All Chapters of Forced Marriage, Fated Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
107 Chapters
FEDORA’S POVThe days that followed were a tumultuous mix of emotions and determination. The conversation I had overheard echoed in my mind, a constant reminder that I have been living a lie. I really thought that he is changing but I was wrong.A person like him can never change.But that also made me resolute in my decision – I would not let Lorcan's words define my worth, and I would prove to myself and to him that I was more than a mere vessel for his desires. But I don’t know for how long or how many times I will have to do it.The cycle of adversity was a familiar one – a constant struggle against societal norms and expectations that sought to confine and limit. I had faced similar obstacles before, and this time would be no different. I refused to be confined to a predetermined role, to be reduced to a stereotype that negated my ambitions and aspirations.This was the same in my previous pack and nothing has changes in this pack as well.With a renewed sense of purpose, I decid
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FEDORA’S POVThe words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of revelations. My heart thudded loudly in my chest as Amara's whispered confession painted a portrait of a past I had never known. The connection between Melantha's sister and Lorcan, entwined with love and tragedy, unfolded before me like a tale woven by fate itself.Amara's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a reflection of the profound sorrow that had seeped into the very fabric of the pack's history. It was a story that had remained concealed in the shadows, a secret concealed even from my mate, Lorcan. The bond that had united them went beyond mere friendship – it had bloomed into a love so fierce that it defied the bounds of time."Amara," I murmured, my voice gentle yet tinged with a blend of disbelief and understanding, "tell me everything. I want to know, truly know, the depth of this connection."Amara's lips trembled, her gaze locked onto mine as if searching for the truth within my eyes. She hesitated, torn betw
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FEDORA’S POVAs I made my way back, my thoughts swirled with the weight of the revelations I had uncovered. The intricate tapestry of Lorcan's history had been unraveled, exposing the hidden threads of emotions and desires that had shaped our present. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a familiar face emerged, offering a temporary respite from the complexities that surrounded us.It was Zero, the enigmatic rogue, surrounded by a group of young wolves, their injuries a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the world beyond our pack's borders. Without hesitation, I joined him in his efforts, driven by a sense of purpose that extended beyond my role as Luna. As a doctor, my instinct to heal and protect surged to the forefront, and I found solace in the distraction these injured young wolves provided.The wounds we tended were physical, but beneath the surface lay a shared understanding – a silent acknowledgment of the compassion that bound us in that moment. Zero didn't glance my way, didn'
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FEDORA’S POVThe moon cast a soft glow over the pack house as I searched for Lorcan, a sense of anticipation swirling within me. The hours had slipped by unnoticed, and the night had settled in, painting the world in shades of blue and silver. As I walked through the familiar corridors, his presence seemed to elude me, a puzzle piece waiting to be discovered.My steps led me to his office, the room empty and still. The lingering silence was a stark contrast to the laughter that had reached my ears, pulling me toward the source like a guiding star. Following the melodic notes of joy, I found myself in the backyard, a scene of pure happiness unfolding before me.Lorcan and Neio, their spirits entwined, were engaged in a playful game, laughter dancing on the night breeze. Neio's recovery was evident in his every movement, a testament to the healing power of time and care. My heart swelled with a mixture of relief and affection as I watched them, my worries momentarily set aside.Neio's j
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Chapter 75 A NEW MORNING
FEDORA’S POVThe first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. I stirred in the embrace of Lorcan's arms, a bittersweet reminder of the turmoil that had plagued our relationship. With a resigned sigh, I gently extricated myself from his hold, careful not to disturb his slumber.My heart felt heavy as I moved away, each step a silent proclamation of my determination to create space between us. The fight from the previous night lingered in the air like a stubborn cloud, a reminder of the fractures that had formed in the foundation of our bond.A quiet resolve settled within me as I got out of bed, my movements purposeful as I made my way to a separate room for a quick shower. The water cascaded over me, washing away the residue of yesterday's emotions, cleansing my spirit of the doubts and uncertainties that had taken root.Dressed and ready for the day, I paused for a moment to leave a note for Lorcan. My words were simple yet laden with a quiet s
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FEDORA'S POVAmidst the canvas of a world in transition, I found solace in the company of Zero, his presence a reminder of the resilience that had taken root in even the most challenging of circumstances. As I prepared to depart for the meeting, a spark of inspiration ignited within me – an idea that held the potential to bring positive change to the lives of those who needed it most.With a sense of determination, I turned to Zero, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern that tugged at my heart. "Hey, I was just thinking about something," I began, a smile playing on my lips.His curiosity piqued, he inquired further, his words laced with a mix of caution and interest. "Is there a problem?"I shook my head, a reassuring gesture to alleviate any concerns he might have had. "No, not a problem. In fact, I have a proposition for you. We're in the process of building shelters for homeless kids, and I thought – if you're not too tied up here – you could lend us a hand."His expression shifted
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Chapter 77 RAGE
LORCAN’S POVA surge of unease coursed through my veins, an unsettling feeling that tightened its grip as I observed Fedora engaged in animated conversation with a stranger. My steps were measured, calculated, as I approached the duo, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon me.The laughter that danced between them was a melody that fueled the flames of my rising suspicion. My mate, the woman who held a cherished place in my life now, was sharing moments with a rogue – a stranger whose intentions were shrouded in the fog of the unknown.My pulse quickened, each beat resonating with a sense of urgency as I attempted to discern the nature of their interaction. My mind raced, a whirlwind of questions and doubts that threatened to consume my thoughts. Why was she engaged in such camaraderie with a rogue? Had her absence, her recent behavior, been driven by a clandestine connection that had remained hidden from my perception?I concealed myself, an observer in the shadows, as I sought to u
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Chapter 78 FACE OFF
FEDORA’S POVThe sun's gentle rays painted the world with a renewed sense of hope, and unexpectedly, the day unfolded with a grace I had not anticipated. Despite the lingering weight of the previous night's confrontation with Lorcan, a surprising tranquility settled over me, like a blanket of serenity that shielded me from the storm within.As I navigated through the hours, I found myself navigating through a sea of tasks and responsibilities with a sense of purpose that hadn't wavered especially after last night. The looming darkness of doubt that had cast its shadow over my thoughts seemed to retreat, replaced by a newfound clarity that lent strength to my resolve.Strangely, my wolf remained subdued, her usual insistent and needy voice replaced by a calm understanding that mirrored my own. It was as if she, too, recognized the futility of engaging in a battle that would only escalate the turmoil within us. The growing life within me, a testament to our connection, became a focal po
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Chapter 79 CURSED FATE
FEDORA’S POVThe air crackled with tension as I swiftly signalled Zero to flee, his retreating figure a bittersweet relief amidst the chaos. With every step he took, my heart clenched with a mixture of worry and gratitude – worry for his safety and gratitude for his swift compliance. I couldn't afford to let him become entangled in the tempest that was brewing between Lorcan and me.In an act of desperate defiance, I sank my teeth into Lorcan's hand, the pain serving as a temporary distraction that allowed Zero to slip away. The mixture of my anger and my wolf's fierce resolve surged through me, lending strength to my actions. Lorcan's grip faltered as a sharp cry of pain escaped him, his hand released from my bruising hold.But as I stepped away, the storm of Lorcan's fury raged anew. His accusing words pierced the air, the weight of his anger a palpable force that left me feeling trapped and vulnerable. My actions, a desperate attempt to protect Zero and diffuse the situation, were
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Chapter 80 ONCE AGAIN
FEDORA’S POVA storm was brewing in my heart. Feeling humiliated, I left the place leaving behind the traces of what just transpired between us.He forced me, once again.He used me, once again.He broke all my rules and his promises, once again.But I am not going repeat what I did last time. I am not going to ignore nor forgive him for what he did.My wolf was weak after what just happened, she was trying to protect our unborn kid while Lorcan was r*ping me once again. She was tired and so was I.The echoes of Lorcan's words continued to reverberate in my mind, a painful reminder of the shattered trust and fractured bond that had once connected us. His actions had revealed a darkness within him that I had been blind to for far too long. The man I had believed to be my mate, my partner, had unveiled his true nature – ruthless, heartless, and capable of cruelty beyond measure.As I walked away from him, a mixture of anger, hurt, and determination surged through my veins. He had shown
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