All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 107
107 Chapters
LORCAN’S POVDirt caked her face, loneliness clung to her like a second skin, and she sat there, battered and wounded. I approached her, the weight of my past neglect pressing on me like a leaden cloak. She had sensed my presence, but her gaze remained distant, unfocused. I couldn't blame her; I hadn't been there when she needed me most.Step by careful step, I drew nearer, all my senses alert to her every movement. My warriors and Alpha Adrian were ready, positioned to strike the rogues once we had Fedora and the others safely away. But right now, in this tense moment, it was just me and my mate."Fedora?" My voice was a mere whisper, filled with regret and longing. She finally turned her gaze toward me, her eyes empty, but at least they acknowledged my presence.Kneeling in front of her, I gently cupped her cheek. The dirt and grime smeared across her delicate features couldn't hide her beauty. Her hands were bound, and I quickly set to work untying them. The ropes had left angry, r
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FEDORA’S POVWalking out of that grim place, the reality of the situation weighed heavily on me. The others trailing behind us were mostly underage and hadn't yet developed their wolf. Their vulnerability gnawed at my heart, but Lorcan assured me they would be safe. Still, trust was an elusive concept, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt.It was true, though. I had to think of our child. My wolf was already bearing the burden of protecting us both, and I couldn't afford to let my emotions jeopardize that. I was acutely aware of her exhaustion.The night's silence enveloped us, thickening the air with tension. The stillness felt ominous, as if it were the calm before an impending storm. My heart raced with each passing second.As we continued, I sensed a presence, something familiar. I stopped Lorcan, urgently whispering for him to hide. We all took cover in the shadows, and then I saw him - Zero. My mind struggled to process the sight; how had he found us?When the path see
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FEDORA’S POVThe tension in the air was palpable, thick like an invisible shroud that seemed to constrict around everyone in the entire battle field. Lorcan's eyes, usually warm and inviting, were now cold, searching for something that eluded him. It was evident that he wasn't looking for me; his gaze bore into the distance, and the fire of determination flickered within his irises.Despite the numerous wounds that marred his body, he moved with a grace that belied the pain. With a few determined strides, he reached me, his fingers closing around me wrists, holding me in place. There was an undeniable possessiveness in his grip, an unspoken promise that he wouldn't let me go. My first instinct was to pull away, to create distance, but there was something about his close proximity that soothed the wild turmoil within me and my wolf. So, I stayed, my eyes locked onto his, searching for answers.Lorcan's men trailed behind him, their expressions mixed with curiosity and urgency. They wer
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Chapter 104 THE END OF THE WAR
FEDORA’S POVAs I and two warriors ventured towards the battered barn, the memories of the mysterious figure who had entered it earlier gnawed at the back of my mind. The barn, now mostly destroyed from the recent battle, stood before me, a symbol of uncertainty. The scent of blood grew stronger as we approached near the barn, and I exchanged worried glances with the warriors by my side. The dread within me intensified as I sensed movements from within but my wolf was calm, she showed no signs of stress and that put me at ease.Quickly, I activated the mind link, summoning our pack members. Their responses were swift, and they arrived just in time to witness the unfolding mystery.The stench of decayed blood filled the air, a chilling reminder of the horrors that had taken place. I couldn't deny the fear that crept into my heart, but I refused to let it weaken my resolve. Pregnancy didn't equate to weakness; I was determined to face whatever awaited inside.Lorcan's warning glance did
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FEDORA’S POVAs I and the others returned to Gray Glory pack, the weight of revelations bore down upon me. The whole truth about the rift between me and Lorcan had finally come to light, and it was a revelation that left me reeling.Melantha, the source of so much pain and confusion, had manipulated the situation from the start. She had fabricated the entire scene that had driven a wedge between me and Lorcan. For her actions, she had been sent to the werewolf base, a place akin to rehab, where she could heal and hopefully come to terms with her delusions.One of her friends revealed that Melantha had lived in a world of fantasy, convincing herself that Lorcan's care was love and that they were destined to be together. Her obsession had driven her to desperate measures up to a point where she rejected her own mate, and she even drugged Lorcan in an attempt to weaken our mate bond. However, due to Lorcan's strength the drug didn’t effected him that much and he ran away instead in an at
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LORCAN’S POVI didn't know what to say when I held the divorce papers in my hands. But one thing was certain—I couldn't run away from my sins any longer. I had hurt Fedora countless times, and she had forgiven me time and again. Forgiveness was something I didn't deserve, and now I had to face the consequences of my actions.Fedora's question lingered in the air, and I pondered over it. Were we really okay? No, we weren't. Nothing between us was normal, and it all began with my selfish needs. First, it was about my wolf, then my pack, and finally, my pack's future. Fedora had fulfilled those conditions admirably. My wolf was healed, my pack was in a much better state, and now she carried my pack's future within her womb.How could I let her go?I couldn't sit there any longer, contemplating. I stood up and walked back to my room, retrieving the contract that had bound us. Returning to where Fedora was, I knelt before her. Confusion and hurt were evident in her eyes as she gazed at me.
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Chapter 107 EPILOGUE
FEDORA’S POVMoving on from the pain and heartache had been a difficult journey, but it was one I embarked upon not because of weakness, but because of the belief that Lorcan was right. Our relationship hadn't started on a good note, and there were secrets and misunderstandings that needed to be addressed. It was time to give him the chance to express himself and make amends.Lorcan was undeniably headstrong and stubborn, but I had faith that this time, he would be more flexible. I had already witnessed a significant change in him during my pregnancy. The man who once never bowed to anyone now bent to tie my shoelaces, and he respected my boundaries, touching me only when I gave him permission to do so.It was a sign of his willingness to change, to adapt, and to become the partner and father our family needed. The transformation in him gave me hope for our future, a future built on trust, love, and understanding. The pain of the past was still there, but it was no longer the defining
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