All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
107 Chapters
Chapter 31 STOLEN KISS
THIRD PERSON’S POVFedora's heart raced, torn between the intensity of her feelings, the promise they made before their wedding and the weight of her responsibilities.What has gotten into him?Is he even serious?She should be annoyed at his unreasonable request, but somehow she found his invitation seductive, especially as his lips drew closer to hers. The anticipation hung thick in the air, and her mind wrestled with conflicting emotions.As he inched closer, she murmured, “when the first time we met, you promised me that you will never force me.”Lorcan, however, calmly stated, “I have no intention of forcing you, and I am only asking for a kiss to seal this deal. I know that you want to work in hospital while using your name and I am just asking you to pay the price for it. Consider it a proposal, a normal intimacy between us as husband and wife.”When she didn’t reply he reminded her, “ I know that we have given each other three months, but ultimately, we would need to learn and
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FEDORA’S POVAfter a satisfying breakfast, I made my way to the highly anticipated job interview. Graduating from a top medical college and having relevant experience under my belt, I felt confident and prepared. The interview room was filled with a panel of seasoned professionals, their stern gazes fixed upon me. I took a deep breath, gathered my composure, and began showcasing my knowledge, skills, and passion for medicine.As the interview progressed, I could sense a shift in the atmosphere. The panel members leaned forward, nodding in agreement as I eloquently described my experiences and shared my insights on patient care. I seized the opportunity to highlight my ability to think critically in high-pressure situations and my dedication to continuous learning. The interview went exceptionally well in fact it was better than I expected, and I left the room with a sense of accomplishment.However, my moment of triumph was short-lived. Just as the hospital decided to hire me, an unex
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LORCAN’S POVI received the urgent news that one of my warriors had been attacked by rogues. Concerned for their well-being, I hurried over to the scene to inquire about the situation at the borders but I didn’t know that it was their way of luring me out alone, I was caught off guard when they attacked me but thanks to my wolf and his reflex I was saved but was also injured badly. I managed to kill a few rogues but rest of them ran away.Next I decided to check on my warriors who were already admitted in hospital. As I approached, my eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of trouble or danger.To my surprise, amidst the chaos, my gaze fell upon Fedora. She stood there, radiating a certain brightness that seemed to outshine the rest. Her dedication and skills were evident as she immersed herself in her work, attending to those in need. My warriors were obviously impressed with her and so was I.She was so immersed in her work that she didn’t even noticed me.Knowing th
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FEDORA’S POVI could feel the frustration building up inside for what Lorcan said back in the car. He thinks that I won’t be working in his hospital if it weren’t for him.I started working as an intern and have already impressed so many people with my dedication and hard work and yet I still felt unworthy.Because maybe he was right, he did talk to the dean about me.This somehow made me lose all my confidence in my abilities. I wanted to take a run as it has been so long since I let my wolf out.It was late but I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I don’t do something about all the tangled emotions inside me.Why does everyone care about Lorcan so much and not me?Even my own father.I walked out of the room but was stopped by none other than my mate.“Where are you going?” he questioned with an angry scowl on his face.“Out,” I answered and moved away from him but this time he held my wrist to stop me.“It’s dangerous outside, today a few rogues attacked me and a few of my warriors. It’s
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FEDORA’S POVI found myself enveloped in Lorcan’s arms in no time. The air crackled with an undeniable electricity, and our souls seemed to harmonize with every breath we took. Every time I exhaled he inhaled taking my breath away every time.“Lorcan what are you trying to do?” I asked hesitantly. The way he was still rubbing circles on my tender skin made my core pulse.“I am trying to give you what your body wants.” He replied in his husky voice.He gently pressed me against him, his touch sending a shiver down my spine.With a tender voice, he said, “Don’t ignore your needs Fedora, I can smell your arousal and I bet your panties are drenched.”I should move away and slap him for saying those words but my heart fluttered with anticipation, knowing that this moment would forever change the course of our relationship and turned me on even more.My wolf howled in my mind and the moment I got busy in the tug of war between my mind and my heart she took the charge.Leaning closer, I coul
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THIRD PERSON POVAs the days passed, news of rogue activity began to circulate. Fedora couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to help, to contribute in some way. However, Lorcan had been preoccupied with his duties, leaving little time for them to connect. In the midst of their busy lives, she found herself missing him more than ever. She decided to talk to the senior staff of hospital to arrange a small camp near pack orders to help injured warriors. This will provide them immediate help at the time of emergency.And if there are serious any serious issues then they’ll be treated at the hospital. The team appreciated the idea and immediately put the plan in action.On a bright morning, Fedora received an invitation to attend a meeting held by the Luna Association. It was a gathering of powerful and influential luna leaders, and she knew it was an opportunity to make a difference. With a sense of purpose, she chose the simplest sports car from Lorcan's garage and set off to the de
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Chapter 37 AMBUSHED
FEDORA’S POVI rushed through the hospital doors, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and urgency.Something inside me said that something bad was about to happen. As I approached the gate, my colleague Susan appeared, her eyes widening at the sight of me stepping out of a sports car. There was no time for explanations, no time to delve into the peculiarities of my mode of transportation. The situation demanded immediate attention.As I navigated the corridors of the hospital, a scene of devastation unfolded before me. Injured warriors, their bodies battered and broken, lay on stretchers and in makeshift beds. It was evident that a large-scale fight had taken place, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. My eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of familiar faces. And then, amidst the chaos, I caught a glimpse of Lorcan's beta, his wounds a testament to the ferocity of the battle. My heart clenched with worry, an insatiable need to know if Lorcan had also suffered.Just as
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Chapter 38 HALF TRUTHS
FEDORA’S POVI couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. This was a place I had never been allowed to visit before until mhy training is complete and I become the part of the senior team as well but right now I can’t even call myself a doctor, at least not according to the rules of this hospital.But circumstances had brought me here, and I needed to face the consequences of my revelation.I stopped when the same voice called me again and I turned to see a herd of nurses including two of Melantha’s minions.“What are you even doing here? You know that this floor is reserve and still you have the nerve of coming here and demand to see Alpha Lorcan.” One of them taunted.This was the first time I wanted to reveal that I am his mate and I actually did. I don’t know when those words slipped my mouth but they did. Admitting that I was Lorcan’s Luna had been a difficult truth to share, especially with the skeptical nurses who now stood before me.They exchanged doubtful glances and eve
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Melantha's aggressive words pierced through the air, blaming Fedora and her family for the immense trouble that had befallen Lorcan. Guilt gnawed at Fedora's heart, but she refused to bear the weight of disrespect from others.Most of the packs are working together at the moment to eliminate the threat of rogues completely. So she can’t be blamed entirely for this situation. This could have happened with anyone.She knew she was still Lorcan's Luna, and to despise her was to despise Lorcan himself. With a calm determination, she mustered the strength to retort."I understand your anger, Melantha," Fedora spoke evenly, her voice carrying a hint of sorrow. "But it's crucial to remember that no one could have foreseen this tragedy. Blaming me or my family won't change the circumstances we find ourselves in. Instead, we should focus on supporting Lorcan and finding a solution."Melantha's fury intensified, her anger fueled by the tension in the room. She continued to scold Fedora, her wor
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THIRD PERSON POV(WARNING: ADULT CONTENT AHEAD)The moment Lorcan tasted her lips, he felt more reluctant to stop anymore he wanted all of her and this was the perfect opportunity. He wanted to finish what they started that night. He wanted to make her c*m again and again on his fingers, his mouth and his c*ck. He still remembered how she bloomed on his fingers last time, and the way she lost control in his arms.Fedora is someone who always maintains her composure and likes to act civil but who knew that she was capable of making such sounds that made his blood rush directly towards his c*ck. His rebellious wife was very stubborn but extremely seductive. He'd thought their mark would be enough to heal his wolf Oscar, but the incomplete bond had left him even more tormented.He was unable to focus on work these days, especially after that night.That was another one of the reason that he was feeling weak these days. He only marked her on their wedding night and the taste of her blood
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