All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
134 Chapters
Chapter 101
Amanda had just entered the elevator when, before the doors closed, someone pressed the button to reopen them. The doors slowly slid apart, revealing Dickson with a cold expression.Notably, he wasn't wearing a suit but a knee-length overcoat over a black shirt. His meticulously combed hair featured a few loosely hanging strands, creating an air of both strength and a touch of wickedness. Despite his undeniable handsomeness, Amanda couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of anxiety upon seeing him. She instinctively pressed herself against the elevator wall.Dickson, however, showed no signs of anger and maintained a calm demeanour. He didn't inquire about her sneaking out the previous day. Amanda's heart raced, and she clenched her fists, prepared for any confrontation.Fortunately, Dickson chose not to make things difficult for her. Treating her as if she were invisible, he ignored her presence. As the elevator ascended, Amanda felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety, and the atmosphere
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Chapter 102
"Then call the police!" Dickson retorted with a sneer. Amanda's beautiful face displayed extreme displeasure at his suggestion. She would never dare to involve the police, considering the significant impact it could have on the Haynes Group."Dickson, please, I beg you!" Amanda pleaded. "Can you refrain from disrupting the order of the Haynes Group..."Dickson immediately interrupted her. "How have I disrupted the company's order?" he challenged. "I haven't even pursued the matter of you disrupting the entire market! You have the audacity to claim I'm disrupting the company's order? Besides, I'm also a director of the company. Can I not come to the office?"Amanda took a deep breath and argued, "Why are you even here in the office? You're not involved in the management. You're here purely for amusement!"Upon hearing this, Dickson raised his eyebrows and gave a sly smile. "Hey, you're right!" he admitted. "I'm just here to have some fun!""I handed you two significant deals. Shouldn't
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Chapter 103
After her words, Lizzy cast a meaningful glance at Amanda, conveying a message that required no verbal explanation. With their long history of collaboration, the two could often comprehend each other's intentions with just a look. Additionally, Andrew's repeated calls had alerted Amanda to his presence."Understood," Amanda acknowledged. "You can go ahead and attend to the client; I'll join shortly.""Of course, Miss Amanda," Lizzy responded respectfully before leaving.Bruce, with a quizzical expression, inquired, "Who's here?"Unable to ignore him, Amanda replied cautiously, "A client. I'm stepping out to meet them."Bruce, seemingly uninterested, rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the newspaper. Amanda rose from her seat and exited the office.In the reception area, Amanda pushed the door open, confirming Andrew's arrival."Drew, what brings you here?" she inquired."What's wrong?" Andrew responded. "Can't I come and visit you?" He concluded with a warm smile."Why didn'
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Chapter 104
Despite Andrew being a scion of a top-tier wealthy family, he was considerably inferior to Dickson. Andrew's family dynamics were somewhat chaotic, with numerous siblings and the family's influence still under his father's control. In contrast, Dickson was the sole heir of the Anderson family, overseeing their billion-dollar business empire. Consequently, Dickson didn't regard Andrew with much seriousness."Drew, don't engage in his games," advised Amanda. As she guided Andrew towards the elevator, she subtly communicated through eye signals, urging him not to confront Dickson directly. Andrew reluctantly swallowed his anger and left."Amanda, let me warn you," cautioned Dickson. "Maintain a distance from Andrew!""This marks the end of any association between you and him. If I discover that you've communicated with him again, you'll regret it!" Amanda, fueled by anger, felt a stabbing pain in her heart, and her eyes practically emitted flames. "Dickson, your dominance knows no bounds
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Chapter 105
"Let's drop the topic," Jack suggested. "I need to dash out to grab some coffee and cake pronto! I can't afford to be late; Mr. Dickson won't be pleased if that happens again.""Well, you better hustle then," John advised. Without saying more, Jack swiftly grabbed the car key and exited Terry's Company.Thirty minutes later, Jack, out of breath, arrived at the Terry’s Company with coffee and cake in hand. "Jack, what brings you here in such a rush?" Lizzy inquired, surprised by Jack's haste.Between breaths, Jack explained, "Mr. Dickson tasked me with fetching coffee and cake and delivering them here. Where's Mr. Dickson?""Oh, he's in Miss Amanda's office," Lizzy informed him."I'll prioritise sending these things to Mr. Dickson," Jack declared, skipping formalities. He rushed toward the office.Knock! Knock! Knock!Dickson heard the knocking and personally went to open the door. Jack, surprised to see Dickson, swiftly handed over the bag. "Mr. Dickson, coffee and cake from the cafe,
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Chapter 106
Amelia was on the line. Dickson returned the phone to his pocket, having resolved to sever all connections with her. The initial misunderstanding between him and Amelia had persisted, and now there was even less reason to prolong it.Beep, beep, beep!The phone continued to vibrate. "Mr. Dickson, you're quite occupied," Amanda remarked, sneering without lifting her head. "You better get back to your own affairs!"Dickson retorted, "You're in such a rush to push me away, huh? After I'm gone, you can freely entice other men, right?"Rolling her eyes, Amanda replied irritably, "Dickson, I have no clue what you're thinking. We agreed to have nothing to do with each other after the divorce. You're already engaged. Spend time with your fiancée."The two years of marriage had caused her immense pain, and she harboured unforgiving resentment. Overcoming the emotional distress from her relationship with Dickson had been a challenging journey, and there was no turning back for her."Amanda, whe
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Chapter 107
At Terry's residence, Amelia dialled Dickson's number over ten times, but there was no response. Anxiously observing, Stella inquired, "What's happening? Did the call go through?"Amelia sighed, expressing her disappointment. "No, Dickson has been consistently ignoring my calls."Upon hearing this, Stella grew even more uneasy. She remarked, "Oh no, this is becoming troublesome. Listen to me, quickly go to his office and find him.""Friend, I really don't want to go," Amelia protested.Stella appeared displeased. "You have to go, whether you want to or not!" she insisted. "If you're reluctant to go alone, I'll accompany you! Let's go. Hurry and change your clothes."Amelia pounded the sofa impatiently. "Stella, can you not pressure me like this?" she complained. "It's bothering me. Do you realise that?""I'm doing this because I'm concerned about you," Stella explained. "If your marriage with Mr. Dickson falls apart, considering how our family will fare in the future. How will others
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Chapter 108
Amanda struggled to breathe five minutes later, as Dickson, with reluctance, finally released his grip on her. Had she not been injured the day before, and had he not wished to avoid causing her further harm, he wouldn't have restrained himself.Amanda's body felt feeble as she collapsed onto the chair, casting a fearful gaze at Dickson. She pleaded, "Dickson, don't touch me again..." Her fear of him was palpable, a result of his overwhelming dominance and strength. Some women might enjoy the sensation of submission, but for her, it was unbearable.Despite Amanda's beauty, her eyes were now filled with tears and fear, resembling a frightened deer. Dickson, moved by her vulnerability, embraced her gently and instructed, "Be good and listen to me. You're not allowed to think about anything else, and you're not allowed to date other men."Amanda, rendered speechless, felt her heart skip a beat. "Did you hear that?" Dickson asked, lifting her chin and locking eyes with her.Amanda's eyes
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Chapter 109
"Dickson...""Hurry up," Dickson said.Amelia had no choice but to rise and leave the restaurant with him.After getting back into the car, Dickson remained silent. He started the ignition as soon as Amelia fastened her seatbelt.Just as the car exited the car park, they happened to spot a silver Bentley approaching them.Dickson felt a sudden shock upon recognizing the car that he suspected belonged to Amanda.He glanced at the licence plate, confirming it was indeed Amanda's car.He presumed that Amanda had also come to this place to dine.Reflecting on this, Dickson wore a displeased expression, suspecting that Amanda might have arranged a meeting with someone. It was uncommon for someone to visit such a high-end restaurant alone."Melia, I have something to attend to now," Dickson mentioned, abruptly pressing the brake and bringing the car to a stop on the roadside. "Please arrange a taxi for yourself."Amelia was startled by the sudden halt of the car, and she looked at Dickson i
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Chapter 110
Andrew called multiple times, but Amanda didn't answer. Faced with no other option, Andrew resorted to leaving several voice messages for Amanda, expressing concern about her whereabouts. Despite being already present, Amanda failed to respond to the calls as her phone incessantly signalled new messages on Messenger. This caught the attention of Dickson, who, upon realising the gravity of the situation, demanded to see Amanda's phone. Amanda, agitated while driving, resisted Dickson's request, fearing his reaction to Andrew's messages. Tensions escalated as Dickson insisted on taking control of the situation, causing a scene in the car."Quickly hand over the phone!" demanded Dickson, persisting in his attempt to seize the device despite Amanda's protests.In a moment of panic, Amanda turned the steering wheel, causing the car to abruptly swerve out of its lane, narrowly avoiding a collision with the vehicle behind her. Amanda, now terrified and perspiring, brought the car to a halt i
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