All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: Ex-wife wants revenge!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
64 Chapters
"You have what's mine."
"Yes. That's what Nina told me... Come to think of it," Adrian said, furrowing his brows at Leonardo as realization dawned on him. "Why am I even telling you this?"Leonardo was too stunned and dumbstruck to even form a meaningful response. He swallowed, slowly shutting his mouth that had dropped before after hearing what Adrian said.Leonardo felt his heart prick him painfully. Hayley really told her new lover that he was in prison? The father of her child? How could she be so heartless and nonchalant, but then again, He started it all. He was the root of his own problems. He brought these upon himself. But Leonardo was glad he was back now. He was back to make amends. To right his wrongs, no matter how long it takes. Hayley was his and his only. His heart warmed up when he recalled Adrian had said Hayley hadn't given in to him for five whole years. This meant there was still hope for him. He remembered the way Hayley had gazed at him the other day at the park. He could tell Hayley
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Connecting the dots
Leonardo stood outside Adrian's door for a moment, his eyes darting to and fro, contemplating the right direction towards Hayley's office. He wanted to see her and talk to her before he left.After staring at the two opposite directions for a while, eventually, he decided to go left. He walked briskly, making his way through the series of office doors until his eyes finally caught sight of the one with a gold metal plate at the top of it, the word 'SENIOR CREATIVE ARTIST' was boldly inscribed on it. He didn't need anyone to tell him whose office it was. Hayley's.Leonardo took off his glasses. A smirk curved up his lips as he gazed at the metal plate for a while. Hayley had really come this far. She wasn't the weak and dependent lady he used to know. He was glad and proud of her growth.Leonardo's eyes slowly trailed down to the doorknob. He contemplated for a while before heaving out a sigh.Without knocking, he twisted the doorknob and opened the door.Hayley's eyes darted towards t
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"E- Ex-husband?” Hayley stuttered, her knees growing weak.This was one of the days she dreaded_ Adrian finding out the truth about her or her past. She feared the day she would finally tell him the truth. But at that moment, Hayley wasn't ready to tell him shit. She had to navigate her way through this predicament as soon as possible.“Yes, Nina. Your ex-husband!” Adrian snapped, his tone demanding.Hayley blinked twice and regained her composure, her shocked expression wearing off. “What do you mean my ex-husband? Did you think Damian Logan is my ex-husband? The father of my child?” She questioned in denial.“Why. Isn't he? I'm tired of your lies, Nina. Tell me the damn truth!” Adrian walked over to her, staying by the doorway as they gazed at each other intently.So much for a dumb and slow-witted man, Hayley huffed inwardly recalling Leonardo's words. It didn't even take Adrian long before he found out the truth.“When have I ever lied to you, Adrian? I don't understand your accus
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Back in Clasold City
Leonardo Anderson arrived at Clasold City exactly at 4 pm after staying on air for nearly six hours. On getting to the airport, his personal assistant, Toni Scott was already awaiting him. Toni Scott was a tall, gangling man around twenty-eight years of age. He was handsome with long brown hair that cascaded on his face. He was Leonardo's most trusted aid among his numerous workers. Scott rushed over to Leonardo when he caught sight of him. “Welcome back, Sir. How was your trip?” Scott greeted with a grin, taking the small traveling bag from Leonardo's grasp. Leonardo patted his back, his eyes roving the airport as they walked toward the car. “Thank you, Toni. It was fine.” He lowered his head, glancing at the time on his wristwatch. It was almost 4:30 pm. Leonardo turned to Scott. “How long will it take before we get home from here? I don't want to be late for dinner.” Scott replied sedately. “About 45 minutes, Sir.” Leonardo contemplated before he continued. “I have to ma
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Family Dinner
Mother.” Leonardo called, announcing his arrival as he stepped into the mansion, heading towards the big dinning hall, already occupied by his family members. “Leonardo,” Dana Anderson, who was standing by the dining table, instructing the servants on what to do, turned when she heard her second son's deep voice. Dana looked at him with a frown. “You're late.” She told him as he approached her. Leonardo pulled her for a hug. He apologized softly. “Sorry mother. Scott doesn't drive as fast as he used to be.” He pulled out of the hug, smiling at his mother. “Hmm I see.” Dana said. “Did you miss your son, Mother?” Leonardo asked, his eyes sparkling in delight as he stared at his beautiful mother. “Of course. Aren't I supposed to?” Dana asked, furrowing her brows at him. Leonardo only chuckled. Leonardo turned to the rest of them. His face turning expressionless as his eyes met with that of his brothers, one after the other. They were all sat at the table, about to have di
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Family Dinner 2
"Wow Congratulations, big brother." Loretta beamed with joy. "Congratulations, Lorenzo. I'm happy for Brenda and you." Dana chimed in, grinning. "Thank you. Thank you," Lorenzo replied grinning from ear to ear.But in that instant, Leonardo turned to Lorenzo, his face etched with disbelief. He asked fazed. "Brenda is pregnant?" Leonardo was taken aback not because it held any significance to him, but because it was a miracle that Lorenzo's wife was able to conceive. He was truly happy for Brenda.Lorenzo shrugged indifferently in response to his brother's question. "Yes. You know miracles do happen. Some of us here are just unlucky enough to experience it." He sneered, looking wickedly at Leonardo.Leonardo's expression grew stony, understanding the double meaning behind Lorenzo's words. His past. But he wasn't bothered about it anymore. They could mock him for all he cared, if only they knew he had a five-year-old daughter, already the first grandchild and the future heiress to th
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"I want you"
Hayley was annoyed by the persistent knocking on her door. She heaved herself out of bed, making her way toward the entrance. The fact that she wasn't expecting anyone that day only infuriated her. Irritation and annoyance were etched on her face, angry at whoever had come to disrupt her much-needed nap that Saturday afternoon. All Hayley wanted was some rest after a long and exhausting week. Was that too much to ask for?As Hayley swung open the door to get to the entrance, her anger only intensified upon seeing him standing there. Hayley was not only shocked but completely stunned.Leonardo smirked at her, his eyes slowly wandering over her body. Hayley was dressed in a short black dress that exposed her cleavage and slender legs. His hungry, seductive, and enthralling stare caused Hayley's skin to break out in goosebumps and her heart to flutter in a way she couldn't explain."Hello, mi reina," he purred in a husky voice, his gaze returning to hers.Hayley met his gaze weakly. "L-
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Glancing at the time on her fancy wristwatch, Hayley's face contorted with worry as she lifted her head in the direction of her toddler's room. Hayley was running late for work, and Daisy's delay was causing her stress."Baby, where are you?!" Hayley called out, still gazing towards her room. "We're running late. Please come now."She waited, but there was no response, no sign of Daisy either.Letting out a sigh, Hayley impatiently made her way to her room. She found the door was open. And there Daisy was, sitting on her bed with her backpack on, her face wearing a very sad expression. Hayley walked up to her, crouching down in front of her."What's wrong, baby?" She asked, her voice filled with concern as she looked at Daisy. "What is it?"Daisy replied sadly, avoiding eye contact with her mom. "I don't want to go to school."This was surprising, considering how enthusiastic Daisy usually was on Mondays and when Hayley helped her get ready for school."Why not, baby? What's the mat
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Unforseen Situation
"I promise to treat you right. To protect and love you, mi reina. To..." "Mi reina?" Hayley interrupted, her voice trembling as she stared at him. His piercing grey eyes met hers, a sincere saying on his lips. "Yes, baby. You are now my queen, and I, your king."Leonardo bent down, trailing kisses on her bare feet. Hayley watched him, each touch from his lips sending shivers down her spine and igniting a tingling sensation throughout her body.Leonardo and she lay naked on the bed, the only thing he had on was the pendant she had just gifted him.Still showering her feet with kisses, he gradually traced his lips up her leg, savoring every moment as he moved closer to Hayley's thigh. He paused.Leonardo gazed up at her, their eyes meeting weakly."Do you want me, baby?" He asked, his gaze still locked on hers. Hayley's flashback was abruptly interrupted by Daisy's excited voice breaking through her reverie."Uncle Damian!"Hayley snapped back to reality and saw Leonardo standing out
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Housing the unwanted guest
Hayley stood back, her eyes widening, and her mouth opened in utter disbelief. She couldn't believe Leonardo stayed outside in the rain. The question of why lingered in her mind.Trying to gather her thoughts and figure out her next move, Hayley paused. Leaving him outside in such weather was not the ideal thing to do.Memories of how Leonardo had entered the rain the last time to rescue her after an encounter with her stepmother, Wendy, six years ago flooded back. Hayley remembered he fell ill for days after that night.Recalling his act of heroism that day, Hayley thought it was time to reciprocate the kindness. That would be his saving grace in this situation. Concluding, she exhaled.As her hand reached for the doorknob, hesitation crept into Hayley's mind. Was helping him the right thing to do after what he did to her five years ago? Her heart ached at the thought, but she pushed it aside, unwilling to let it sway her decision. She sighed again. Opening the door, Hayley met his
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