All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
LORCAN’S POVAs the pressure mounted and the threat of the rogues grew stronger, I found myself slumped in my chair, my head heavy with the weight of worry. The neighboring packs had already fallen victim to these rogue attacks, and it seemed like a matter of time before they turned their attention to our pack. Their motives remained unclear, their actions seemingly purposeless.The rogues didn't come to kill, that was certain. Instead, they targeted pack members and valuable resources, leaving chaos and confusion in their wake. I knew the horrors they inflicted on other packs – using gases to incapacitate patrol guards, invading homes, and taking pack members without leaving behind any ransom demands. It was a strategy that left everyone bewildered and searching for answers.As the Alpha of our pack, I had to take immediate action. I called back warriors from neighboring packs, hoping to bolster our defenses and prepare for whatever onslaught the rogues had in store. Every moment cou
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Chapter 82 A VISIT
FEDORA’S POVAfter completing another surgery, exhaustion settled deep within me. The pregnancy, still in its early stages, was already taking a toll on my energy levels. The strained relationship between Lorcan and me only added to the weariness I felt. It was frustrating to realize that even though I was barely a month into this journey, I was already feeling worse each passing day. The emotional turmoil was wreaking havoc on my body, and I couldn't help but attribute my fatigue to the tension between us.Seeking a brief respite, I decided to take a break and grab some food. Being pregnant meant I needed to eat for two, but I didn't want to draw attention to my increased consumption. The secret of my pregnancy remained hidden, shared only with a select few who I knew I could trust not to reveal it prematurely. I was confident that they would keep my confidence until I was ready to disclose it.As I waited for the food to arrive, my stomach rumbled in hunger, and I anticipated the mu
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FEDORA’S POV"Fine, I'll talk to him about this matter," I replied to my beta, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. It was a reluctant decision, but if the pack was in danger, I couldn't ignore my responsibilities as its Luna, even if my personal feelings were in turmoil.I rearranged my schedule for the day, ensuring that any immediate cases or surgeries were properly addressed. As I left the hospital, my mind was already consumed by thoughts of the impending conversation with Lorcan. I knew that putting our differences aside temporarily was necessary for the pack's safety.Outside, I noticed my friend Susan and our beta engrossed in what seemed to be a secretive conversation. Their hushed tones and abrupt halt as they noticed me raised my suspicion. Susan's demeanor appeared troubled, and I couldn't help but worry about her."Hey, Susan, is everything alright?" I inquired, concern lacing my voice. Her abrupt departure only deepened my worry.Her response was hurried, indicati
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FEDORA’S POVAs I pushed the door open, my heart was pounding with a mix of apprehension and anger. The sight that met my eyes was unexpected, to say the least. There, amidst a disarray of clothes strewn about the room, lay Lorcan – asleep and seemingly undisturbed. The relief that washed over me was palpable, yet it was short-lived as I took in the scene more closely.As I scanned the room, my gaze fell upon an unfamiliar undergarment on the floor, and a sense of unease settled in once again. However, my attention was abruptly diverted as someone else emerged from the bathroom – someone I hadn't anticipated seeing in this context."Melantha?" I whispered incredulously, shock and disbelief coursing through me. It was Lorcan's stepsister, a person whom I had interacted with on numerous occasions. The realization hit me like a tidal wave – Lorcan was involved with his own stepsister, a fact that seemed absurd and incomprehensible.Anger and revulsion surged within me as I processed the
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Chapter 85 BACK HOME
FEDORA’S POVAs I walked away from the life I had known, the weight of my decision pressed heavily upon me. Melantha's words and the evidence before my eyes left no room for doubt – Lorcan's betrayal was real, and his motivations were driven solely by his pack's needs, not any genuine feelings for me.The world around me felt surreal as I stepped out of the pack's territory. The wind rustled through the trees, carrying with it a mixture of relief and sorrow. I had loved Lorcan, or at least the version of him I had created in my mind, and it hurt to acknowledge that it was all a lie.As I reached my friend's pack, I felt a mix of gratitude and sadness. The familiarity of the place, the warmth of her embrace, offered some solace amidst the chaos that had become my life. She was the one who understood me, who had seen my struggles and had stood by me even when I had chosen to marry Lorcan.In the quiet solitude of my old pack's territory, I sought solace and a chance to heal. The familia
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Chapter 86 DIVORCE
FEDORA’S POV“I am divorcing Lorcan,” I declared, my voice steady and determined. We sat around the dinner table, a tense atmosphere hanging in the air. My unexpected visit had put my family on edge, and it was time to address the elephant in the room.The reactions were immediate. Shock registered on my brother's face, while my father's stern gaze bore into me with a mix of disapproval and curiosity. I wasn't one to sugarcoat things, and I couldn't allow this charade to continue any longer.“What?” Both my father and brother exclaimed, their voices overlapping in disbelief.“Yes, it's true. Lorcan and I are not meant to be together. Our mate bond was a mistake, and I've decided to end it,” I stated firmly, my resolve unwavering. Their stunned silence gave me the space to explain myself, and I seized the opportunity."Lorcan and I have never been compatible. I went along with the mate bond only because of the moon goddess's decision, but it's clear now that she made a mistake. This is
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LORCAN’S POVI woke up with a dull ache in my head and an unsettling silence that seemed to hang heavily in the air. The emptiness around me felt wrong, as if something important was missing. Fedora had a habit of leaving quietly in the early morning, allowing me to rest a little longer. But this time, the quietness seemed different, and a sense of unease began to creep over me.Fedora's presence in my life had brought a new sense of purpose and ease. She had taken on responsibilities that had weighed me down and had improved the pack's dynamics in ways I couldn't have imagined. Since she had become a part of Gray Glory Pack, things had been running smoothly.Yet now, her side of the bed was empty, and the hushed atmosphere seemed to magnify her absence. Her scent still lingered in the air, mingling with something else I couldn't quite identify. Panic started to claw at the edges of my mind as I searched the rooms, hoping to find a clue about where she might be.The bathroom was empty
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Chapter 88 PRIORITY
LORCAN’S POV“Don’t you think you should go there and bring Luna back if you want to protect the pack?” Reagan asked me after he was finally fed up with me.I was not ignoring my mate, neither I plan to stay here. I want to go there and bring her back, I received a call from Adrian few hours ago and he informed me that Fedora is staying with them for the time being, but his voice held disappointment. I was relieved that he informed me but I was also aggrieved with the fact that she left just like that without informing me or anyone else despite knowing that the rogues are planning something against us. Something must have happened that have pushed us so far that she left the pack but I can’t think of anything except what I did there in forest.But even if she wanted to leave then she would have a long time ago. After asking around I know nothing happened at the pack hospital, neither at the construction site which looked remarkable. Given the fact that there resources were stolen, the
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FEDORA’S POVAs I settled back into life within my old pack, I couldn't help but notice the changes that had taken place during my absence. The most notable change was the transformation of my best friend, Caroline, into a more active and engaged Luna. She had taken on her responsibilities with fervor, striving to make positive changes for both the pack and its members.Caroline and I had always shared a strong bond, and now that bond was being put to the test in a new way. I admired her dedication and her willingness to adapt and grow into her role. She had stepped into her position with grace, using her influence to benefit the pack as a whole. It warmed my heart to see her flourish as a leader.One thing that stood out to me was her relationship with Adrian, the Alpha. Their partnership was a breath of fresh air in a world where traditional power dynamics often dominated. They worked as equals, supporting each other's decisions and collaborating to ensure the pack's well-being. Adr
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Chapter 90 MEN WILL BE MEN
FEDORA’S POV"He's right," our conversation was abruptly interrupted by our father, his voice carrying a mix of concern and urgency."You should go there and talk to him," he suggested, his words tinged with a hint of persuasion."Go there? Are you serious? I'll talk to him when I'm ready, but until then, please don't push me," I declared, my voice firm but tinged with the weight of my emotions."Fedora, you're being unreasonable," my father countered, his frustration evident in his tone."I'm being sensible and practical. I'll speak to him when I feel prepared. And until that moment comes, I ask that no one discuss anything about Lorcan, and that includes you," I asserted, casting a pointed look towards my brother.It was baffling to me that even after everything that had transpired, they were both still inclined to maintain contact with him. It was as if they didn't fully comprehend the depth of his betrayal, the wounds he had inflicted.The knowledge that they might not take approp
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