All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
134 Chapters
Chapter 21
For a moment, time appeared to come to a standstill. Dickson, despite feeling a wave of weakness, managed to stay conscious, his strength prevailing. "Who do you think you are, shocking me with a taser?" Dickson glared at Amanda with eyes filled with menace, akin to a falcon zeroing in on its prey.Amanda took a step back, regaining her composure despite the tension. "It was self-defence. If you come at me again, I'll call the police!"Dickson let out a scoffing laugh. "Call the police? Go ahead! I'm the top dog in New York! Even the local government relies on the support of the Dickson’s family. The police would side with me!""Don't get involved, Dickson. This is between her and me," he snapped, fueled initially by concern for Amelia but now consumed by anger.Amanda summoned her assistant, Betty. "Call the police immediately. There's trouble here."Betty, ever dutiful, responded, "Yes, Mrs.Amanda"Dickson, incredulous, protested, "You've crossed the line, Amanda!" He had underestim
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Chapter 22
Finally, they were gone. Amanda sank into her chair, a palpitation seizing her, leaving her face as pale as a ghost.Betty rushed in, observing Amanda's distress. "Mrs. Amanda, are you okay?"Amanda took a moment to massage her chest before letting out a long sigh. "I'm fine! Get me a cup of coffee.""Yes Ma’am !” Betty responded promptly, swiftly heading to fetch the coffee. Though she hadn't been with her for long, Betty had shown great discipline and never delved into matters she shouldn't know.That's why, the moment Amada stepped into the family business, she immediately placed Betty by her side. During lunchtime, employees gathered in the break room, finishing their meals and engrossed in gossip on their cell phones."Look at Mrs. Amanda. So open!" one remarked."I heard she had a quickie with Mr. Dickson in the bathroom on her first day here!" another added."What's the big deal? It's not her first time! Five years ago, at Mr. Dickson and Amelia’s engagement party, Mr. Dickson
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Chapter 23
Rumours about Amanda were spreading like wildfire, popping up one after another on the internet. Overnight, Amanda became the talk of the town across the digital landscape.Reporters and controversies gathered daily outside her office, but undeterred, Amanda continued to show up for work. Meanwhile, back at the King’s Hotel, Andrew surprised Amanda one morning with a bouquet of flowers. With a warm greeting, Amanda invited him in as she juggled breakfast preparations for her children.Despite having nannies, Amanda still took the time to personally cook for her kids occasionally. Offering Andrew a seat, she insisted they share a meal together. Pouring a glass of milk and ordering a box of pizza, Amanda engaged in casual conversation.Though Andrew wasn't a fan of pizza, the fact that Amanda made it changed his perspective. In the midst of their meal, Andrew shared exciting news—he had found a perfect house in a friendly neighbourhood with privacy-protecting facilities. He suggested Am
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Chapter 24
Shortly after, another sensational piece of news surfaced on social media: "A b*stard Daughter – The Story of Amanda and her useless mother !" The focus was primarily on Amanda's mother, delving into shocking revelations about Patrick's background.The article disclosed that Patrick was, in fact, the adopted son of Terry, and Amanda's mother was Alison's own nephew. This meant that Amanda was the only one truly connected to Alison, explaining why he left her 51% of the family business. Meanwhile, the explosive revelation of Patrick and Stella's affair added another layer of scandal."Amanda and Amelia's birthdays are only twelve days apart," one commentator pointed out.The netizens were stunned. For years, Patrick and Stella had been seen as the epitome of a happy marriage, and no one could have fathomed that it was founded on a mistake from the start.This revelation disgusted netizens profoundly. While affairs might have been overlooked in the past, contemporary netizens had little
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Chapter 25
After a very long road trip, Amelia and Stella finally arrived at Kiki’s place.The Mansion nestled on a mountain near the coast, the mansion, despite its age, stood as one of the most expensive estates in Elyria. The vast Dickson family held numerous properties worldwide, yet Kiki chose to reside in this ancient mansion.During holidays, Dickson would return to spend some time with his sister in this serene abode. The air here was remarkably abundant and clean, a stark contrast to the bustling and polluted environment of the city where they came from. This place felt like an isolated fairyland.Approaching the gate, old age security. His face was a canvas of weathered leather, etched with the lines of a life lived on the edge. A lifetime spent squinting into the harsh glare of city lights and the menacing shadows of alleyways had left deep creases around his eyes, giving him a perpetually grizzled expression.His hair, once a raven black, was now a mosaic of steely grey and snow whit
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Chapter 26
Both maintained a prolonged silence before Dickson, unable to contain his frustration any longer, spoke up with a disdainful snort, "Sister, why do you love ruining my mood so bad? What's the use of meeting her Kids?""Oh, you naive child. Connect the dots. Those two beautiful kids might very well be your children!"Dickson's jaw nearly hit the floor upon hearing this revelation. "What?My Children! No way! That's... that's impossible! I asked her, and she personally assured me they're not my kids!""Ah, you comprehend women so poorly. She despises you deeply, and she might be saying that just to provoke you!""To provoke me?" Dickson blinked in disbelief.However, a realisation dawned on him. He had treated her quite poorly; it all started to make sense."Regardless, bring the kids here and undergo a paternity test," Kiki insisted. "If they aren't your Kids, so be it. However, if they are your children, they shouldn't be left to fend for themselves without a father!"“Sis, those kids
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Chapter 27
The attention span of the public swiftly changed and moved from Amanda to a Brazilian actress who once worked for Andrew.Luiza was one of the greatest people who helped Andrew company be what it is today. With the help of Andrew and his influence she was able to win certain awards.Luiza is a social media influencer. News has been trending about her and Andrew being in a relationship. So, She decided to clear her name off the blogs mouth by going live on her instagram handle to address the public that she has a boyfriend and Andrew is not her boyfriend.Her live video got massive impressions and got the public tongues wagging with fake rumours.It caught the public’s attention.In reality, it was a carefully devised marketing strategy orchestrated by Andrew. Contrary to public perception, Luiza was not romantically involved with the actor; the company fabricated the relationship to generate public interest. The primary goal was to divert attention away from Amanda.Stella had been ea
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Chapter 28
It made little difference. After all, he could easily obtain her number whenever he pleased."No, thanks. I'll have my assistant inform you if there's something important," Dickson replied curtly.Amanda furrowed her brow and adopted a chilly tone. "What is it you want to see me about?"Dickson, somewhat embarrassed, cleared his throat and explained, "Well, my sister wants to see the two kids. So..."Before Dickson could finish, Amanda grew incensed. "Excuse me, Mr.Dickson. We can discuss work matters in the company; there's no need for private meetings.""Furthermore, my kids are not obligated to meet strangers.""Amanda, my sister whom I consider my mother, is getting old. She just wants to see the kids. She doesn't have other thoughts.""Sorry, they can't go to see her," Amanda firmly refused.Dickson's sister was astute; her desire to see the kids stemmed from her suspicions about whether they were Dickson's. If she laid eyes on them, she would undoubtedly insist that Dickson unde
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Chapter 29
Amanda fought desperately against the looming threat. Unfortunately, her defiance only escalated the danger she faced.“Dickson, please... don’t,” she pleaded as his kisses grew fiercer, harder, and more aggressive. Her shirt bore the evidence of the struggle, torn and tattered.Fear gripped Amanda entirely. She was well aware that this domineering man had never been one to show gentleness, even in their past marriage where his tyranny prevailed. The more she struggled, the harsher his actions became.“Let go of me,” she implored, resorting to biting him in an attempt to break free. The taste of blood only seemed to fuel his aggression, leaving her neck bruised. Tears welled up as she weakly fought back, despising the man who inflicted such pain. At that moment, Amanda questioned why she had ever loved him in the first place.Not only did she harbour intense love for him, but that love also rendered her remarkably humble in his presence. Despite her deep affection, Dickson had never r
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Chapter 30
“You don’t feel okay. What could be the problem? Be open to me. I’m here for you.”Prosper asked her with his calm masculine voice.Amelia sighed, "What's the point opening up to you? You're just a toyboy." In response, Prosper grinned, his gestures and postures becoming more audacious and provocative."Oh, God. Don’t be too reactive. Take it easy," Amelia exclaimed."I'm a Toy boy. So what?" Prosper retorted, visibly angered by her remark. His movements took on a fiercer intensity, a characteristic that Amelia, with a penchant for wolf-like men, found alluring.Prosper was acutely aware of his limitations; materially, he could offer her nothing. Even the exorbitant cost of their meetings at the sushi bar was beyond his means, and each time Amelia was the one sponsoring the bill.Yet, Prosper was keenly aware of his strengths. Each encounter with Amelia allowed him to cater to her needs, ensuring she fully revealed the pleasure of womanhood. He possessed a deep understanding of what w
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