All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: Ex-wife wants revenge!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Jealous Ex
"You were planning to surprise me with this, weren't you? I guess I've ruined the surprise." Adrian pouted, retracting his hand in the air.Hayley's gaze weakened her mind in a state of turmoil. That was Leonardo's wristwatch. Oh no! No, no... How did this happen?But instead of correcting him with the truth, she nervously chuckled. "Yeah, you have, indeed..." Hayley trailed off uneasily. "But it looks quite expensive though. How were you able to afford it?" Adrian asked, closely examining the watch. "Don't get me wrong. This is just unlike you." He stated, excusing his rude question. Hayley chuckled nervously again. "I, I've been saving up for it. And it didn't cost much to buy..."Adrian's gaze snapped to hers. He smiled faintly at her, handing her the wristwatch afterward. Hayley glanced at the wristwatch in confusion then back at him. Adrian continued earnestly. "I really appreciate you doing this for me, baby. But I can't take it. It's too expensive, Nina. I'd suggest you re
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Family Pressure
As Adrian and his P. A headed back toward Adrian's office after the meeting, his phone began to ring in his suit pocket. He fished it out. One glance at it and he saw who the caller was. A smile tugged at his lips as he made to answer the call, dismissing his P.A. with a wave of the hand."Hello Mom," Adrian greeted warmly as he entered his office, gently closing the door behind him."My lovely son. How are you doing?" The dulcet voice of the elderly lady resonated through the phone. "I'm fine. And how are you doing?" Adrian asked politely, settling into his seat behind the desk. He reclined in the posh swivel chair as he held the phone to his ears."I'm fine. We are fine over here. You never call me anymore, Adrian. Why is that?"Adrian could imagine the woman's face contorted in a frown as she asked the question. She was always worried about him."I'm sorry, Mom. I've been swamped with work. We were supposed to have this partnership party with the CEO of RosArts this weekend, but u
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Author's Note
6th June, 2024.Hello my lovely readers, thank you so much for giving my book a chance and having read this far. I'm truly grateful. Thank you Chrissybaby for your vote. Your support means alot to me.To my other readers, Please, please, please, support my book by voting with gems and commenting your honest opinions in the comments section as this would really help me grow my audience as a writer. Thank you so much. Xoxo,Your humble Author, Miracle.
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First Lesson from a jealous ex.
Hayley still lay on the plushness of her queen-sized bed, with her eyes shut when she felt an unfamiliar body heat seeping around her. At first, it enveloped her with so much warmth and comfort that she instinctively cuddled closer to the body, letting out a soft sigh. But just as she snuggled more into the body behind her, she felt the strong arm wrapped around her waist tightly, like was being spooned. Hayley paused, her thoughts swirling. Just as she was contemplating whether she was dreaming or not, she felt a warm breath fan her neck followed by the husky voice of Leonardo. "Mmm... Missed this." He murmured against her ear, his hold around her waist tightening as he drew her to himself possessively. His bare chest was pressed to her back, making Hayley's heart race.Hayley was agitated, her eyes still shut. How the hell had she ended up in his arms? She thought back to the previous day's events, recalling how Leonardo had fainted in her arms again after Adrian left. Hayley had
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"It comes with a price."
Hayley sat rooted on the countertop for a moment, a mix of anger, regret, and resentment washing away her lingering sexual urges. "You're a fool, Hay," She cursed herself, her face contorting in mortification. "What have you done?"She let out a deep sigh, then wiped off the tears that had trickled down her face when she begged Leonardo earlier. Hayley gazed up at the ceiling, her mind blank and swirling with different questions at the same time. How would she be able to face Leonardo after this? How would she face him now, knowing she abandoned her pride and let her guard down for a nanosecond of pleasure that wasn't even worth it in the end?Hayley was filled with a deep sense of shame as massaged her temples in frustration. But that embarrassment feeling was soon replaced by burning anger. How dare Leonardo? Punishment for letting Adrian in? The fuck? How the hell was she supposed to know Adrian would fucking show up at her house that morning with a bouquet that she didn't even
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Paying the price
"I'm glad you asked... Well," Leonardo smirked, seeing her determination.Hayley's chest only heaved as he locked eyes with her.He growled possessively, his lips near hers. "This is it. I don't want any other man in your life." He said, nudging his nose against hers.Hayley gasped softly. Her eyes were dazed with lust and at that moment, she could barely comprehend anything. All she wanted was to get her relief, but that didn't stop her from being confused by Leonardo's request. She murmured, her body tingling. "Huh?"Leonardo repeated in a husky whisper, his lips against her ears. "I said, I don't want any other man in your life except me. Can you do that?" He returned his gaze to hers.Hayley's pussy clenched, her insides brimming with tingling sensations. Not that she would later obey his request, but to get him to finish what he started with her, she had to comply. But she should have known better that lying to the billionaire always had its consequences. Hayley whimpered, nodd
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Billionaire's regret: Apology
By the time Leonardo had finished bathing and changing into a new pair of sweatpants and singlet he had ordered online earlier, Hayley was still sleeping. He didn't disturb her. He went back to check on his daughter in her room, and he found she was now awake, seated on her small chair and coloring something in a drawing book. "Baby..." Leonardo trailed off when he stepped into her room.Daisy turned, and her face instantly lit up when her eyes landed on Leonardo."Uncle Damian!" As much as Leonardo hated being called that, he was glad at the excitement that exuded her as she scampered to hug him.Leonardo lifted her in his arms, pressing a kiss to her temples softly. "How are you, love? Did you sleep well?" He asked, staring at her with a genial smile etched on his face.Daisy nodded, grinning. Leonardo patted her hair fondly, his heart swelling with love for his adorable child. He loved that Daisy was a spitting image of him, except that she had the color of her mom's hair_ blo
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Date Night
Leonardo sat in his car, perched a few miles across Hayley's home. He could see the entrance of her house, watching it like a hawk from where he sat. It would be difficult for anyone to easily spot him or the black, posh, and tinted car parked by the curb on the other side as the night was very dark, even though it was just a few minutes past 8 pm. Leonardo was eagerly waiting for what he had ordered online, to be delivered to him before he headed to Hayley's house to spend the night. As he sat there, all that was swirling and revolving in his mind was just Hayley. After what happened between them the previous day, Leonardo couldn't stop thinking about her even for a second. As much as he had gathered from what happened yesterday, he could tell Hayley was still in love with him, considering the way she had been all over and the way she had hastily picked him over Adrian when he proposed his wish. A boyish grin tugged at his lips as he recalled the way she had moaned his name while h
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"Well, shall we, mi lady? I'm starving and can't wait to eat with you tonight," Adrian broke the silence that descended upon them.Half smiling, Hayley nodded, heaving a deep sigh. "I'm ready,""All right!"And with that, Adrian got out of the car and walked round to open the door for Hayley.Hayley got down gently and stood beside Adrian. Locking his car with the key control, Adrian held Hayley's hand and they both walked inside the restaurant. As soon as they got inside, an attendant walked towards them, leading them to the VIP table Adrian had booked for reservation on the top floor.Adrian halted the attendant and pulled the chair for Hayley when they reached. Hayley smiled at the gesture. "Thank you," She purred, taking her seat. "You're welcome, love," Adrian also took his seat opposite Hayley. They soon got settled in a few minutes later, after the waiter had served them their orders. Adrian also ordered an expensive one to celebrate his date night with Hayley. Hayley was
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"You have two options."
"W- what are you doing in my house? How did you even get in?" Hayley managed to ask, masking her fear as she maintained her stance.Leonardo's gaze was expressionless. He heaved a weary sigh, asking Hayley in an angry yet calm tone."Where the hell have you been, Hayley?" Hayley hesitated, staring at him for a moment before eventually replying indifferently. "I went on a date with Adrian." Her heart raced, yet her demeanor remained unchanged. Leonardo's fist clutched, taking deep breaths as he tried to quell his rage.Hayley looked at him petrified, but she still refused to let him see it. She knew Leonardo was angry, but she refused to act like she cared.Hayley repeated nonchalantly. "I asked what you are doing-""What did we talk about yesterday?" Leonardo cut in, a menacing glint in his eyes that had Hayley's heart thumping in her chest as he glared at her.Hayley swallowed, perplexed. "W- what do you mean?" She innocently asked, confused. She had completely forgotten their ag
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