All Chapters of Second Chance: Fall For My Ex-Mate's Uncle: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
86 Chapters
Chapter 31 Hybrid
Alicia stared at the majestic bat-like wings in awe; her fingers twitched with the urge to touch them. Another person would fear this ethereal being before her, but not she. The smeared blood on the side of his lips, the palpable power bristling beneath his sculpted marble-like skin, taut and dangerous, and the blood splattered on his body lured her closer to him, tugged forward like she was tethered to him and unable to resist.Alicia knew already that she would never resist; she was already his.Her body heated upon seeing Rowan, and her chest swelled with raw emotion. He saved her from being violated, and although she’d never believed herself to be some damsel in distress, right now, she could weep in his arms. Obviously, she didn’t do that.“I am…” Rowan drawled, his gaze scanning over her body for any injuries. His dark pools of eyes flicked back to her, ostensibly wary of Alicia’s reaction to his reveal. “I am also a werewolf.”Alicia’s eyes widened, and she gasped. Rowan was a
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Chapter 32 Smitten (1)
Rowan opened the door to his apartment, one he brought the moment he discovered Alicia was his mate. He knew he couldn’t take her back to the pack straight away, and this was closer to Blue Crescent.“Here.” Rowan stepped inside, sweeping his hand for Alicia to follow. He insisted she needed to stay at his place. Although he’d threatened Tom, he’d also threatened them all about touching his mate and look how that turned out.Alicia was almost assaulted. No, he didn’t trust those insects. Taking another step, his head almost spun from the pressure of the wound in his leg and the blood wetting his black slacks. D*mmit, he didn't want to leave Alicia, especially after what had happened, but he would pass out if he didn't get it looked at soon. His adrenaline had been so high earlier that he forgot about the aconite in his system, stilling his healing.“Rest here. The fridge and freezer are topped up; if you don’t fancy anything, order what you like.” Rowan placed a black card in the palm
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Chapter 33 Smitten (2)
Alicia’s mouth dropped open. She was so shocked by this woman who had been revered as such a star, beautiful, gracious and so warm to her customers. Well that was utter bull!It was clear now that Bianca had some connection with Rowan, and the idea that they’d possibly been lovers at some point made her feel sick. How could he reach out to an old lover and make his mate meet someone he once…. No, no. Don’t get ahead of yourself.There was nothing besides this woman’s obvious distaste and knife-cutting words to indicate there was much more between them. Alicia wasn’t one to lose her cool so easily, but it had been quite an uneasy morning, no, make that a few uncomfortable and overwhelming weeks. She’d been on the edge for too long, and now she felt one more push, and she’d slip, losing it entirely.“I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand where you’re going with this, Bianca.” Alicia began, her tone clipped as she held the woman’s stare. “I came here for a dress by ‘thee great Bianca Viott
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Chapter 34 Smitten (3)
Alicia sat in the back of the car, stunned by Rowan’s reaction. She didn’t expect him to look at her like she was the entirety of his existence nor use such a term as ‘my Queen’, especially after ripping the dress apart, threatening Bianca and making a scene. Alicia thought herself as some sort of petulant child throwing a tantrum.But boy, did it feel good after seeing the look on Bianca’s face from her actions and then by Rowan. He barely glanced in her direction, which doused her jealousy though her curiosity peered up at him. “How do you know Bianca?” She asked, her voice barely a whisper.Alicia hated that her question came out in such a way. She didn’t want to come off as a jealous woman. If they’d had a relationship then so be it, he was like eight or ten years older than her? She really needed to ask at some point, it wasn’t like he looked old or anything but it was clear his history would hold much more experience and many relationships before her.Rowan stared at Alicia, ans
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Chapter 35 Manic Hybrid (1)
Alicia flipped through the photos Rowan had handed to her. The folder was full of details about recent attacks in the last year. They were growing gradually worse, and more photos revealed the weapons used and details about aconite being used.Rowan leaned closer to her and shared his phone screen, revealing video footage of the aftermath and some during their attacks from CCTV. It was shocking to watch how the humans were assembling and the fact that witches still existed.The first thing taught to the werewolves was to make them understand the significance of their status. It also reminded Alicia why everyone despised her so much. She was wolfless, almost the same as a human, WEAK.Werewolves didn’t do ‘weak’. To be at the top of the supernatural hierarchy, you have to be strong and powerful. Anyone who didn’t fit into this category was ostracized. No one wanted to know Alicia or be affiliated with her.From what she remembered, the witches had vanished entirely; humans didn’t reall
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Chapter 36 Manic Hybrid (2)
After his little statement, Alicia felt worse about herself. It was clear Rowan was trying to comfort both of them with this pretence but it also wounded what little confidence she had. Of course, Rowan wouldn’t be okay with a wolfless mate.It really would make it harder to ascend the throne.Nonetheless, Alicia tried not to take it to heart or personally and remained calm as she added, “I’m not an elf, Rowan. The pack witnessed my birth. I also looked into my birth records because, like you, I didn’t believe I was my parent’s daughter. I look so different to them and even my twin sister. Their mistreatment would then make sense, but nobody, including other pack members, claimed I wasn’t the Beta’s daughter.“My parents are also not kind enough to adopt a child as well.”Rowan’s expression remained the same. He didn’t look disappointed and proceeded with his thoughts. “I understand, but I firmly believe you have some sort of elven heritage…” He held his hand up when Alicia began to p
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Chapter 37 Centre of Attention
Standing in front of the mirror, Darci hummed to herself, swaying from side to side, delighted at the white dress clinging to her body and how things were finally falling into place—how they should have always been. Darci’s fate was officially sealed; she would be the Luna of the future Alpha King.That little wench Alicia wasn’t going to be a problem from this day forward. With her out of the way, Tom will forget about her, and nobody will care about the disappearance of a nobody wolfless Omega like her. She shouldn’t have been born. Darci was only putting things back in the correct order of things.While Darci would be spoiled in riches and respected as Queen to all werewolves, Alicia would be nothing more than a breeder of that lecherous Alpha. And even if others did try and search for that sk*nk, they wouldn’t want her after she’d been used. Mate or not, nobody wanted that!Honestly, we hardly look the same, Darci thought as she rearranged some of her brown locks. Good riddance. S
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Chapter 38 Royal Family Drama
Entering the palace’s banquet hall, Rowan’s stoic expression hardened as those openly whispered to each other, not veiling their disdain at the abandoned Prince. They believed their words did make it to his ears, but his senses were heightened even more than those of a regular werewolf. He was a hybrid, and so he could hear every single word spoken about him as though they were whispering the words in his ears.This did not falter his steps; instead, his strides remained easy, his composure cool. Rowan was used to others openly discussing him, yet it wasn’t only about him being the disgrace of the royal family—an open secret that didn’t remain hidden for long. Rowan was now a discussion for his viciousness and the ruthlessness of his pack, Bloody Claw. Beta Voss also had a reputation, but that didn’t stop him from charming women; in fact, he was sure it worked in his favour to those who liked a ‘bad boy’.Rowan waltzed through the crowd that began to widen a pathway for him toward his
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Chapter 39 Alpine
Alicia refused to cry out or whimper in front of this man. The Alpha was cruel as he was disgusting. She woke up an hour ago in a drug-induced state to discover herself naked and lying on a bed, a stunning woman tending to her, ensuring she was clean. The room was dark except for some candelabras alight, casting the opulent room in a soft yet haunting glow.When Alicia asked the woman where she was, she cast her gaze down, remaining quiet as she backed away. It was then she noted the collar around her neck and the revealing sheer dress that barely covered her private parts. Alicia looked away immediately, allowing the woman to leave quickly. The turning of a lock indicated the room she was in was locked from the outside.She internally cursed herself for not jumping off the bed and rushing to the door where the woman had exited. Although her mind was foggy and her body felt heavy, Alicia wasn’t foolish enough not to realise her situation. The last thing she remembered was toasting Dar
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Chapter 40 Tom's Darci's Engagement (1)
Rowan’s smirk grew as he strode out of the room. He left the King and Queen sitting, looking utterly lost. He made his demands, and they readily accepted them, saving the royal family’s reputation. Natalia would try to enact some revenge for this. She was a prideful woman, always seeking more power, but he would be ready for it.Natalia has always had everything she could ever ask for, whereas Rowan knew what it was like to have nothing. They should be grateful that Rachel, the Omega who raised him, was sweet and had taught him affection; otherwise, he was sure he’d have been more of a monster.The door closed on their distraught faces. Rowan only took a few more steps before one of his pack members, a guard Voss ordered to send the dresses to Alicia earlier, greeted him.“Alpha.” The man stepped closer so nobody could hear his following words. “The dresses have been delivered, however, when I asked to see her in person, Beta Fred declined. I was told she was still sleeping in.”Rowan
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