All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: Ex-wife wants revenge!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
64 Chapters
Punishment for disobedience
Ignoring her reaction, he carried on. "I think I've been patient enough, haven't I? He's been with you for five years, I think..." Leonardo trailed off, voicing his thoughts. "I wonder how he's going to react when I tell him the truth. That we even had sex yesterday, and how you just couldn't stop moaning and screaming my name as I made mad love to you... Just the day before you went on a date with him." He smiled slyly at Hayley. "What do you think, mi reina?"Hayley's legs wobbled as she staggered back in disbelief, staring at her deranged ex-husband in bewilderment. "L- Leo..."Leonardo sighed softly, still smiling kindly at Hayley. "So choose, baby. Which option do you prefer? You have twenty seconds to decide, starting now." He fished out a small stopwatch from his pocket and pressed start. The watch soon began to tick. Had Leonardo gone mad? Hayley's thoughts swirled, still staring at him dumbstruck. Hayley knew he wasn't bluffing. And she knew if Leonardo told Adrian the trut
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Punishment for disobedience 2
Leonardo walked over to her, his intense dark gaze lingering on Hayley's naked body. The sight of her alluring pose on the bed had his blood boiling with desires, and his body pulsing with arousal. Hayley's face was still turned to the other side and she couldn't see Leonardo, but she could sense he was staring at her lustfully. The realization had her stomach curling and her heart fluttering as she anxiously awaited his next move."Don't get wet. Don't get wet." Hayley repeated these words in her mind like a mantra, determined to maintain composure and not strip away the last of her pride to her deranged ex-husband. The next sensation Hayley felt was Leonardo's huge and warm hand caressing her ass softly. Hayley's body tensed and she stiffened, her breath held in her throat as Leonardo slowly rubbed her ass cheeks soothingly and his hands traveled across her butts possessively. Hayley shut her eyes tightly, trying to suppress the sensations that surged within her. She clenched her
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Suspicion arising
It was a bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon.Adrian Lewis was settled in his office, seated comfortably behind his large mahogany desk at the center of the room. His hand practically navigated the mouse control as he scrolled the computer before him, reviewing the mid-year estimated sales book of his company. He exhaled exasperatedly, realizing business wasn't as good as it used to be. He couldn't help but wish RosArts had agreed to partner with them, maybe things would have been different then. His current executives weren't contributing much profits or benefits to the company, and it plagued Adrian as he couldn't bring himself to fire them. It wasn't their fault, after all. Pushing his thoughts aside, he continued his routine.As Adrian continued scrolling for a while, a gentle knock on his door disrupted his concentration. He paused, pressing the response button with his eyes darting to the entrance to see who it was.The door swung open, revealing a man dressed in a plush navy
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Birthday Gift
**TWO DAYS LATER**It was Daisy's Birthday Celebration at Hayley's house.The adults walked around freely, conversing and chatting with themselves, while the kids played amongst themselves gleefully. It was already three hours into the birthday party. They sang Daisy a birthday song, cut her cake, and had also just given her their separate birthday gifts. But despite the high spirit, the toddler was already feeling tired.She walked over to Hayley and yawned wearily, informing her mother she wanted to sleep. Hayley had gone to tuck her in bed.Returning to Clara a few minutes later, they settled on the couch, chatting. They had put behind their differences for the sake of Daisy's special day."She's it now, Nina. Daisy's six!" Clara exclaimed in awe, taking her wine glass from the table. She raised it. "Let's toast to you for being the best single mom in the world."Hayley chuckled, also raising her glass. "Cheers! Thank you, Clara." They sipped from the glass, savoring the moment."
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The Call 2
"... I need your help, please."There was a moment of silence as Hayley awaited her response to her plea. She finally spoke up after a minute, her voice sailing into Hayley's ears through the phone."Okay... What do you need my help with?" She asked flatly. Hayley let out a heavy sigh, feeling her racing heart slowly calming down. She elaborated. "Before I make my next move, I need to know why Leonardo is really here. I don't want to act irrationally." Emily was quiet as she contemplated for a moment before eventually agreeing in a softer tone. "Okay. I will help you, Hayley. I will help you get your long-forgotten revenge on those people. I will come up with a plan. But just know, this doesn't mean I've forgiven you for what you did..."Hayley politely interrupted. "Totally. I understand. I promise to make it up to you, Em. I'm serious.""You bet." Emily huffed, rolling her eyes.Hayley chuckled nervously. Changing the topic, she questioned curiously. "By the way, Em. What about m
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Moment of Truth
Clara's heart pounded with shock as she exhaled sharply, palming her face as she processed what Hayley had just told her. She knew she had heard that name somewhere before, but she couldn't quite place it in that moment. As Clara's mind swirled with past memories, Hayley continued to apologize, her voice remorseful. "I am so sorry, Clara. I never meant to keep this from you. I just..."Clara cut in, lifting her head to match Hayley's gaze as she finally remembered. She asked calmly, "Leonardo Anderson. Isn't he one of the famous CEOs in that city... Uh, Clasold?"Hayley's face twisted with anguish as she nodded, her voice trembling as she lowered her gaze pathetically. "Yes, he is."Her response wasn't funny, but Clara soon found herself laughing incredulously, although there wasn't any humor in her tone. "You're joking, right? Aren't you, Hayley?"Hayley bit her lip, her eyes already brimming with tears of anguish. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."But Clara's tone remained composed as she
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Second Chance denied
*Five years ago*"He lied to me, Nina. He betrayed me. He betrayed my trust. Why does everyone keep lying to me?" Clara asked tearfully, her eyes stung with painful tears as she looked at Hayley. "I don't understand--" Her voice broke, rendering her speechless as she collapsed on Hayley's shoulder and began sobbing.Hayley felt a pang of sadness as she watched her new best friend cry over a man, just like she had done a year ago when Leonardo had broken her heart."It's okay, Clara. Everything's going to be fine. Please, stop crying," Hayley consoled her gently, rubbing Clara's back soothingly.But Clara resisted, continuing to lament again."Nothing is going to be fine, Nina! I'm broken. Martin broke me. I'm tired of people lying to my face and keeping secrets from me. I'm not a child, they should tell me the truth. I can handle it. He should be able to own up to what he did..." Clara sobbed relentlessly, despite Hayley's numerous attempts to pacify her with words.She continued, her
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New Boss
Clara snapped, her patience wearing thin. "What do you want? Why are you here? To feed me more lies like you've been doing for the past six years? Or are you here to beg for a chance to explain, so you can continue deceiving me for another ten or twenty years, or whenever you feel like it's enough?" "Clara, please..." Hayley tried to speak. But Clara cut in sharply. "Please what, Nina? Oh, that's right, your real name isn't Nina... it's...Hayley. Hayley or whatever the fuck your name is, I want you off my porch. Your presence makes me cringe, and you don't deserve to be here," Clara retorted coldly. Hayley felt a pang of sadness as she stared at Clara, but she quickly shook off her hurtful feelings. Ignoring Clara's harsh words, Hayley extended her hand, offering the package she had bought to her. "Here. I brought you these... Ams Chocolate, your favorite. And..." Clara snapped irritably. "And you think this will pacify me? Change how I feel about you? You're sorely mistaken, ma
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New boss 2
"-Your new boss," Adrian announced."What?!" Hayley exclaimed in shock and bewilderment. She stared at Adrian, unable to fathom what he had just said. "What do you mean he is my new boss?"Adrian chuckled softly, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at Hayley. "I know you're surprised, baby... he-"Hayley asked impatiently, cutting him off. "Adrian, please tell me this is a joke. Please." She looked at him, hoping for some reassurance.Adrian paused for a moment, his expression turning neutral before he responded. "I'm sorry to crash your hopes, baby. But no, this is not a joke. He is now a new executive in the company, in charge of the marketing department at MF Arts. I need you to guide him through the company policies before he gets accustomed to them." Adrian instructed with a small smile.Hayley couldn't believe her ears as she stared at Adrian, dumbstruck. She felt her mind spinning with disbelief. What the fuck was wrong with Adrian? She had been doing everything she could
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"What is it now?" Adrian asked sharply, slightly annoyed as he answered the call after moving to the next room, a distance from Leonardo and Hayley."Hey, big brother. That is no way to talk to your twin sissy, is it?" Cassidy's playful voice sailed into Adrian's ears through the phone, causing him to sigh wearily. She added genially, "How are you doing?"He replied curtly, "I'm good. Thanks." He paused, waiting for her to get to the point, but she remained quiet. "Can you cut to the chase already? I'm busy," Adrian prompted impatiently.Cassidy hesitated for a minute before speaking in a small voice, "I just called to check on your well-being..." She trailed off."Yeah, right. Adrian knew there was more to it than just a simple check-up. His family members never called him unless it was to discuss important matters. They all knew he was a busy man who didn't have time for chit-chats. Adrian sighed heavily, urging her, "Spit it out now, will you? What do you want?"Cassidy fumbled ov
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