All Chapters of Second Chance: Fall For My Ex-Mate's Uncle: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
86 Chapters
Chapter 51 Welcome Dinner
The pack was too large to host a welcome dinner within the packhouse, so they arranged two celebrations. One was more personal, with the leaders in the pack and close family friends, and the other was a celebration that everyone was invited to. Although Alicia had met a few of them already, she still felt somewhat nervous.“You’ll be fine,” Rowan murmured into her ear before opening the double doors to the dining room.Alicia was wearing one of the new dresses Rowan had brought her, which was left with all the others in the walk-in closet. It was a simple light pink and silver dress fitted to her body to her waist, then flowed out to the top of her knees. Rowan wore his usual fitted designer suit, but he matched his tie to Alicia’s dress.Upon entering the dining room, Alicia’s gaze fell straight to the long rectangular black marble table with floral arrangements and candlabras spread out along it with sparkling silverware.“Alicia!” Rachel was the first to hug her. Rowan's mum was in
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Chapter 52 Challenged
Ruby’s nose wrinkled at Alicia’s use of the term sister. Alicia said it purposefully; they were going to be family, after all. She may have been putting up with Ruby’s impolite behaviour, but she wouldn’t let it slide once she proved herself to the pack. This was just a warning, a reminder of Ruby’s place.“D*mn straight.’ Alpine growled in agreement.Alicia had never been in this position before and looked forward to proving herself. One position she’d been in more than once now was dealing with women pining after what was hers. One of them got away with it, and Alicia was free of the sc*m.Rowan was her mate, though, and she knew he didn’t see anyone but her. It was an odd feeling to be so comfortable in a new relationship, it felt right and honest, and Rowan had just been acting possessive of her, not wishing her to spend too long with his Gamma, someone he was close to.“Alicia,” Rowan whispered as the two girls had been holding each other’s gazes.“You need to prove your strength
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Chapter 53 Early Release
In Blue Crescent, the following morning, Darci was led from her cell by one of the guards. She clutched at her shoulders where she’d spent the last two nights in a damp, cold cell. She wasn’t allowed to change from her engagement dress, which was now ruffled.Walking outside into the bright sunlight, Darci squinted, her make-up streaked down her features, her hair dishevelled. She held her arms tighter when a few people passing by looked at her strangely. She looked like the morning after a one-night stand, and this was a walk of shame.Everyone knew who Darci was, though, and why she looked that way. The reason they were scowling was because she was released from her punishment so much earlier. The royal family stated her release was deemed worthy because of her good behaviour. It was more like Tom’s parents managed to convince the King and Queen to release her.Darci tsked. She shouldn't have been in there in the first place! Her plan had been solid! Stupid Alicia!The guard beside
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Chapter 54 Pitiful Couple
Her act hadn’t worked on the Madame. She saw straight through her, and although Tom was a customer and their privacy and standards were high, he was close to being banned for his behaviour. It was a shame that someone with his looks and at such an age was actually a monster.The Madame learnt long ago that even those with angelic features could be just as monstrous.Darci marched up the stairs, her steps loud as she burst open the door and glared at what she was seeing. Tom stood with a shirt on but his trousers missing, a blonde woman bobbing up and down on his c*ck with her mouth, accepting his punishing thrusts, while another blonde was held by the throat to his side.“I’ll be out in a sec, jeez, Henley!” Tom tossed his phone on the bed behind him.“Keep going, Alicia.” Tom groaned, his hand twisting in the woman’s hair between his legs before aggressively kissing the blonde woman who he was choking. Tears streamed from her cheeks, but he persisted.Darci stood there frozen. Did h
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Chapter 55 Challenge of the Year (1)
The wind was gentle and caressed Alicia’s face, the stray strands of her hair fluttering across her forehead and cheek while the rest was tugged back in a braid. She stood in a field facing Ruby, who paced back and forth as though she couldn’t wait to get her hands on the future Luna of Bloody Claw. A large crowd, the entire pack that could be there, were gathered. Stalls had even been arranged.Apparently, it was one of the most exciting fights in a while. Alicia thought that was strange because Bloody Claw was known for its thirst for blood and fighting other packs. She’d seen their training, yet she’d pushed past those prejudices when most of the scary-looking wolves had welcomed her so warmly into the pack.This was inevitable, though. If it wasn’t Ruby it would be another she-wolf or werewolf that didn’t agree with her becoming Rowan’s mate. She had been wolfless and raised as an Omega. At least now she could put any rumours or bad talk to rest.Alicia hoped anyway. She wasn’t su
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Chapter 56 Challenge of the Year (2)
Alicia evaded Ruby's attack, ignoring the slight pounding in her head, dodging a few more kicks and punches from the enraged she-wolf. Gone was her embarrassment of being naked.This was about survival right now because Alicia was sure Ruby wanted to do more than hit her a few times. This was evident in her features and what looked like a small dagger in her hand, one that she kept concealed from everyone else. Alicia remained on the defence, though her movements were clumsy from her inferior training or lack thereof, and she continued her sessions.Still, it stopped Ruby from getting too close. She growled and screamed many times furiously. “Fight me!” Ruby shouted.Alicia sighed, blocking another swipe from the girl as images swarmed in her mind. Alpine was sending her fighting techniques, ancient old training. She knew it was ancient because of the clothing these she-wolves wore in this mini tutorial that lasted only 0.01 seconds. Once she’d seen it all, Alicia’s movements had quic
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Chapter 57 Overlooked Possession
Rowan kissed the top of her head, still glaring in Ruby’s direction.‘Don’t ever turn your back on your opponent again,’ Alpine warned Alicia as they watched the redhead she-wolf dragged away by the pack’s Gamma. Alicia nodded to her wolf’s wise words.“I’m sorry I didn’t intervene sooner. I didn’t expect Ruby to use a blade. I shouldn’t have accepted this in the first place.” Alicia watched as Rowan continued to beat himself up about what had already transpired.“Rowan.” Alicia’s arms slid around his neck and she pressed further into his solid body. “Neither of us knew. Don’t worry about me anyway. I got to prove myself and to be honest… compared to my sneaky sister, Ruby isn’t nothing new. I kind of prefer her antagonism its more direct and refreshing.“She’s easy to handle.”Rowan shook his head and sighed, though a smile slipped past his lips. “I believe you’re capable of dealing with anything, especially with such a family. I’m your mate, though.” He leaned closer to Alicia’s fac
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Chapter 58 Toxic
Rowan had to see Alpha Mav’s pack—it was an order by the King. He had to oversee it. The King probably thought this was burdensome for Rowan, but he’d built and reset the fringe packs into the Bloody Claw pack today. This wasn’t any different from what he’d done previously.While Rowan and Voss were already beginning to walk down the halls of the pack house and assessing the pack, Alicia passed the Blue Crescent pack line in the town car Garnet drove. The car stopped suddenly a few houses down from the Beta house. Alicia almost slammed into the back of the car seat but steadied herself.“What-”“Alicia, get out.”Alicia’s mouth dropped open, realising that this crazy son of a b*tch had walked in front of the car. She shared a look with Garnet.“I wouldn’t recommend… F*ck!” Garnet ripped open the car, following his future Luna.Alicia crossed her arms against her chest as she stared Tom down. They were in the middle of the road, but nobody cared; the Alpha heir and the Silver wolf were
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Chapter 59 Murderous Rage
Alpine slammed into Darci, her head hitting the ground as the silver wolf snarled in her face, paws pressing against her chest. Everyone watched wide-eyed.‘Let her go,’ Alicia ordered her wolf. ‘We cannot kill her.’‘Are you sure?’ Alpine tilted her head to the side. ‘She’s caused you much grief, child.’‘You’ve made your point, Alpine. I’m sure they will not mess with us again.’While Alpine and Alicia were discussing Darci’s outcome, Garnet returned with extra clothes from the car. It was clear he wouldn’t get involved, and their parents were too shocked to do much.After some more convincing, Alicia transformed into her human form, stepping back and quickly putting on the shorts and baggy top Garnet offered her. They were actually hers, which surprised her. Did Rowan know she might shift?Or perhaps he knew Alpine might not put up with as much sh*t as Alicia had been from everyone.“Thanks,” Alicia muttered to her Gamma. “Didn’t fancy pulling me off?”Garnet smirked. “Wasn’t order
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Chapter 60 Welcome to Bloody Claw
Woman who birthed me: We will return your ring once Darci and Tom’s wedding is a success.Alicia stared at her phone and scoffed at Emma’s statement. She threw it across the leather seat of the town car dismissively. Garnet’s attention flicked to her in the rearview mirror from the driver's seat but didn’t comment. The poor Gamma had turned into her little chauffeur until she was reunited with Rowan.Currently, they are driving away from Blue Crescent. There had been a few other odd jobs she needed to complete before leaving, but now she was ready to officially put Blue Crescent behind her. Of course, Alicia knew she would come across them, but nothing was left for her there now.Not that there ever had been anything for her here anyway. The pack never made her feel comfortable; they never wanted her, and the only person who did now, she wanted nothing to do with him.As they passed the boundary line, Alicia closed her eyes. She no longer wished to be a part of the Blue Crescent pack.
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