All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
107 Chapters
Chapter 41 HEALING
Looking into Fedora's watery eyes, Lorcan couldn't help but feel a surge of desire stir within him once again. Their passionate encounter had left him longing for more, but he knew he needed to be cautious. Fedora gently pushed him away, reminding him that he was still recovering from his injury. Concerned for his well-being, she insisted on checking his wound.She was still being considerate after experiencing the searing pain from their love making. It was consuming, brutal and so much more.To their surprise, Fedora discovered that Lorcan's wound was healing at an astonishing rate. It was a remarkable development, and they couldn't help but exchange astonished glances. Lorcan's mind raced with possibilities, and he suggested that they should continue their intimate connection to aid in his recovery.“I mean…I am your patient. Aren’t I? It is your duty to take care of me in every way.” He teased.Fedora hesitated, her thoughts conflicted. She felt a sense of duty to consult Frank, t
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THIRD PERSON POVFedora felt her life spiraling into chaos. As Lorcan's personal caregiver, her days were consumed by tending to his needs, and the nights were filled with passionate encounters that seemed to blur the boundaries of their relationship. Every corner of Lorcan's ward bore the remnants of their intimate encounters, a constant reminder of the tangled web they had woven.Initially, Fedora had accepted this arrangement out of a sense of indebtedness to Lorcan. She believed that by satisfying his desires, she was aiding in his recovery after all he got hurt while defending her pack. But as time passed, she couldn't ignore the growing unease within her. Her mind and body had become more submissive to him, and it troubled her deeply. She knew it wasn't a healthy sign and couldn't continue down this path.She can’t afford to fall in love with him. They were only together for three years and this constant need of being together and l*st for each other was not healthy. Eventually
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FEDORA’S POVWhen I stepped back into the familiar walls of the hospital ward, a sense of anticipation filled my chest. I was thinking of all the ways to get out of this situation as soon as possible. But to my surprise, Lorcan was nowhere to be found. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I made my way through the bustling corridors.Had he been discharged without even a word of farewell? It didn't make sense.I have been taking care of him from past week, tending to his every kind of needs and yet he left without informing me.Did something happen in my absence?Numerous questions rose in my mind, but then I realized that this is what I wanted.My independence, my space, my freedom.Now I can finally focus on my work without any kind of interruption from him.I joined the nurses in general ward and worked there for the rest of the day. They all appreciated my help and I was happy to be finally back. But a nagging voice in my head kept torturing me, telling me that something bad was waiti
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FEDORA’S POVI hoped to find a moment of respite amidst the chaos that had unfolded between Lorcan and me, I was already tired after my day at the hospital and whatever happened in the living room just now, only added to the mental pressure that I was feeling. I have been here for over a month and still he thinks that I would cheat on him, then he doesn’t deserve my trust or respect either.It was clear that it was either Melantha or another one of minions did that to fulfill only goddess knows what.But all I wanted to get over this drama and sleep peacefully. However, my attempt to distance myself from the situation only seemed to further ignite Lorcan's anger or at least that’s what it looked like.As I turned to leave, seeking a much-needed rest, Lorcan's frustration reached its boiling point, he appeared behind me and in a surprising display of strength, he lifted me onto his shoulder, his tone carrying a mix of playfulness and underlying anger.“You think you can runaway from me
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THIRD PERSON’S POVAs the sun began to set, casting a soft golden glow across the land, Fedora sat alone in her room, her heart heavy with the weight of the night's events. The disgraceful incident had left a rift between her and Lorcan, and now a cold war loomed between them. The once vibrant bond they shared had been tarnished, and neither of them seemed willing to break the silence that hung heavy in the air.She felt broken from inside with no standing by her side with whom she could share her misery.Flashes of last night keep appearing in her mind.The way Lorcan lost control and ripped her clothes off.No matter how much she resisted or pleaded to him, he didn’t listen. He only wanted her body.He tied her hands and drove inside her like a wild animal. He didn’t cared about her pain, her pleas or her tears didn’t bother him.At one point when she was in a vulnerable position, he turned her face towards and f*cked her from behind, making her realize that she was nothing but his
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FEDORA’S POVMy mother immediately noticed my mood, her eyes filled with concern.“What’s wrong my dear? Why do you look so…so broken? Are you not happy with your mate?” The love in my mother’s voice broke me.I can’t deny that the Gray Glory Pack is my life now, and yet these days it felt as though no one gave a second thought to my feelings. Instead, they piled responsibilities onto me, reminding me relentlessly of my duties as Luna forgetting that I need a break too. The words ached in my throat, a desperate wish I dared to voice, "If only I didn't have to be someone's Luna, if only I could be a normal person…. I would rather stay home for the rest of my life. I hate this life mom, nothing about being with my mate is a blessing, it’s a curse. Why did you lied to me mom? You used to say that our mates are supposed to protect us, but you never told us that how to save ourselves if our mate is the real monster and the one we needed to save ourselves from."The words I have been holdin
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Chapter 47 SELF WORTH
FEDORA'S POVCaroline seemed to read my thoughts, her voice softening as she comforted me. "Dora, you don't need to doubt yourself. Your path is more challenging than ours, because I am aware how your relationship started and I know that you were not ready for this phase of your life. But no matter what role you play, you will always be our pride. I don’t believe that you’re selfish. In fact you have been the most selfless person I have ever known. You had to sacrifice your dream to protect this pack, you were an amazing warrior. I have seen you patrolling the borders alone at night, just so that everyone else can sleep peacefully. You agreed to attend this year’s hunt for your mother, you agreed to be Lorcan’s Luna because of your pack, knowing all too well what it will cost you. These are not the traits of a selfish person, these are the traits of an amazing Luna that I know you already are."Her words bolstered my spirits, steered my resolve towards carving my own path.In the afte
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FEDORA’S POVAs I made my way back home, my mind was filled with thoughts, each one a delicate thread of hope and uncertainty. I longed to end the cold war that had been brewing between Lorcan and me, but I wasn't quite ready to melt the icy demeanour he had shown me.Upon arriving home, a glimmer of surprise flickered across my face as I noticed the maids bustling about, preparing a spread of midnight snacks. Lorcan had ordered them to do so, perhaps in anticipation of my hunger after a long visit. Grateful for the gesture, I inquired about Lorcan's whereabouts, to which the maids replied that he was in the garden.Curiosity piqued, I made my way towards the garden, hoping to see him and talk to him about that night, I can’t keep running away from him.However, as I approached, I witnessed a scene that caught me off guard.Lorcan stood there, lost in thought, and then a young boy suddenly rushed out and embraced him tightly. I watched in awe as Lorcan's face lit up with a warmth I ha
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LORCAN'S POVFedora and I walked back to our bedroom in silence, the weight of the unknown hanging heavy in the air.She has been distant lately, barely talking or eating with me. Her smile would vanish whenever I am in her sight replaced with questions and different kind of hatred. I know I behaved rashly that night.She drives me crazy with her I don’t give a damn attitude. It’s like I am the only who’s trying to make things work.Concern etched across her face, she wrapped her arms around her as we entered the room. I could sense her worry, her desire to understand what had transpired.I knew she had more questions but I am not sure if I was ready to reveal the truth.I hesitated at first, unsure of how to articulate the heaviness in my heart.“I am sure you’re tired but now that Neio is not here, I want to know the truth Lorcan. I am trying to connect the dots, but I have no idea what to make of this situation.” She said as soon as I closed the doors.I sighed and looked away, not
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FEDORA’S POVEven after his explanation there was now only one question left in my mind. What was his connect with Neio? It can’t be just because he is a pack member. My wolf sensed their bond and he is not the father but then who is Neio’s father and where is her?Its rare for Lorcan to be so gentle with anyone. He interacts with his pack member differently, he is approachable for them but his interactions with his pack members lack the warmth and tenderness that he had shown today.Lorcan turned the all the shower heads on and I turned to look at him. He was fully naked standing just few centimetres away from me.I inched away from him but he didn’t let me. He caged me between him and the wall with water cascading down on both of us. He leaned down planted on soft kiss on my cheek and then sensually dragged his lips and planted another kiss on the corner of my lips.My breathing turned rapid when I realized what was his next target, his hands slowly travelled beneath my dress and he
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