All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
134 Chapters
Chapter 81
"Mr. Dickson...," the chauffeur stammered, trembling with fear."Shut up!" Dickson snapped, and the chauffeur, too frightened to speak further, fell silent. Aware of Dickson’s temper, he could only silently pray for their safety.Upon Dickson's return home, Kiki called Dickson, though frowning, answered the call. "Hello, Sister."Kiki's voice came through the line. "Dickson, come and have dinner tonight with me.""Sister, I'm a bit tired today. Can we do it another day?" Dickson requested.Dickson took a moment to consider before offering sincere advice. "Dickson, I don't want to meddle in your personal matters. But you need to consider potential repercussions. Don't act impulsively! Since you're planning to marry Stella’s Friend of the Terry’s family, avoid getting too involved with their eldest Sister. People will gossip, and it could negatively impact the Anderson Family."Having seen pictures of Dickson and Amanda passionately kissing at the airport, Kiki, mindful of the Anderson
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Chapter 82
Kiki, a person with a sense of pride, easily grasped Amanda's message. She was familiar with her brother's character, and from Amanda’s words, it was evident that Amanda too possessed strength and pride. Kiki acknowledged that some issues were likely Dickson's responsibility and assured Amanda that she would counsel him.She reminded Amanda that the Terry’s Company was the result of her father's hard work, expressing her desire to prevent any negative consequences for the company. Amanda thanked her, and as they bid farewell, Amanda personally escorted Kiki downstairs. Once Kiki left, Amanda sighed in relief, feeling a bit anxious and hoping that Kiki could handle Dickson.Amanda believed in her ability to manage the Terry’S Company effectively as long as Dickson didn't engage in any deceitful actions. Dickson kept his promise to return to the Anderson mansion for dinner every weekend, maintaining a casual demeanour during the meals. He casually inquired about Kiki’s visit to Amanda,
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Chapter 83
Stella smiled and patted her Friend’s shoulder comfortingly. “Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about!“Everything will be fine once you’re married.No matter what, you’ll marry into the Anderson family and become Mrs. Anderson! Then Terry's family and your family can be proud!“We can’t afford to mess things up this time! We have to endure everything. Don’t make a scene before DicksonAmelia nodded and answered, “I understand!”“Then hurry up and get packing! We have to prepare and go over to the Anderson mansion tomorrow. Go to bed early today!”“Okay, then I’ll go back to my room!”“Go! Sleep early! Don’t forget to apply a facial mask to hydrate your skin!”“Got it,Stella!” Amelia answered impatiently and went upstairs.After returning to her room, Amelia eagerly took out another phone.Eric had sent her many messages and was asking to meet her again.But the wedding was imminent, so Amelia dared not meet Eric.If Dickson found out, she and Terry's family would be finishe
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Chapter 84
Amanda checked the time—it was one in the afternoon. With a couple of hours to spare, she decided to take the children out to the park for some playtime, seizing the opportunity on this free day."Alright then, go and change your clothes!""Yay! Ocean Park time!" Francisca gleefully rushed to change her clothes. Amanda also dressed Francis in a beautiful dress and sunhat. Francis, thrilled to be out after a long time due to his health, sat on the wheeled stretcher. Despite his inability to stand, his rosy face and blinking eyes made her appear as beautiful as a princess."Let's go!" The family set out, with one of the nanny pushing Francis and Amanda holding Francisca's hand. The wheeled stretcher carried the children's water bottles and snacks. Due to limited space in the car, Amanda brought along one helper, Aunty Gold. After half an hour, they arrived at Ocean Park, and the two children were brimming with excitement. Francisca, particularly thrilled, would occasionally race ahead t
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Chapter 85
Stella's expression turned grim, and she cast a disdainful gaze over Amanda. "So, these are the ones who reserved the aquarium? Is this your idea of it being 'under repair'?" Amanda arched her eyebrows and directed her attention to the staff.Francisca pulled at Amanda's hand, eager to enter. "Mommy, can we go in now?"The staff member hesitated, glancing at Stella for guidance. Ocean Park wasn't private property, and reserving the entire venue was against the rules. However, the Anderson’s, with their influence in the city, had managed to book it for a wedding photoshoot.Joanna pressed the staff for entry, but they remained unresponsive. Turning to Stella and Amelia, the staff asked, "Mrs. Stella, Miss Amelia, are you finished with your wedding photoshoot?"Stella smirked at Amanda, "Not yet! Just wait!" Amanda seethed with frustration."Mr. Dickson is not here yet. They still need to take photos of the couple later; they've only done solo shots. Outsiders are not permitted in the a
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Chapter 86
Flustered and fed up, Stella attempted to retaliate. Amanda, with a cold expression, didn't wait for Stella to make a move and slapped her hard once more. Despite Amanda's delicate appearance, she had practised female self-defence over the years. While not lethal, her skills were more than sufficient against someone like Stella.Amelia, furious, rushed forward to assist Stella. "How could you hit your own sister again?"Stella, even more outraged after the second slap, screamed angrily and charged at Amanda. However, Amanda seized Stella's arms, kicked behind her knees, and brought her to the ground."I'll continue to confront you every time you dare to call my son a cripple!"Wearing a wedding dress made it inconvenient for Amelia to intervene, so she could only stand aside and shout, "Stop fighting!" The assistants rushed forward to break up the altercation.The chaotic scene continued until more than ten men dressed in black approached from a distance. "Mr. Dickson is here! Mr. Dic
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Chapter 87
Amanda got back to the city after dropping off Francisca at kindergarten. She hadn't reached home yet when her phone started ringing. Seeing Patrick's name on the screen, she hesitated. Given the altercation with Stella the day before, she assumed her assumed brother was calling to scold her. Despite her reluctance, she answered, "Hello,Patrick." Patrick, sounding sombre, got straight to the point, asking about the unpleasant incident with Stella. Amanda, with a slightly impolite tone, responded, "Are you calling to reprimand me?""Ugh, your demeanour is starting to resemble your mother's more and more—increasingly curt and unreasonable! If only you would heed advice, things wouldn't have reached this point..."Amanda cut Patrick off before he could continue, "Patrick, is there anything else? If not, I'll hang up. I still have work to attend to!" After a brief pause, Patrick brought up, "Mr. Dickson and Amelia are getting engaged on the sixth next month. Will you be there?" Amanda hes
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Chapter 88
Cheers on your achievement!Greetings and thanks for joining us!" Stella grinned from ear to ear.Laughter filled the venue.Despite Dickson's subdued mood, he maintained a courteous smile amid the numerous guests.Amelia donned a sophisticated white fishtail dress crafted by a renowned Parisian designer. Adorned with a diamond-encrusted crown, matching top-tier jewelry on her neck and wrists, and a dazzling diamond ring on her finger, she exuded elegance and grace, resembling a radiant jewel herself.In this moment, Amelia joyfully nestled against Dickson.On the expansive signature wall, celebrities from various backgrounds had left their marks.Below the stage, some girls couldn't conceal their envy and engaged in whispered gossip."Do you think Miss Amanda will show up today?"A girl in a black gown scoffed, "Impossible. No one would welcome her on such an occasion.""Six years ago, she schemed to separate Mr. Dickson and Miss Amelia. How dare she come here now?"Another girl in a
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Chapter 89
Patrick, Amelia, Stella, and the rest came back to Terry's residence feeling disheartened. On the journey back, Amelia couldn't contain her tears. Upon their arrival, she rushed upstairs and locked herself in. Stella, filled with anger, pointed at her friend, blaming her for another failure. Patrick, wearing a frown, couldn't help but let out a sigh. Stella, noticing his distressed expression, became even more upset. "Regardless, I want you to hold a press conference immediately and publicly announce the termination of your brother-sister relationship with her! She ruined Amelia’s engagement celebration six years ago, and now she's attempting to sabotage it once again!""Stella blamed Amanda for ruining Amelia's entire life," Patrick observed with a furrowed brow. "From the video, it seems Amanda was framed six years ago. I don't believe it was intentional. We should focus on finding the person who set her up first.""There's a possibility Amanda fabricated the whole story. Six years
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Chapter 90
Francisca hesitated and glanced at Amanda nervously. "Mommy, we didn't..."Upon seeing Francisca's reaction, Amanda's heart skipped a beat. It appeared that the kids had indeed tampered with her computer."Mommy doesn't like dishonest children. Tell me the truth!" Amanda urged.The kids, in their innocent voices, didn't dare to conceal it. "We did use the computer."Upon hearing this admission, Amanda felt a shiver down her spine. She stared at her two kids in disbelief. "So, you really sabotaged Mr. Dickson's engagement banquet, didn't you?" The kids exchanged glances and remained silent."I'm asking you, did you do it?""... Yes, we did it.""Why did you do that?" Amanda's voice rose in frustration. Francisca, scared, started crying. "Mommy, don't be mad at us!" Francis, determined, lifted his little face. "Mommy, it's not Francisca’s fault. I did it! I'm the one you should punish!"Hearing this, Amanda gasped, her eyes darkening. "Why did you do this?" She couldn't help but glare a
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