All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
134 Chapters
Chapter 111
Witnessing this, Jack was so alarmed that he dared not utter a word. Swiftly, he retrieved a tissue and handed it to Dickson, who used it to wipe his face. Suddenly, a thought struck Dickson, and he suggested, "By the way, let's take a round on the overpass now. Turn around. Get on the overpass!"Several cars swiftly ascended the overpass once again. Soon, they reached the spot where Dickson had discarded Amanda's phone. "Here it is," Dickson declared. "Stop!""Stop!" the driver promptly pulled over."Find a few professional divers and recover the phone for me!" Dickson ordered.Jack was left speechless, his displeasure evident. "It seems that Mr. Dickson has tossed a cell phone again," he pondered. "And this time, he throws it into the sea!" He found it a bit peculiar, considering that in the past, Dickson would promptly replace a smashed phone."Understood, Mr. Dickson!" Jack acknowledged.Left behind by Dickson, Amelia, fueled by anger, embarked on a search for Eric. In front of a
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Chapter 112
Lizzy felt compelled to follow Amanda's orders and, reluctantly, she turned off her phone. When Dickson called back, a customer service message informed him that Lizzy's phone was switched off. Frustrated, Dickson cursed and tossed his phone onto the table, exasperated by Lizzy not taking him seriously.Once submissive and humble in his presence, she now displayed surprising arrogance. Truly, women could be unpredictable. "John, locate Amanda's current position," commanded Dickson."Understood, Mr. Dickson," replied John before leaving the office. Jack entered, and the two exchanged anxious glances, quickly attending to their tasks. "Mr. Dickson seems quite irritable today," they thought. "We need to be extremely cautious.""Mr. Dickson, the phone is repaired," reported Jack."Bring it here!" Dickson demanded."Here you go," Jack respectfully handed over the fixed phone.Amanda's phone was now restored, with the password unlocked and the data recovered.Dickson powered on the phone an
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Chapter 113
Unexpectedly, Amanda found herself pursued by Dickson all the way to the hotel, where he once again asserted dominance over her. This triggered a depressive episode for Amanda. The sound of heavy knocks echoed as Dickson forcefully tapped on the bathroom door."Amanda, what are you doing in there? Get out now! If you keep staying inside, I'll break in!" he shouted. Despite the urgency in his tone, Amanda neither responded nor opened the door. In a panic, Dickson held his breath and strained to listen, but there was complete silence. Filled with anxiety, he kicked the bathroom door open.Upon turning on the lights, Dickson discovered Amanda curled up in the bathtub, her eyes tightly shut and face immersed in the water. Concerned, he questioned, "Amanda, what are you doing?" No response came; it appeared that she had already lost consciousness. Distressed, Dickson hastily pulled Amanda out of the water, repeatedly calling her name in alarm.Amanda had lost consciousness, her body limp a
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Chapter 114
Lizzy nervously inquired, "How's Miss Amanda?" A few bodyguards stationed at the ward's entrance obstructed their path. "You can't enter!" they declared. Undeterred, Lizzy insisted, "We need to see Miss Amanda!" The response was firm, "She's still asleep. No entry allowed." Lizzy reluctantly conceded, "Fine, we'll observe from outside."Inside the ward, Amanda, regaining consciousness, attempted to rise but faltered. Observing this, Dickson hastened to assist her, saying, "Mandy, what do you need? I'll take care of it." Weakened, Amanda queried, "Where am I?" Dickson replied, "You're in a hospital." Astonished, Amanda exclaimed, "Hospital? Why am I here?" Dickson, gripping her hand, expressed concern, "Mandy, I'm sorry. Please don't do that again. You scared me half to death!"Dickson's eyes welled up with emotion; he had spent the entire night worrying without rest. Amanda gradually recollected the previous night's events. She realised, "I had a depression attack in the bathtub, and
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Chapter 115
In a rush, Dickson quickly exited the room upon hearing the news. He pondered, "Isaac rarely gives me a call; it must be something important." Answering the phone, he greeted with a quick, "Hello?" On the other end, Isaac urgently conveyed, "Mr. Dickson, Mrs. Kiki isn't feeling well and insists you return to the Anderson mansion right away." Concerned, Dickson inquired, "What's wrong with grandma?" Isaac explained, "Mrs. Kiki's condition has worsened, and the doctor is already on the scene." Anxious, Dickson exclaimed, "I'm heading home immediately!" "Noted, Mr. Dickson," responded the butler. After hanging up, Dickson, ready to leave, suddenly remembered Amanda and returned to the ward.Dickson informed Amanda, "I have an urgent situation, and I need to get back home quickly. You..." Amanda, harbouring resentment towards Dickson, responded icily, "Just go home. Don't worry about me!" Taking charge, Dickson directed, "Lizzy and Jack stay here and look after Amanda. Call me if needed."
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Chapter 116
The individuals from Eric's local gang who were owed money by him directly entered his home. Eric, who was still undressed, became visibly alarmed upon seeing them and asked, "Linus, Victor, what brings you here?" Linus, with a cigarette in his mouth, casually complimented Eric on his attractive girlfriend.The gangsters expressed admiration for her beauty, unaware that she was actually a friend of Terry's family and engaged to Dickson. In the context of the slum they were in, the gangsters found it hard to believe that such a respectable woman would be present there.Moreover, she associated herself with someone like Eric. Eric's complexion grew even paler, and his voice quivered as he responded, "Well, there's nothing like that. She's just a friend." The gangsters scoffed in disbelief, laughing disdainfully. Eric, who appeared dishevelled, was widely assumed to be romantically involved with the woman.Cutting through the excuses, one of the gangsters demanded, "Enough of the talk! W
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Chapter 117
Dickson was in a rush and didn't mince words. "Cut the nonsense!" he impatiently insisted. He believed that the family heirloom rightfully belonged to his wife, not Amelia. When Amelia heard this, she was devastated and argued that Dickson's sister had given it to her. In response, Dickson coldly asserted that the gift was intended for his wife, making it clear that he had no intentions of marrying Amelia. The revelation hit Amelia like a thunderclap, and she demanded an explanation. Dickson, after a brief pause, stated bluntly that he meant what he said. Amelia, filled with fear and disappointment, sought confirmation on whether Dickson refused to marry her. Dickson, faced with the situation, stayed silent, eventually explaining that they needed to pretend to be a loving couple for the sake of his seriously ill sister."We can obtain a certificate if you'd like, but it comes with the condition of signing a prenuptial agreement. Additionally, manage your expectations, especially regar
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Chapter 118
After returning home, Francisca eagerly dropped her school bag and rushed to Francis' room, joyfully announcing their arrival. Francis welcomed her with a bright laugh, and Betty quickly placed Francis in his wheelchair. His sister presented a handmade paper aeroplane as a gift, expressing her deep affection for her brother, who was unwell. Francis expressed gratitude for the thoughtful gesture, admiring the beautiful paper aeroplane. Francis, proud of her creation, demonstrated its flying abilities, sending it soaring into the living room. Francis, delighted, applauded her efforts, declaring his happiness at her return."Mom, can we go to the Mcdonalds we went to with Francis last time?""Sure, Francis really enjoys the fries there. Should I take him along?""They have a slide and a children's playground!"Amanda, looking at Francisca, felt a bit frustrated as she responded, "Well, it seems like you really want to go there." Despite her dislike for her children consuming too much jun
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Chapter 119
“Oh, goodness.” Amanda sighed deeply. She now felt a profound fear of Dickson. Avoiding offence or hiding from him seemed impossible, as Dickson persistently threatened and bullied her. Observing Amanda's grave demeanour, Andrew found himself at a loss for words, unsure of how to console her.In his thoughts, Andrew pondered, "I'd support Amanda and address her issues if someone bothers her." Unfortunately, the source of Amanda's distress was Dickson. Andrew felt powerless against him, thinking, "I can't do anything about Dickson!"Ten minutes later, there was still no call from Amanda to Dickson. Dickson resided in the Cecillia Villa in Boston, having returned to his previous residence after divorcing Amanda. The villa boasted luxury, facing the sea as the sole structure on the mountain. The mayor of the city occupied the villa on the left, while a high-ranking official of Finland inhabited the mansion on the right.In this instant, Dickson simmered with rage, feeling as though he mi
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Chapter 120
Sundry Venturas served as a hub for film and television production, housing various sets where multiple production teams were actively shooting. Andrew ushered Francisca into the dressing room, where he was warmly greeted by others addressing him as Mr.Andrew . Andrew invited Francisca in, assuring her, "They will give you a style." Francisca complied, following Andrew's lead into the room.Inside, a makeup artist and stylist commenced crafting the Francisca look. Meanwhile, outside the dressing room, Francis inquired, "Mommy, can we grab hamburgers once Francisca completes his audition?" The response came, "Sure, I'll take you guys for hamburgers around noon, okay?""Fantastic!" Francis beamed like a sunflower. Francis rarely ventured outside due to his health, making outings with Amanda and Francisca special occasions. So, when Amanda took her out, it became Francis's happiest moment.Meanwhile, Francis, wearing a serious expression, sat with a tense demeanour, contemplating how to
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