All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
107 Chapters
FEDORA’S POVInstinctively, I reached out, yearning to touch him, but before I could, Lorcan regained control of the kiss, snapping me back to reality. His kiss was everything but gentle. It was bruising, it was brutal but at the same time, it was hot and out of this world.My hands, which had been reaching for Oscar, landed on Lorcan's face instead. At that moment, something shifted between us. Lorcan deepened the kiss making it difficult for me to even breathe, forcefully claiming me as his. The kiss lacked the warmth and tenderness that Oscar's gaze had evoked inside me, I longed for that warmth. This kiss held nothing but anger and resentment. It felt more like a punishment than an expression of desire. I resisted, my brain urging me to pull away but the mate bond tried convincing me otherwise, Hera however knew that something was wrong with his behaviour so I tried to resist, but he ignored my protests.Finally, with Hera's unexpected intervention, I found the strength to push Lo
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FEDORA’S POVAs the tension between Lorcan and me reached its peak, an ominous sense of impending doom washed over me. It was as if the very essence of death loomed in the air, threatening to tear me apart. But rather than succumbing to fear like any normal person would, I steeled myself instead for the battle that seemed inevitable. I was prepared to fight him with every ounce of strength I possessed. I don’t know what gave him the impression that I won’t fight him for dominance, for respect and for equal treatment at every chance I get.His hard breathing and his flared nostrils were a sign that he was about to smack my and I also got ready for another fight but this time it is going to be physical. I may not last long in front of him but I am sure I’ll put up a hell of a fight.I was observing his body when all of a sudden something changed, his stance, his body language, even the rate of his breathing. It was surprising for me, that his rage subsided almost as quickly as it had ig
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FEDORA’S POVHis words struck me with a mix of frustration and disbelief. Did he truly believe that a mere title or a mere promise visit to my pack would resolve the underlying issues between us? It was clear that Lorcan was oblivious to the emotional connection and mutual respect that should form the foundation of a true mate bond.My heart pounded in my chest as I retreated from the forest. The darkness and silence around me mirrored the turmoil within. I couldn't bear the thought of being trapped in a loveless union with Lorcan, unable to express my true desires and be with someone who cherished me for who I was.I know that he is strict, cruel and emotionless. But how disconnected he is from the basic emotions.Why is it so hard for him to understand that the title of Luna and shared power is not the real solution for us?As Lorcan walked away without even a single glance toward me, his footsteps heavy and desperate, I made a decision right then and there. I couldn't waste any mor
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FEDORA’S POVThe evening was filled with a sense of unease as I made my way through the winding corridors of our pack house. I walked aimlessly through the almost empty halls, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. I had been heading for Caroline's room, hoping she could offer some advice, perhaps even comfort because she was the only person beside my brother who knew about my situation.But as I approached her door, I heard soft moans leaking through the wooden barrier. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized what those sounds meant. Caroline was with my brother doing the deed. The thought sent a wave of embarrassment rushing over me. I shook my head, trying to dispel the vivid images flooding my mind."Why can't they act like civilized beings for once?" I muttered, my cheeks flaming. It's not even bedtime yet and it's not like I came here to meet her unannounced. Now that she is mated to my brother, I obviously texted her first before arriving here. I quickly shook off the discomfort,
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FEDORA’S POVI burst through the doors of the pack house as I knew my parents were still here completing their duties as the former Luna and Alpha of the pack. But the entire hall was filled with chaos, and I stood in the center of the pack's gathering hall, surrounded by the buzz of excitement.My mother called me to show me this.I thought it was some kind of emergency. Or maybe the rogues attacked again...but i was certainly not expecting this.And what the hell is going on here?My eyes navigated the entire hall to find the kind face of my mother and I did find her with tears in her eyes.I stepped in her direction but when someone congratulated me for finding my mate and telling me that I am lucky to have him as my mate I realized what was going on.It had been several weeks since I heard from him and now receiving these extravagant gifts from him, each one a testament to his wealth and power as the Alpha. The room was filled with whispers of envy and admiration, but I couldn't h
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THIRD PERSON POVThe atmosphere in the Gray Glory Group's headquarters was heavy with tension. Reagan was back from his visit and just delivered his future Luna’s special message for Lorcan and in response the Alpha, stood with clenched fists, his face red with anger. Fedora, his own mate, had just uttered the words that struck a nerve, and Beta, whose smug expression had fuelled Lorcan's rage, stood nearby, awaiting his fate. Reagan knew not to provoke his Alpha at this moment and he couldn’t help but wonder how his Alpha felt at the moment.Lorcan on the other hand initially thought that those gifts might change her mind and boy was he wrong?Never in his life he has met someone so spoiled and stubborn.Girls do like gifts right? And especially the rare and expensive one. Is there anything the maids missed while sending the gifts?Lorcan looked at Reagan’s smug face and wanted to take all of his anger out on him, Reagans’s victorious smile was mocking him.Reagan was enjoying riling
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Chapter 17 BETRAYED
ALPHA LORCAN’S POVAs the icy water passed my parched throat, a strange taste settled in my mouth. The intense heat seemed to surround my body and my wolf growled in my mind demanding to be let out and I could feel myself losing control of my wolf side.I looked at Melantha and tried to ask what was wrong with me. But her sudden flirtatious gestures and provocative remarks took a sudden turn, revealing a side of her I hadn't expected."Come on, Lorcan," Melantha purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "I bet I've got a figure that could satisfy you better in bed than that mountain bitch."My eyes widened in both shock and anger. Did she really just say that about my mate? The audacity of her words hit me like a slap to the face. I could feel the rage bubbling up inside me, threatening to consume my self-control.Before I could respond, I noticed a strange sensation coursing through my body. Everything started to feel hazy, as if I had been drugged. Panic surged within me as I reali
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Chapter 18 DRUG AND LUST
FEDORA’S POVMy instincts kicked in and my body tensed as i prepared for the potential threat. But as the wolf drew closer, I realized that it held an aura of power and nobility. There was something strangely familiar about it, as if destiny itself had sent this majestic creature to me.The wolf locked eyes with me, its gaze reflecting a mixture of wisdom and strength. In that moment, a spark of recognition ignited within me.Upon a closer look I realized who it was.Nearly at once, I recognized it was Lorcan’s wolf. But why was he here?I didn't get any notification about his visit and why did his eyes look so dangerous? Had he just fought?My heart raced as I observed his wolf’s intense gaze. There was something off about him, something that didn't align with our usual encounters. I cautiously approached him, my mind filled with questions. As I got closer, I noticed his dishevelled appearance—matted fur and dirt streaks covered his body.This is not the Alpha of the Gray pack, this
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THIRD PERSON POVShe had taken the necessary measures to ensure her safety, but now she had to confront Lorcan about the truth behind his behaviour.When Lorcan woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar cabin. Confusion and anger clouded his expression as he realized he had been sedated, his head felt heavy due to the after-effects of the drugs and the sedation.Fedora stood before him, her gaze steady and resolute.“What the hell did you do to me?” Lorcan's voice trembled with frustration as he questioned her actions, unable to comprehend why she dared to sedate him.“I did what was necessary at that moment, you were about to r*pe me. You already broke one promise and I won’t let you break this one.” Fedora held her ground, her voice was firm as“Do I need to remind you or teach you the importance of consent in any relationship, first you didn’t let me even decide if I want this bond to work between us and then yesterday you send those gifts through someone else? I have been here fo
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LORCAN’S POVI was taken aback by Fedora's words. A smirk formed on my lips as I looked at her, curiosity evident in my eyes. "And what makes you think I would agree to your proposal?" I asked, my tone laced with skepticism.Fedora met my gaze, unfazed by my skepticism.“Don’t forget I just saved by saving your reputation.” She reminded me, a fact I couldn't deny. It would have been easy for their pack to capture me for trespassing. I am not mated to her yet. However, I retorted, pointing out that she had also imprisoned me in a rather disrespectful manner. My condition of being bound against my will still left a bitter taste in my mouth.Ignoring my remark, Fedora continued with a serious tone.“Considering the escalating attacks by rogues, it is the best choice for both of us. Furthermore,” she paused for a moment and looked at me.“Don’t forget your pack needs a Luna as well, someone to stand by your side and strengthen your pack. While you could choose a Luna yourself, that would
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