All Chapters of Second Chance: Fall For My Ex-Mate's Uncle: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Chapter 21 Unpacked Bag
Alicia dropped her bag on the floor, staring at her dreary room. She’d only been in that StarBnb for a few hours and never got to use that comfortable bed. It was all she could think about as she sat on her single bed, the springs already digging into her backside uncomfortably.If Alicia hadn’t insisted on returning to the studio to collect her things, she’d be stuck in this place with the same clothes until Rowan returned- if he returned. She’d spent the night with the man and did look up to him in terms of his achievements in a short time, but she didn’t know Rowan besides that. He probably changed his mind after seeing the drama unfold in the pack house.There was always drama unfolding at the moment. Alicia covered her face, not willing to look at her surroundings. She wanted to refuse Alpha Valko and Beta Fred, but Fred’s words came to mind again:“That won’t be necessary. Alicia doesn’t need to be locked in her room. She knows there will be punishment if the King finds out she
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Chapter 22 United Front
“Alicia!”For the love of the Moon Goddess! What now?!After another restless and awful night’s sleep, Alicia tossed the covers from her, the shrill voice of Emma not allowing her to rest a moment more. She couldn’t sleep now after hearing her call her name multiple times until the door burst open. Her heart was almost bursting from her chest, and she was ready or not-so-ready for another war, clutching her phone as a means of a weapon aimed at whoever opened the door.Emma’s head popped inside the door frame, and she scowled at her daughter. “What are you still doing in bed?” Her tone was clipped and icy—the usual, but a little more aggressive than usual.“Sleeping?” Alicia answered in confusion, her voice a little wispy from sleep as she squinted at such a tyrant first thing in the morning. This wouldn't be happening right now if she was in that lovely studio.Actually, why was Emma here?Emma never came into her room. If she wanted her attention from another part of the mansion, sh
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Chapter 23 Changing Fate (1)
Rowan didn’t need a tour of the pack house, he’d been there before, and he didn’t want to see his brother or that twerp, Tom. He was stuck inside that house, and Rowan didn’t want Alicia anywhere near him. It took a lot of effort to restrain himself from going inside there and ripping him limb from limb.In time, maybe he will. It didn't have to be straight away...Rowan's plans would come together, and Valko, Tom, and the King wouldn’t be such nuisances anymore. Rowan smirked at his thoughts and then looked back at Alicia, who had been walking quietly beside him, hand still in his, blushing as she stared at her feet. They were walking slowly, thanks to those monstrosities of heels.Alicia looked beautiful, but those heels were not made to walk in for long, especially if they weren’t in her size. Rowan wanted them to walk around a little first so others would see them together. He was about to lead her to a bench across the road so she could sit, but Alicia spoke first, blurting out i
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Chapter 24 Changing Fate (2)
“They still talk about you,” Alicia whispered, dropping her gaze to their connected hands. “Does it not frustrate you? Do you not want to change anything? We aren’t the only ones that have been mistreated, Rowan.”Rowan smiled. “Why don’t we go for a stroll? It’s getting a little stuffy in here.”Alicia knew then that he wanted to continue the conversation elsewhere. Where better than the forest? She didn’t hate the idea.She loved being in nature and enjoyed the grass and dirt between her toes. Obviously, she couldn’t do that now and would have to walk in these heels. But if it meant she could spend time outside with Rowan, talking, then she wouldn’t mind the blisters and cramped toes.As sunlight gently filtered through the shadowy forest, the duo strolled leisurely, partly due to Alicia's heels and partly because they simply desired an uninterrupted stroll together, away from prying eyes. They didn’t venture far before Rowan growled and kneeled in front of her, hands gripping her a
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Chapter 25 Domineering Alpha
Pressed up against Rowan, Alicia’s skin tingled, her body warming as her legs weakened to the Alpha that had kissed her so sweetly before deepening the kiss and taking her breath away. He was overwhelming; every inch of him was his personality and aura, and she was being swept away by him.Alicia gasped as his teeth claimed her bottom lip, and his tongue swept inside her mouth, taking over her and branding her as his. He was everything she expected of an Alpha, taking charge and dominating her. Desire pooled into her core, and she whimpered against him, still clutching onto his shirt to stop herself from getting too dizzy with lust.Rowan growled against her lips, her lust thickening the air and calling to his own. His hand moved from her chin and into her hair, fisting some of it, his hand on her waist tightening before his legs pushed into hers, and she felt herself walking backwards, utterly ensnared in his arms. Her stomach fluttered, and her core tingled in response. A moan escap
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Chapter 26 Fallen Hero
Slouching on the long plush sofa in his grand bedroom, Tom drank from a beer bottle, bags under his red eyes, staring into the electronic fireplace across from him. Beer bottles were sprawled out everywhere; some had rolled over to the other side of the white marble-floored room. He was in nothing but some old tracksuit bottoms and his hockey jersey, leaving his torso bare.The room was usually bright and airy, but today it was gloomy, the curtains shutting out the sunshine from outside, the only light coming from the fire in front of him and the occasional glow of his phone, alerting him to messages from his friends or most recently, blowing up his phone was Darci. It remained on silent and he didn’t bother looking at her messages.Tom was too preoccupied with running through everything that had happened with Alicia, picking everything apart.As soon as he discovered it wasn’t Alicia’s choice to become a breeder of the Shadowmoon pack, he ran to her rescue like the hero he’d always b
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Chapter 27 PDA
“Okay, I’m on my way.” Rowan hung up on his Beta, putting the phone inside his inner jacket pocket, mind linking his driver to the new destination as he gently squeezed his mate’s hand.The town car parked outside the pack house, but neither Rowan nor Alicia moved. “I’m sorry, I have to go. There are… urgent issues I need to deal with.”More specifically, the issues regarding humans and their newly advanced weaponry. He wouldn’t tell Alicia this, though; it would only worry her.“I understand,” Alicia smiled back at him, hand going to the door handle and frowning when it wouldn’t open. Rowan smirked, opening his door and rounding the car, ignoring those around the house, who stopped to see the Bloody Claw Alpha opening the door for his mate.Alicia blushed hard, accepting Rowan’s hand and stepping outside of the vehicle in the pair of trainers she picked up from her home on the way. Rowan leaned close to her, whispering, “You need to get used to this.”His cute mate blushed harder, th
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Chapter 28 Depravity (1)
Darci stalked out of Tom’s room, all raging hormones and far too much for him to handle right now. She was a lot of work. And he also didn’t give a damn if she was annoyed by him.Tom stood by his mini bar, his beer bottle exchanged for something far stronger. He couldn’t stop picturing Rowan and Alicia together. The way she reacted to him. Rowan’s arrogant expression as he stared right at him before returning his attention to the delectable Alicia.He tossed back another glass and hissed at the burning taste of alcohol warming his chest. He was beyond p*ssed about the couple that came to rub it in his face. Rowan brought her a necklace? So what.A loud laugh from the side of his room and the closing of his bedroom door caused Tom’s hand to shatter the glass in his hand as he glared at his future Beta. Brock flung himself onto the sofa, causing it to scrape against the ground from his massive form. He kept his hockey jersey on and brown hair trimmed close to his head, dark eyes twinkl
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Chapter 29 Depravity (2)
Tom was obsessed with her to the point he looked absolutely mad.He prowled towards her, his intentions diabolical, it was clear.“What are you doing here, Tom?” Alicia asked, relieved to hear her voice was so calm. She was anything but, and it was all a brave façade to hide her fear.Alicia wanted nothing more than to run away right now, but that would only kick his animal instincts into gear.“Aren’t you glad to see me, Alicia?” Tom smiled; it wasn’t his usual one, and his eyes gleamed with ill intentions.Alicia shook her head. “What is your plan from here, Tom?” She stepped to the side and froze as he mirrored her movement, remaining in her line of sight.“I was going to give you everything.” His voice darkened as he stepped in front of her. She’d backed into a tree and cursed under her breath at the ridiculous cliché damsel in distress moment. “And you spat in my face!” He thumped the tree by her head, startling her.She needed to get out of his reach!“So what? You’re going to k
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Chapter 30 You're a...
Breathing heavily, Rowan’s breaths were louder than the blaring car horn ringing in his ears as he stared at his phone, hand bloody and shaking from the excess adrenaline running through his body. The headlights from the toppled-over car shone on his bloodied frame rev,ealing the bodies scattered along the road and the bottom of the rocky mountains.Rowan’s dark locks clung to his forehead, shirt ripped and singed, bloodied, and barely covering his body. His penetrating blue eyes roamed across his surroundings, waiting for more threats to appear. There were none. They’d dealt with them all.The car horn grew louder dispersing the haziness Rowan had been entranced in while his blood lust simmered. He looked back at his phone to Alicia’s second call. He couldn’t answer her right now as much as he wanted to hear her angelic voice in the midst of this bloody destruction, he didn’t want to worry her or get distracted.Rowan slipped the phone into his trouser pocket, raking his hand through
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