All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
107 Chapters
FEDORA’S POVAs I stood at the door, witnessing Neio and Melantha together, a flurry of thoughts overwhelmed my mind. The sight of them sent a jolt of surprise through me, leaving me momentarily stunned.Even Melantha seems to know Neio and the truth of his parents and yet I am still standing here wondering what is their true relationship.However, Neio's cheerful greeting snapped me out of my daze, and I mustered a smile, reaching out to touch his head gently. "You were so brave during all the tests," I praised him, my voice filled with genuine admiration.Neio is truly an amazing kid, he went through all the necessary tests without causing any drama like other kids, he was very cooperative and I couldn’t help but pinch his cheeks. His giggles settled my heart for a while.Melantha who sitting right beside Neio, had been observing our interaction closely, couldn't hide her shock at the fact that Neio and I already knew each other. Concealing the jealousy in her eyes, she cunningly dr
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Chapter 52 DOUBTS
FEDORA’S POVI arrived at the scene, ready to jump into action, only to discover that the patient's family was vehemently rejecting the idea of me performing the surgery. Their eyes fixated on my intern nametag, they dismissed me as a mere trainee, doubting my capabilities.With a calm yet assertive tone, I addressed the concerned family members. "I understand your hesitation, but time is of the essence here. If we don't proceed with the surgery immediately, the patient's life is at great risk. I assure you that I am fully qualified and capable of performing this procedure. I am the only doctor available at this moment, if we didn’t take any action immediately we’ll definitely lose him, is that what you want?"“It doesn’t matter, I bet we’ll definitely lose him if an intern like you operate my brother.” One of them responded.The family's eyes assessed my appearance, questioning my abilities as an intern and as a surgeon. They had heard some sort of rumors of me being the youngest doc
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Chapter 53 NEIO'S TRUTH
FEDORA’S POVI walked out of the operating room, my heart still racing from the successful surgery. This is the first official surgery that I performed alone without any supervision. But With Lorcan's unwavering support, I had managed to navigate the complexities of the procedure and earned the recognition of everyone present at that moment. The feeling of accomplishment surged through me, knowing that I had made a difference in someone's life.The patient’s family was embarrassed at their behaviour and apologized for being rude. But I couldn’t really hold that against them. They were obviously scared and only wanted an expert to deal their son.I informed them about patient’s condition and the after care that he may need for the quick recovery.About that I was not worried, the most important part was to pull out the stuck piece of wood from his body, since werewolves have the ability to heal fast, his wolf will help him with his recovery.Before calling it a night I decided to check
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FEDORA’S POV“Dr. Severon, is there anything I can help you with?” I questioned innocently, while my heart said that something was suspicious about this situation. But since he was a senior I couldn’t directly question him.That would be disrespectful and maybe he had a good reason for being here.“Um…hi Fedora. Actually I am looking for a patient’s file. I thought that maybe I left it here. Or maybe one of the nurses left it here. I hope you don’t mind me sitting at your chair. I heard your busy with a surgery and I urgently needed that file. I am sorry.” He explained in a hurry and stood up from his place.“So where is the file?” I questioned when I noticed his empty hands.“Oh…it’s not here. Maybe I forgot it somewhere else. Once again I am really sorry for entering without your permission. This isn’t my nature, but I was in a hurry and I had no other option.” Je was sweating profusely and he clenched unclenched his hands as if he was refraining from doing something.His behaviour
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Chapter 55 ZERO
FEDORA’S POVDays passed, and life seemed to regain a sense of normalcy, things were still hectic but much better than before. Lorcan was being supportive with my work and that was a huge change for me. He didn't push me to work alongside him even though he was under huge pressure from the council and other packs.But that didn't mean that I wasn't there to support him. I made sure that he received his lunch and dinner on time. And I made sure that his warriors received the same treatment.However, my duties as a werewolf doctor also called me to the border area most of the time due to increased rogue’s activity around the pack, many warriors were found injured at the borders, few of them on the verge of death while others begging for death.It was during one of those visits that I found myself in a perilous situation, attacked by a group of rogue werewolves, it was easy for me to shift and attack all of them, but revealing my wolf meant attracting attention of my staff so I played th
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Chapter 56 TEST OF FAITH
THIRD PERSON’S POVMelantha was sure that there was something different about Fedora when she returned from her visit, she was continuously rubbing her arms and looking all around her as if she was caught red handed while doing something forbidden. She was sure that she caught a whiff of a different scent on her, more specifically a male scent, her mind quickly jumping to conclusions. Her suspicion led her to believe that Fedora had been cheating on Lorcan, with someone else. The thought infuriated Melantha, fueling her anger and resentment towards her.She never liked Fedora for obvious reasons, but after catching her red handed she was sure that Fedora isn’t worthy of being a Luna.Melantha hated these kind of women.But this was also the opportunity that she didn't want to miss, this was her chance to expose Fedora in front of everyone.Just as Melantha's accusations were about to spill out a heavy voice stopped her.“Fedora!” They both turned to the source of the voice.Lorcan arr
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THIRD PERSON’S POVThe next morning, as the sun gently kissed their faces, Fedora woke up in Lorcan's arms. She gazed into his eyes, mesmerized by the tenderness she saw reflected in them. The weight of their shared journey was palpable, and they knew they needed each other now more than ever.“Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked in a sleepy voice, their naked bodies tangled with each other.“Like what?” Lorcan questioned.“Like you are looking at me for the first time.” She said and tried to move away from his arms.“I am looking at you for the first time,” he shrugged.“What?” Fedora questioned.“Yeah, I mean the way your mouth was open while you were asleep. I am seeing you like this for the first time. I didn’t realize before but do you know that you snore and it was so loud that I woke up.” Lorcan said, his voice light as if he didn’t want to disturb the serenity of this moment between them.“What? No! You’re lying. I don’t snore. I never snore and neither do I sleep
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Chapter 58 ONE MISTAKE
THIRD PERSON’S POVAs they prepared for the day, the couple made their way to visit Neio, who would undergo surgery the following day. The weight of the situation settled heavily on Fedora's shoulders. The success rate of the surgery was a mere 50%, making every moment they spent with Neio all the more precious.Entering his room, Fedora and Lorcan were amazed by the boy's bravery and positivity. Despite the looming uncertainty, Neio greeted them with a radiant smile, his eyes shining with hope. It was in that moment that Fedora felt an immense responsibility weighing on her. She realized the significance of their presence and the impact it could have on Neio’s morale.Fedora took a deep breath, gathering her strength and resolve. She approached his bedside, her eyes filled with empathy and compassion. She wished at that moment that everything goes well tomorrow."Hey, Neio," she spoke softly, her voice filled with warmth. "We're here for you, every step of the way. You're not alone."
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Chapter 59 MISTAKE
FEDORA’S POVMy hands trembled as I desperately tried to fix the issue, but time slipped through my fingers like sand.The team around me noticed my distress, and a collective gasp filled the air. The atmosphere grew tense as their eyes darted between me and the incomplete stitching. I knew I had no time to explain, so I made a split-second decision.Dr. Ken, a skilled surgeon who had been observing the surgery, offered his help, his voice laced with concern. But I couldn't accept his assistance, not when I had a solution of my own. With a sense of urgency, I swiftly retrieved my spare tools that I keep for emergencies, it’s a habit I developed when I saw a similar case on T.V. and thankfully I learned to be prepared for emergencies and also to always keep a back up plan. I resumed the stitching, my hands moving with practiced precision.The surgery continued, and despite the hiccup, it proceeded without further complications. The relief in the room was tangible, but the tension linge
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Chapter 60 MASKED MAN
FEDORA’S POVI glanced at Neio, his young face serene in slumber. His face reminded me of those people and the reason I had chosen this path, the reason I had dedicated my life to saving others. Lorcan’s trust in me was unwavering, and I couldn't bear the thought of letting him down.The night was shrouded in darkness, and the air was heavy with an eerie silence. And I sat right next to Neio, my senses heightened, as if something was about to unfold. My eyes continuously navigated the entire room in every few minutes.And suddenly out of nowhere a peculiar scent enveloped me, captivating my senses and drawing my attention to the figure beside me. Neio seemed undisturbed, lost in a peaceful slumber.I clutched his hand tightly, sensing that something was about to happen. The scent made me dizzy and I recognized the scent of the herb and I stopped myself for breathing letting my wolf take charge for few moments as she was immune to such scents.Hera was also hyperalert. She knew what Ne
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