All Chapters of Second Chance: Fall For My Ex-Mate's Uncle: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
Chapter 41 Tom Darci's Engagement (2)
“As the Moon Goddess as our witness, we bind these two together…” Alpha King went through the engagement ceremony, standing in front of Darci and Tom, who held each other’s hands as they stood under the moonlight cast from the skyline above.To anyone watching, they looked like young lovers wanting to get married, but only those within the family knew the truth. It was an arranged engagement and then marriage. Tom was clearly obsessed with Alicia, and Darci was obsessed with power.“A vow to be wedded within a year unless unforeseen circumstances break them apart.”Tom tuned out most of what his grandfather was saying and was barely sober and capable of paying attention to Darci in front of him. It was only the occasional pinch from her that forced him to focus. He was standing here in front of everyone going through with this engagement while his being lusted after Alicia.Even now when he stared at Darci he was thinking about Alicia and how things had seriously got messed up between
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Chapter 42 Tom Darci's Engagement (3)
Rowan sighed in relief upon seeing his ethereal mate. Although he trusted his Gamma, seeing Alicia with his own eyes made him feel better. His gaze then flicked to the Alpha he wanted to rip to pieces for taking his girl and harming her.‘I am fine, Brutus.’ Rowan stilled to the feminine voice in his head, and his eyes widened as he heard his wolf respond.Rowan and Alicia’s eyes met, and realisation hit him. He never had an issue with his mate being wolfless or with the idea that she could very well be an elf, but this was a nice surprise; he could feel the bond growing stronger between them. So many questions surfaced in his mind, wondering more about his enchanting mate than has made everyone in this room entranced by her.On the other hand, Alicia was resisting the urge to shorten the distance between her and Rowan and kiss him, or more specifically, climb up his body and embrace him. Without Alpine, Alicia had been attracted to Rowan and felt strongly attached to him, especially
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Chapter 43 The Silver Wolf
Everyone in the banquet hall was still shocked, forcing their jaws to grow lack and their mouths dropping open at the silver wolf now staring at Darci Meyer. White wolves were rare and superior to others in werewolf kind, but a SILVER wolf of fur that twinkled like starlight had only ever appeared once before. There were only tales about such a legendary wolf.They were so prominent that it was said the Moon Goddess blessed and sculpted the wolf herself.Yet, Alicia’s wolf did not have the tell-tale trait of a werewolf, the signature glowing red pupils. No, Alicia’s wolf had silver, luminous eyes. Much like in her human form, she was compelling and majestic, to the point where some were weak in the knees in the silver wolf’s presence, not from fear but almost worshipping her.Altogether, Alicia was a spectacular phenomenon. Everyone in the hall marvelled at her, and their whispers were positive once more. Now, some even mentioned that Alicia might be too good for Rowan, the once-aband
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Chapter 44 Warm Welcome (1)
Alicia was curled into Rowan’s side in the back of the town car. His Gamma collected her bag and what little belongings she had from her parent's house while she put on some leggings and a hoody. She was lulled into a comfortable silence, breathing in Rowan and listening to the beat of his heart.Alpine was in her element, dozing off after shifting twice and expending a considerable amount of energy shortly after merging with Alicia. The gentle purr of the engine and the blur of passing dark trees lured Alicia into a peaceful rest, the pain in her back gradually subsiding as her wolf’s healing ability erased the lash marks.It wasn’t until Rowan’s tender voice calling her name and the touch of his hand brushing her hair aside from her forehead that Alicia became aware of her unintended nap. Blinking awake, Alicia discovered the car engine was silent, and only Rowan and herself remained in the vehicle. Beta Voss, the driver and Gamma Garnet were gone.Alicia looked outside the window,
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Chapter 45 Warm Welcome (2)
This must be the one who wanted to meet her so much. She was like a motherly figure.The woman pulled back, beaming brightly at Alicia. She was smaller than Alicia, yet somehow, her embrace had felt like a bear wrapping around her and comforting her. The woman had soft brown eyes, laughter lines etched around her eyes, and when she looked at Rowan, they turned just as tender.“I’m Rowan’s mum, Rachel. It makes me so happy to finally meet his mate!” She said in a bubbly manner. “Now, let me get a good look at you.”“Mum!” Rowan stepped forward, but she held her hand up before assessing Alicia’s face and her body.Alicia felt a little under the spotlight, especially since everyone else was watching them. “Umhmph! We need to put some meat on these bones! From tomorrow, you will eat a hearty breakfast… I will hear no complaints!” She commanded, putting her hands on her hips.Alicia burst into a small giggle, relaxing further as she watched Rachel, Rowan’s adoptive mother. Compared to othe
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Chapter 46 Atonement
Rowan’s eyes devoured every inch of Alicia, and he stepped forward like a magnet tugging him towards his mate. His presence was all-consuming as she fell onto her backside and stared up at him bright-eyed. Rowan leaned over her, hands resting either side of her body on the bed and kissed her again. He kissed her so tenderly this time, his tongue sliding against hers, enticing a low moan.Alicia’s hands explored his chest, hesitant at first, but the heat of his skin under his shirt burned through her. She snapped open his shirt, inciting a chuckle from her mate before his lips lowered to her neck, licking, kissing, teasing with a few nips before she was entirely on her back and he was caressing her breasts, pinching her nipples as his arousal pressed hard into her stomach.She loved feeling his soft tresses caressing her skin, making her tingle and sensitive as his lips then claimed her nipple. Again, he was so tender, his tongue swirling around her pink bud as his hand delved down sou
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Chapter 47 Mysterious Mate (1)
How was that possible?“But Alpine can talk to…”What’s Rowan’s wolf’s name?‘Brutus,’ Alpine murmured, her ears flicking up as she began to rouse from her sleepiness.“Alpine can talk to Brutus…” Alicia stared up at her mate, hand caressing his jaw as those magnetic navy-blue eyes locked onto hers.Rowan caught her hand and kissed it before looking down, his brows tugging together in frustration and disappointment. “You’re right. They can talk. I do have a wolf. But I have yet to shift into him.”“Is that because of what you are?” Alicia questioned, wondering if his vampiric nature was stopping his inner wolf from shifting.“Maybe.” Rowan shrugged his shoulder slightly. “We are still trying to work it out.”Alpine was completely alert now. ‘At least I can reach out to him,’ Alicia’s wolf all but hummed.Alicia began drawing patterns with her finger on Rowan’s chest while they gazed at each other, in a trance, both happy to be alone together.‘Child…’ Alpine began, making Alicia’s fin
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Chapter 48 Mysterious Mate (2)
“Well, I’ve spent 9 years without a mate… To be honest.” He crouched in front of Alicia, his hands sliding across her soft thighs. “I didn’t think I would have a mate because of what I am.”“Oh, Rowan.” Alicia’s hand cupped his jaw, his stubble prickling her skin. “I didn’t realise you were such an old man.” She grinned as his eyes flickered and he burst into laughter again, it was so loud and raw, Alicia couldn’t stop staring.Why was he so mesmerising? “Honestly, though… I feel really lucky. I AM lucky to have you as my mate, but to discover you before my 20th birthday is wild,” Alicia added. It was true; werewolves didn’t discover their mates until after they were twenty.It was rare to wait so long as Rowan did, but it was not impossible. The Moon Goddess had different fates for everyone, and it seemed he had to wait for Alicia.“Alright, come on. Or we won’t leave our room any time soon.”Alicia’s eyebrow arched at that. Forty minutes later, she realised why he wanted her in the
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Chapter 49 You Deserve It
The tour of the pack took almost the entire day. Many wanted to greet them, and Alicia noted how much the pack members had to train. Compared to Blue Crescent, it was a lot more, and it didn't look as though they needed it.Many were burly werewolves; some looked so scary, yet as soon as they saw Alicia and Rowan, they smiled brightly, waving and getting distracted. Gamma Garnet then barked at them or clipped them around the back of their heads, demanding they do push-ups or another lap for getting distracted mid-fight.Now, Alicia and Rowan were in their shared bedroom. Rowan was on the phone while Alicia began unpacking the little items she had. Once she entered the closet, the clothes in her hands dropped to the ground at the extravagance of the room. She anticipated the opulent walk-in closet, yet the sight of brand new clothes, complete with price tags and in her size, unmistakably hers, caught her off guard.“If you don’t like anything, I’ll take you shopping.” Rowan’s arms wrap
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Chapter 50 Pack Seer
Unlike the rest of the pack, Pawashil’s cabin was the furthest from everyone and in the middle of the woods. Bones dangled outside the wooden dock, and a fire crackled outside, with rocks surrounding it and a pot simmering over the top. It was like Alicia had been transported into another time and place.Small heads also dangled on the opposite side of the bones, and above the door were symbols she did not recognise. Alicia was gently pushed away from the heads by Rowan when she got a little too close to them, wondering if they were real or if they might jump out at her. If there were witches and creatures like werewolves in the world, then she gathered there were more than likely a few things yet to be discovered.Rowan raised his fist to the door, but it opened before he knocked, revealing an elderly man with dark brown skin, his face droopy with wrinkles; his eyes looked shut. However, they were slightly ajar, revealing pale blue, more white-looking eyes. His greying hair was in tw
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