All Chapters of Second Chance: Fall For My Ex-Mate's Uncle: Chapter 81 - Chapter 86
86 Chapters
Chapter 81 Royal Rumours
Before Alicia and Rowan could make their plans for the small wedding ceremony, there was another matter to resolve. Darci and the family fled Blue Crescent after she announced breaking off her engagement to Tom, the Alpha heir.Rowan was busy arranging a place for Alicia’s family to relocate to. They didn’t want to be connected to them but it was better to have them located somewhere they could keep an eye on them. So, Rowan provided a house for them in the Shadowmoon pack.Alicia forced herself not to laugh when she saw the state of the house. There was nothing wrong with it. It was Emma and Darci’s expression that made her day.It was a quaint house, and had been recently redecorated. It was just… small. Much smaller than the mansion they were used to.“You expect us to live in this HOVEL?!” Darci snapped, glaring at Alicia as Rowan was speaking to the neighbours. He paused and looked over his shoulder at her sisters comment.“I expect you to be GRATEFUL,” Alicia clipped, taking a s
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Chapter 82 Graduation
Four Years LaterThe hall was full of students in their blue gowns, and caps with yellow tassels, with bright smiles, eager for the beginning of a bright future. Alicia Sharp was among them, conversing eagerly with friends she made on her course.Going to University had been the right thing to do, not only did she study hard and become the top honours student of the year, learning everything she needed to in understanding Flora and Fauna, but she made real, genuine friends.There was Maggie, who was more interested in books, and secluding herself in the library and the games room whenever she came over to the packhouse. Alicia and Zara, her other closest friend, the most outgoing of the trio, pretty much adopted Maggie.Maggie stood to the side, smiling sheepishly at the camera for her single Graduation photo, her bangs falling over her brows, but her blue eyes were still hard to hide, they just popped out, luring others to talk to her, which was exactly what she avoided. Her brown lo
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Chapter 83 The Winter Howl Pack (1)
Over the last four years, the Alpha King and Queen sent Rowan on missions to prove himself as a contender for the throne. Unlike his father, Queen Natalia sent Rowan away in the hopes of eliminating him; much to her disdain, he’d returned victorious on multiple occasions.Since the witch escaped the dungeons, nobody has heard from her since. The rising mortality rate of werewolves stilled, and there was no more action from the humans. Rowan remained alert still. They had been putting poisons potent to werewolves in their weapons.Humans were not content. With or without the witch, they might start their own uprising against the werewolves.Tom had also been sent on missions, though whenever the Queen dealt them out, they were small issues, easy to win. None said anything about the unfairness, including Rowan.This was his and Tom’s final mission.News came from the north, there is a strange plague spreading in the Winter Howler pack. A pack well known for its hatred for outsiders, rem
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Chapter 84 The Winter Howl Pack (2)
Rowan and Voss were quickly led to the pack house. The streets were empty, almost abandoned with an unnerving quietness. It wasn’t unseemly for this time in the morning. Dawn was on the horizon, providing little light to the decrepit pack lands.Still, Rowan sensed the Winter Howl pack lands were like this during the day too. The only pack members they saw were the warriors and the Beta who continued to watch them like they were evil incarnate.As soon as Rowan and Voss walked into the family size room, the door was slammed behind them and locks clicked into place. Voss dimwittedly shook the doorknob and glared at the door like it might open by itself.“I don’t like this,” his Beta commented.Rowan strolled to the barred window. “A simple lock will not keep us from anywhere. If we need to leave we shall.”Voss nodded.“For now, let’s get some sleep. Their Alpha will meet us in a few hours and we can assess the situation then,” Rowan said, assessing the room and strolling to the adjoin
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Chapter 85 The Winter Howl Pack (3)
Rowan paused on the other end of the line. Alicia could tell he was still uncertain.“I have my elven powers as well,” Alicia added. “Let me come to the Winter Howl pack.”“They’re not friendly here, Alicia-”“I don’t need them to be to help treat the disease,” Alicia insisted again.Rowan breathed a sigh down the phone, and Alicia smiled widely. She’d already won him over.“Garnet needs to stay at the pack,” Rowan said, relenting to his wife’s insistence.“I can drive there.” Alicia learned to drive during her time at university. It wasn’t necessary considering Rowan and his driver always picked her up. In times like this, it came in handy.“I don’t like the idea of you coming here without a guard.” Alicia could hear Rowan pacing on the other end of the phone.“I will be fine. Nobody expects me to leave the pack and arrive in the North. Even if somebody did follow with ill intentions, I can take care of myself, and so can Alpine.” Alicia was already in their bedroom packing a bag.“A
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Chapter 86 The Winter Howl Pack (4)
Surprisingly, the dinner went well without any commentary from Sarah. She behaved herself except for the odd glare sent in Alicia’s direction. Once the dinner was over, Alicia and Rowan were led to a small gathering at the back of the pack house.Other pack members were having a BBQ. It was strange, considering there was a plague spreading in the Winter Howl pack. All eyes turned to them, many frowning and whispering among each other.Alicia’s sudden appearance, another outsider also added more tension to the pack members eating and drinking. That was until they got a glimpse of what she looked like. Many did a double-take, their mouths pausing whilst eating a burger, or drinking from a bottle of beer.As she was coming to expect of the pack from meeting the leaders of the pack. Everyone was like a giant—must be something they eat. And they were all shirtless, bearing scars. The women wore dresses. Nobody wore shoes.Alrighty then.They also appeared to be a pack full of introverts. A
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