All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
134 Chapters
Chapter 11
“Amanda, What did you just say? Are you throwing me out of my father’s business?”Amanda looked at Patrick calmly. “Please, don’t take it as if I’m kicking you out or throwing you out of my father’s company. I feel like you are not capable of running it anymore. Patrick, try to grow out of your comfort zone and stop being stagnant!”“I believe you all can see how the company went to point zero when Patrick headed it. Why? He lacked professionalism. He went ahead to employ all his family members forgetting that this is business and not a charity organisation. They all came to feed on us. They don’t even contribute to the growth of the company. If I don't lay them off this company will never grow.”“Wow! Wow! Interesting! I can see how obligated you are.! How in God’s name did Dad raise such a Liability like you Amanda! If only he could wake up from the dead and see all his efforts being wasted. How are you even my sister?” Stella pounded the desk in annoyance , wishing that it was Aman
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Chapter 12
"Mommy is still in a meeting. You should head home. After the meeting, I'll come back to be with you, alright?" Amanda gently informed Francis.Francis, with a serious expression, placed his hands in his pockets. "Mommy, Francisca, and I are concerned that you might face bullying. We're staying here to protect you!"Amanda couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, my dear kids. But Mommy really needs to finish the meeting first. You staying here might distract me.""Well, you go to the meeting first, Mommy, and we'll wait for you here! I'll take care of Francisca and ensure we don't cause any trouble!" Despite being only four years old, Francis displayed an unusual level of intelligence."Yeah, we're not going anywhere, Mommy!" Francisca chimed in. Her sharp-witted nature and distinct character set her apart from her brother.As the two kids engrossed themselves in their phones, they came across numerous online posts attacking their mom, causing them concern. This prompted their visit to p
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Chapter 13
Dickson arched his eyebrows casually, a deceptive ease in his expression. Yet, beneath the surface, a simmering rage threatened to erupt, a desire to unleash chaos upon everyone present.Patrick impatiently adjusted his suit and declared to Amanda, "Sign it, and you can be the chairwoman. But heed my warning—I doubt you can keep that promise. You risk losing everything and staining the family name and company name further. If that happens, I'll sever ties with you too. However, surrender the shares now, and you'll remain my beloved sister. As your elder brother, I'll treat you well."Patrick's implication wasn't lost on anyone; it was a veiled threat to Amanda. If she insisted on usurping him, their brother -sister bond would crumble.A chill inexplicably crept over Amanda. First, her ex-husband's hindrance, and now, her brother engaging in moral manipulation. A challenging moment indeed."Fine, I'll sign," Amanda yielded, a condition hanging in the air. "But I have a request. All sha
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Chapter 14
"Mrs. Stella , how do you view Amanda 's connection with Mr. Dickson?""Word on the street is that Amanda has invested in one of the biggest company Africa. Any truth to that?""That's her personal affair. See her there, why don’t you go ask her yourself!" Alison's expression turned serious, clearly uninterested in an interview. "These rumours of stealing men and properties are common, but you should look beyond that. The Terry’s are a highly respected family. Do you think they'd let their heir marry someone like that? Let time reveal the truth."For the media, it was a bombsh*ll. Whether it was true or not didn't matter as long as it captured public interest. Alison won't let Amanda overshadow her own sister, and it's the very reason she took action against Amanda five years ago. Amanda's brilliance was a threat to Amelia's spotlight."Mrs. Stella, can you share the details of Ms. Amelia and Mr. Dicksons upcoming wedding since she is your best friend?" "Well, it's been three years si
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Chapter 15
"Francis has just woken up.""Alright, Mommy's going to check on him first, okay?" Amanda changed her clothes, freshened up, and disinfected herself before heading to her son's room."Francis, Mommy's home!""Mommy!" Francis lay in bed, a big, bright smile lighting up his frail face.Since birth, Francis had been dealing with the challenges of Parkinson disease.For over three years,Francis had been confined to his bed, unable to even stand up. Needle marks and scars adorned his skin.The burden of hospital bills and ongoing treatments weighed heavily on Amanda, driving him forward. Her deepest desire was to see her son recover one day and stand on his own. She thought he had recovered when she saw him today in her father’s house only for her to get to her hotel suite and discover that it had become worse."Francis, does it still hurt?" Amanda held her son's delicate hand, her heart throbbing with pain. Each time Amanda saw her son, she fought hard to hold back the tears.Francis wast
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Chapter 16
Amanda's response was silence; she disconnected the call without uttering a word. From the bedside drawer, she retrieved four bottles of trembling hands, both containing antidepressants. In quiet despair, she spilled out several pills and swallowed them in one go, battling the depths of severe depression.Initially, she only needed one or two antidepressants a day, but over time, the quantity escalated. Now, there were instances where she had to ingest more than a dozen pills to find solace."Mandy? Hello? Amanda?" Andrew anxiously shouted into his phone, but all he received in return was the persistent beeping sound. Concerned, he stashed his cell phone and hastily descended from his apartment. Andrew rushed into his car and sped toward Amanda's hotel, driven by worry for her well-being.Having known each other abroad since childhood, he and Amanda were once neighbours. Despite the three-year age gap, Andrew found the seed of romance taking root in his heart during those early years.
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Chapter 17
"Who's responsible for this mess?" Dickson barked, slamming his fist on the table. His secretary, standing nearby, turned pale. "We've likely been hacked! I'll check the IP address immediately."Dicskon's face turned an alarming shade of red. Whoever orchestrated this juvenile prank would face consequences. As the top enterprise in New York, Dickson Corp boasted top-notch security. How could they be so easily breached? Dickson muttered, "d*mn it, it doesn't matter. This just exposes the incompetence of my technical staff!"The IP address was swiftly traced back to the King’sHotel. Dickson, squinting at the screen, frowned. In the next moment, a realisation dawned upon him."Isn't Amanda currently residing at the King’s Hotel? She must be involved in this!""That woman," Dickson seethed internally, "she can't defeat me in the real world, so she resorts to humiliating tactics like these?" Dickson clenched his teeth, his expression growing even darker. "Jack, do you have the papers? The
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Chapter 18
Inhaling deeply, Amanda took hold of the contract and carefully reviewed its contents. The agreement proved to be exceptionally stringent, with terms that were outright oppressive. Given the current state of the company, completing the contract within two years seemed like a near-impossible feat."This is unfair.""If you're hesitant to sign, just say so," Dickson retorted.Joanna clenched her teeth in frustration. "Mr. Dickson , you're crossing a line! Show some decency, will you?""Yeah, yeah," Dickson responded dismissively. "I'm just annoying, okay?"He slouched back in his chair, casually puffing on his cigarette, appearing nonchalant. "If you're too scared to sign, just quit the family company. Besides, it’s not even your company!"His arrogant demeanour fueled Amanda's inner fury. Yet, she was no quitter, not back then, and certainly not now.The terms were exorbitant, but if she could complete the task, she could finally rid Dickson and his team members for good and for the be
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Chapter 19
All Dickson desired in that moment was to assert dominance over Amanda. He was inherently aggressive, and once he targeted someone, escape became nearly impossible.Amanda's shirt was forcibly torn open by Dickson, his hands roaming recklessly over her body. Despite the fear and humiliation, Amanda fought fiercely. "Let go of me, no! Hmm... let go, you understand?""You think I don't know what you're doing? Nobody plays hard to get with me. Dickson always gets everything he wants," he declared.As he spoke, the zip on Amanda's skirt was ruthlessly torn apart. However, no matter how vigorously she fought, pinned to the sink, she felt utterly powerless. Horror consumed her entirely.This man had always been brutal to her, and she knew Dickson would only cease when she was shattered and broken.When Bruce was on the verge of attaining his desires, the door was abruptly pounded with rapid and loud knocks.Dickson halted, and an uneasy silence enveloped them. What a disappointment!The doo
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Chapter 20
Amanda furrowed her brow and addressed Amelia, asking, "What are you doing?" Amelia responded with a sneer, turning around to forcefully hit her head against the wall, resulting in an instant swelling on her forehead. Collapsing weakly to the floor, she began to moan, "Ouch, it hurts. Don't hit me, Mandy, please. Help!"Dickson, hearing the commotion, hastily pushed the door open. Upon entering, he witnessed Amelia lying on the floor, pitifully covering her head."What's happening over here?"Amelia stared at Amanda in horror and weakly said, "Mandy, she hit me. She just hit me..." Dickson glanced at Amelia's forehead, noting the bruise. "It hurts!" Amelia sobbed, appearing pitiful. That finally convinced Dickson. "Amanda, how could you treat Amelia like this? She is a good person!" Amanda tried hard not to roll her eyes."She hit the wall herself, and I never touched her. I had nothing to do with it." "Oh, come off it! How can Amelia be so stupid as to run herself into a wall?" "Fine
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