All Chapters of After Divorce, I Became the Trillionaire Heiress: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
134 Chapters
Chapter 31
Amanda found herself grappling with an unexpected surge of sensitivity. Despite a post-divorce vow to avoid love and the pain it brought, thoughts of Dickson stirred turmoil within her just five short years later. Frowning, she shed bitter tears, wrestling with emotions she thought she had buried.In an attempt to quell her inner turmoil, Amanda reached into her bag, extracting sertraline and paroxetine pills. Without hesitation, she swallowed them, transforming into a work maniac, immersing herself in tasks. Steering clear of the office, she delved into a backlog of responsibilities, planning to work overtime to clear the load. Her work team began trickling in, signalling the start of her campaign to streamline the company by eliminating deadwood.Downstairs, a black Lexus RX 330 awaited, and Andrew hurriedly disembarked. Despite owning an array of luxury cars and drivers, he chose to drive alone, favouring a less ostentatious approach. Anxious to locate Amanda, he inquired at the co
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Chapter 32
He possessed a hot-headed disposition, making him bear a striking resemblance to Dickson. At that very moment, she dipped her head and sank her teeth into the black-clad man's wrist. The pain elicited a howl from the man. "Oops. Quite audacious of you!" "Ouch!" While the man in black tended to his throbbing wrist, Francisca swiftly extended her hand and delivered a punch to his eyes.The man, feeling the intense pain, had no choice but to release his grip on Francisca. Francisca tumbled to the ground, and though the pain was sharp, fear didn't grip her.Swiftly rising to his feet, she sprinted forward, yelling, "Let go of me! Release me!""Help! Someone's kidnapping a child!" Betty joined the chaos, throwing herself at one of the men in black and clinging to his ankle. The scene descended into chaos.In the nick of time, Andrew and Amanda’s cars pulled up one after the other. Amanda, observing the situation, quickly realised it was Dickson behind the attempt to snatch the children."S
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Chapter 33
Luckily, Francisc only sustained minor injuries. The doctors treated her wounds and applied ointment, ensuring they were okay. Andrew, too, had minimal injuries, requiring just a simple bandage.“Mandy, if you're hesitant about sending them abroad, consider Africa. They'll soon be in Pre-school, and there's an exclusive private one there. It's close to my mother’s house, just an hour away by boat. You can visit them weekly or every two weeks,” suggested Andrew.“Let them stay there for a while. Once Dickson and Amelia are married, he'll likely forget and won't bother you,” he added. After a pause, Andrew reassured Amanda, “Francis hasn't been exposed. You don't need to worry about him. Keep him by your side.”Amanda hesitated, concerned about the proximity of her current city and Africa , separated only by a sea. Zamura, a small city, was the only place in the country where gambling was allowed, and the Dickson family was among the top three gambling tycoons there.“It's too close. I'
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Chapter 34
After Francis finally drifted into sleep, Amanda sighed, turned off the light, and quietly left her son's room. The sudden ring of the phone startled her."Beep-beep." Amanda checked the screen, finding an unfamiliar number. "Hi pretty""Amanda, where did you hide the kids?" It was Dickson, clearly agitated.Amanda responded sternly, "What's wrong with you? They are my kids and have nothing to do with your family. Don't disturb us anymore. I will sue you if you abduct the kids again!"Dickson, swallowing his frustration, growled coldly, "Tell me, where are the kids?""I have sent them to study in another country. Don't waste your time."Dickson attempted to reason, "Mandy, Aunty Kiki is getting old. She just wants to see the kids...""I'm sorry, but I'm under no obligation to meet your request." Amanda knew that if the kids visited aunty Kiki, they might be coerced to stay. She understood Kiki's shrewdness and knew she wouldn't release them easily.Dickson was at a loss for words and,
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Chapter 35
Patrick took a drag from his cigarette and sighed, "What can I do? That rebellious girl disrespects me. Do you think she'd be polite to your people?""You're such a pushover. As her brother, you can't even control your own sister! Maybe you should hold a press conference and publicly disassociate yourself from her," retorted Stella.Patrick slapped his thigh and responded with a wry face, "Hey, let's not bring something like this to the press! Isn't it disgraceful enough? Besides, even if I'm not the chairman, our family still has significant savings and numerous side businesses. We can still live our lives!"Stella fired back, "How is that the same? Dad’s company is a family business that was on track to become a listed company! Now, something significant like that has fallen into the hands of others easily! I will not tolerate it.""So what? My father can give his inheritance to anyone, but he chose to give it to Stella""Oh, come on. Who would give his inheritance to his daughter i
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Chapter 36
Dickson sneered and drawled, "Stop pointing fingers if you don't have any proof. What did I do? What does the plummeting of your father’s company shares have to do with me?"Infuriated, Amanda took a sharp breath and clenched the phone. "What the h*ll do you want?""What do I want? Isn't it clear to you?" Dickson replied.Amanda roared into the phone, "I'm telling you that there's no way it's going to happen! The child has already gone abroad and is unlikely to return soon! And, for the record, the child has nothing to do with you and Andrew's family! We're all adults. Please don't resort to this underhanded tactic."Dickson stuck his tongue out. "Hehe. Are you angry?"Amanda was rendered speechless by his response. "I'll be d*mned if I'm not!" she cursed in her mind.A wicked grin broke out on Dickson's face as he spoke deliberately in a rascal tone, "I just love it when you're pissed off but can't get to me." Dickson burst into laughter after saying that. Amanda rolled her eyes in a
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Chapter 37
Dickson smoked two cigarettes in a row, his throat feeling parched, while his handsome face darkened with frustration. Unable to endure any longer, he retrieved his phone and took the initiative to call Amanda."Ring!"Amanda's phone started ringing, but unfortunately, she missed the call as she was still in the bathroom, practising facial management and body movements."Ring!"The phone remained unconnected. A robotic voice stated, "Hello, the person you've dialled is currently unavailable...""d*mn!" Dickson cursed, slamming the phone to the ground. "How dare she not answer my call!" he seethed inwardly. Andy frowned upon witnessing this display, picking up the phone, removing the SIM card, and replacing it with another.This marked the fifth phone Dickson had broken that month, prompting David to reflect, "No wonder people say that the rich can do whatever they want.""David, notify Ocean Street financial market to block Terry’s company...""Noted! By the way, I just got the news t
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Chapter 38
"Mrs.Amanda, your beauty is truly captivating. Have you considered venturing into the entertainment industry?"Amanda responded with a graceful smile directed at the camera. "Nice try. I find fulfilment in the success of my father’s company.""Excuse me, when will you and Mr. Andrew tie the knot?""That's a personal matter. I can't address it at the moment."Amanda had been elusive about her relationship with Andrew for years, recognizing his role as her benefactor. Their partnership, however, was mutually beneficial. Being Mr. Dicksons ex-wife, she automatically attracted attention, bringing the spotlight to Andrew's film and television company."Mr. Andrew , any plans to propose to Mrs. Amanda?"Andrew grinned, casting a loving glance at Amanda. "That depends on when she's ready! If she's up for it now, I can propose on the spot!""That's sweet!""Go ahead, propose now!"The reporters cheered, but Amanda subtly signalled Andrew not to let the conversation stray. Amidst the crowd's g
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Chapter 39
Amanda appeared more captivating than a TV celebrity, giving the impression that it wasn't merely a press conference but a deliberate showcase.Amelia, feeling more anxious than ever, was distressed by Dickson's increasingly cold treatment since Amanda's return. Urging her friend to take action, Amelia exclaimed, "Stella, look at Amanda's smug face! Do something! Don't let her become so arrogant!"Stella , swallowing heavily, snorted, and assured, "Relax. Let her believe she's winning for now. Her downfall is imminent in a few days. By the way, have you heard from Mr. Dickson in the past two days?" Amelia's expression darkened upon realising Dickson hadn't contacted her for two days.Frustrated, Amelia sighed, "What can I do? I can't just ask him to marry me." Stella , listening to her friend , playfully poked her forehead, exclaiming, "You're so foolish! Forget it. I'm brilliant. Why did I end up with such a naive friend? If you were half as savvy as I am, dealing with a man wouldn't
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Chapter 40
Stella settled onto the soft leather couch, facing a rosewood desk of considerable length. Dickson reclined in his desk chair, with a glass bookcase stretching along the entire wall behind him."Wow, what a lavish office!" Stella couldn't resist glancing around. When she smiled, her hyaluronic acid-pumped face caused her cheeks to puff out, and her crimson red lips resembled blood.Dickson, feeling uneasy, cast an uncomfortable glance at Stella, on the verge of being repulsed by the strong scent of her perfume. With a sombre expression, he asked, "Mrs. Stella, is there anything I can assist you with?""Oh, it's nothing! I just came to see you," Stella replied with a flirtatious smile, gazing intently at Dickson. "You're quite handsome," she added.His features seemed as if they were chiselled by a divine hand. Not only did he possess a striking appearance, but his physique also rivalled that of international male models. He exuded a palpable air of masculinity. If Stella were two deca
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