kiki, showing signs of a stroke with slightly slurred speech, reassured him, saying, "It's okay. Don't be too nervous." Dickson offered to take her home, and Kiki agreed.She insisted Dickson return to work the next day, emphasising the importance of his job. Dickson, however, prioritised her health, promising to care for her until she fully recovered. Kiki, appreciative but insistent that she was fine, urged him not to neglect his work at the office."Fine then," Dickson conceded. "I'll head to the office tomorrow."Kiki paused, letting out a sigh. She cautioned, "The engagement with Amelia needs to be handled carefully. Don't stir up more trouble. Negative rumours about the Anderson Company are a
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Chapter 96
"The Ardona Company and Frizona Ltd approached us," Amanda explained. "I can't just turn away business that comes to our doorstep, can I?"Upon hearing this, Dickson's lips formed a sinister smile, and he fixed Amanda with a gloomy gaze. The loss of the two deals by the Terry’s Company wasn't the main concern; rather, it was Amanda's role in disrupting the market. The repercussions of this event were likely to create a significant butterfly effect, prompting Dickson to take timely action to prevent it. He couldn't tolerate such behaviour that disrupted the market."What do you think you're doing?" Dickson questioned. "Trying to undermine me and my business?" As he spoke, he menacingly advanced a few steps closer to Amanda, his tall and imposing figure casting a shadow over her.Amanda's heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively took two steps backward. "I genuinely didn't know that the Ardona Gadgets and Frizona Ltd intended to sign contracts with the Terry’s Company," she insisted.
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Chapter 97
Dickson paused, contemplating the situation, and lifted his eyebrows ever so slightly. With a disdainful expression, he remarked, "If the Ardona Gadgets and the Frizona Company are so eager to partner with the Terry’s Company , let them do so! Given its current capabilities, the Terry’s Company simply cannot manage such a massive production capacity. Acquire a substantial quantity of raw materials from the market, and ensure that the Anderson Company microchips are off-limits to the Terry’s Company."Jack found himself utterly speechless, shocked by what he had just heard from Dickson. Dickson’s manoeuvres were clearly designed to corner the Terry’s Company.Both the Ardona Gadgets and Frizona Company operated in the electronics industry, both dependent on microchips. Currently, only the Anderson Company could supply these specific microchips. Expressing concern, Jack addressed Mr. Dickson, pointing out the precarious financial state of the Terry’s Company. He emphasised that failing
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Chapter 98
Once Dickson departed, Amelia expressed her frustration by stomping her feet, tears welling up instantly. In a fit of anger, she shouted at the driver, "I don't need you to send me!" With that, she stormed out of the car park, her disappointment palpable. Having waited for Dickson the entire afternoon, she hadn't anticipated such indifference to her feelings.As Amelia angrily left the car park, she decided to call Eric for comfort whenever she felt mistreated by Dickson. Eric, excited upon receiving her call, promptly rode his motorcycle to pick her up.Meanwhile, Dickson drove without a clear destination in mind. After circling the elevated highway twice, he oddly found himself in front of the Terry’s Company building. Aware that Amanda was still engrossed in her work past eight o'clock, he harboured a genuine desire to check if she had sustained serious injuries.Surveying the first floor of the building, Dickson noted that Amanda's car remained in its original spot, and the office
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Chapter 99
Before Dickson could finish speaking, Amanda swiftly pulled a stun baton from her handbag and aggressively thrust it in his direction. Dickson responded promptly, seizing Amanda's hand and deflecting the baton before it could make contact.“Ah!” exclaimed Amanda, surprised as the stun baton dropped to the ground. Dickson's demeanour shifted abruptly, transforming his recent guilt towards Amanda into anger.“Amanda, how could you attempt a sneak attack on me again?” Dickson accused. Startled, Amanda's stun baton lay on the ground as she involuntarily stepped back in panic.Dickson, wearing a malevolent expression, advanced in a fit of fury, closing the distance to Amanda by two menacing steps. Amanda, gripped by fear, rapidly ducked and slipped beneath Dickson's arm before he could respond.Summoning all her strength, she sprinted towards the car park exit, reluctant to be alone with Dickson. The thought of enduring pain without the ability to resist terrified her even more."Amanda, h
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Chapter 100
Dickson's brow knitted in a tight frown, and the dessert he held slipped from his grip, tumbling to the ground."The patient might have just left," the nurse responded, a hint of surprise evident in her eyes. A moment ago, she had doubted Mr. Dickson's presence in their hospital, but now she could see it clearly—it was indeed Mr. Dickson.Without uttering a word, Dickson turned around, his expression cold, and walked away with determined strides.His back emanated a cool and composed aura, tall and erect, exuding a pronounced sense of masculinity. His physique surpassed even that of Western male models.The nurses behind him were captivated. "Oh my god, it's really Mr. Dickson!""I can't believe Mr. Dickson actually came to our hospital! Wow, he's incredibly handsome in person. He outshines all the male celebrities!""By the way, is the patient Mr. Dickson just bringing in Miss Amanda?""Tsk tsk, it appears so! The attending doctor mentioned that Miss Amanda has quite severe external
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