All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: Ex-wife wants revenge!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
64 Chapters
She wants revenge
Hayley's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Leonardo, feeling a mix of confusion and fear. But she quickly hid her emotions behind a hard gaze now fixed on him. She clenched her teeth and gritted in anger, "You wouldn't dare."Leonardo forced a smile before responding confidently, "I could, but I didn't..." His voice softened. "For you, mi reina... I see how he looks at you, and it makes me jealous. But I control myself each time because I don't want you to hate me or feel guilty about my blatant actions. You know what I can do if anyone makes me feel uneasy... I created a fake identity to align with yours, so there would be no suspicion, as you wanted. Why can't you see how I truly feel about you, and that I'm trying to make efforts here? I'm doing everything at your pace. I even took this job here, stooped so low, just so I could be close to you."Hayley snapped, interrupting him. "Well, I never asked you to. I don't want you here, Leonardo.""I wouldn't have come if you hadn't
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A vow to keep.
Revenge. Revenge.These words echoed in Leonardo's mind like a mantra as he recalled the tone in which Hayley had said it to him three days ago, coupled with the cold expression that had been etched on her face that day. Something about her had not only petrified him that day, but it had plagued him up until now as he gazed in a faraway look, his heart still heavy with the weight of her words.Leonardo was settled behind the office desk in his home study at Kleeton City. Though the computer screen that sat in front of him was turned on, Leonardo could barely focus on or concentrate as he couldn't shake off the guilt and disheartened feeling he felt, that had now blurred his vision as he stared at the screen, thinking about Hayley. He couldn't help but replay their last conversation in his head, the one that had been interrupted by Adrian's intrusion, three days ago at the department hall. "... I have no choice, Leonardo. Revenge-" Hayley had said with a hard expression, her eyes pie
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A vow to keep 2
As soon as he stepped into the club, his eyes roved the place and the first thing that caught his attention was the solitary blonde sitting by the bar counter, with her back turned against Leonardo. Unaware of his presence. Leonardo had a thing for blondes, but that particular lady was the most enthralling one he had ever seen in his entire life. Her perfect figure was well accentuated by the dress she had on, even though she was seated. Leonardo soon found himself ogling the woman intently, unable to look away and he didn't even hear when Massimo had excused himself. Leonardo already liked the blonde. At that moment he told himself he wanted her and he must have her tonight in his arms, tonight. He concluded as he approached her with confident strides. Unknown to him, the blonde was the woman he was to marry in the next two days. Leonardo took a sit beside her by the counter, intending to flirt with her. But his intentions were halted when he noticed her drunken state and her tear
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Restraining Order
"I don't think filing a restraining order against the father of your child is the ideal solution to your current situation. Especially now that your child has grown attached to him and feels safe around him." Taylor Devereaux, Hayley's trusted friend and therapist advised. "Besides, he means no harm, right? I'm not saying your request is wrong, but I suggest you reconsider and think about your daughter's happiness before making a final decision, Nina. Don't deny the innocent child the chance to know and be with her father." They were both seated in Hayley's office that Friday afternoon, discussing the issue at hand.Hayley looked at her fazed, reclining back in the swivel seat in despair after hearing Taylor's response to her request for a restraining order against Leonardo. Hayley heaved out a long, weary sigh, her mind racing with thoughts as she stared in a faraway look.Taylor watched her, urging her. "Don't act irrational. Think a moment to think this through."Hayley remained
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Her Therapist
Hayley's heart skipped a beat as she didn't see that question coming. Her words caught in her throat, and her heart palpitated, her gaze faltering."Be honest with me, Nina. That is the only way I can help you. Do you still love -"Hayley interrupted sharply with a hard gaze. "No... I don't," she denied undeterred.Their eyes locked, and Taylor could see past her hard exterior that she was lying."You're angry, Nina. You wish to move on. But before you can do that, you need to release that anger out of you... You need to let it out. You need answers to your questions. You want to know why he did what he did to you many years ago. You want to know if it was worth it. Am I correct?"Yes, she was. Taylor was very correct, but Hayley was reluctant to acknowledge her feelings. She was still consumed by the need to get her revenge.Hayley remained quiet, her gaze only hardening further."Why did you leave Clasold City six years ago? Was it because of him?" Taylor pressed, her tone sedate as
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Girls' Day In!
It was yet another blissful Saturday, and the early hours of that morning saw Hayley in the kitchen, busy baking cookies and preparing snacks for their special Girl-day-in that was just two hours away. Hayley had decided to set her predicaments aside for once and focus on spending quality time alone with Daisy. It had been ages since they hung out together, without any distractions.After Hayley's request to file a restraining order against Leonardo had been declined and rejected by Taylor twice, Hayley thought she might as well just forget and move on. She wanted to have a fun-filled Saturday indoors with her daughter. At least that was all she could do at that moment.Daisy was still asleep in her room when Hayley thought about surprising her by the time she woke up with the plans of a movie day - with her favorite movie and her favorite pastries and snacks.After neatly placing the raw pastries on the baking tray, Hayley delicately glazed the croissants with the egg mixture. Once s
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Do you want to know Daddy?
Hayley's heart pounded in her chest, and her smile instantly faltered as she heard Daisy's unexpected words. The comment felt heartwarming, but it also made her heart race wildly at the same time.She was taken aback, her lips slightly parting due to shock. Up until now, Daisy had never shown much interest in her dad before. The presence of Adrian in their lives had always kept her curiosity about her father at bay. Of course, Daisy knew Adrian wasn't her dad, but she treated him like one. Now, what had changed? Why was Daisy suddenly bringing the 'd' word up?Was she already failing in her duties and attempts to make Daisy not feel the absence of her father much? Did Daisy already start feeling the void and longing for the presence of her dad? These questions spiraled in Hayley's mind, unable to find answers to any.Hayley was still in shock for a moment, but that feeling was soon replaced by an overwhelming mix of guilt and remorse as Daisy pulled away from the hug, staring into her
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Author's Note(Cheers to 1k views)
26th June, 2024. Hello, my lovely readers. It's your humble author and I'm back here to express my appreciation through words for having come far with this journey with Hayley and Leonardo's story. Thank you all so much! Cheers to 1k reads🥳 and 70 followers. Thank you all so much! A special thank you from me to my kind voter, Pink. Thanks for supporting my book. Thank you very much and God bless you. Thank you to my other voters🥳. Thanks to you that is reading this note. A special thank you as well, my lovely readers. I really appreciate y'all, choosing my book. Please, please, please do well to vote on my book. Please. It would put a smile on my face if you could vote and drop your honest comments/reviews about this story.And with that, I'm dropping the pen.Once again, Thank you all very much.XOXO,Your humble Author, Author Mira.
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Path to Redemption
Just like Hayley had planned that beautiful Saturday morning, Clara had also decided to have a special mother-daughter bonding time with Luna as well. Clara realized it had been a while since she hung out with her precious daughter without the involvement of others, like Hayley and her daughter. And theirs just happened to also be a movie day, complete with ice cream and cookies. But the only difference was that, just an hour into their perfect movie date, it was disrupted when they heard a knock on their front door.Clara furrowed her brow, straining her ears to identify the sound. At first, she hesitated to answer, not wanting to abandon her daughter for whoever it was outside. She wasn't expecting anyone that day, so she could ignore it if she wanted to.Clara had no friends that visited her aside from Hayley. After what happened with her old best friend, Katherine, she decided to distance herself from having female friends. She thought having Hayley as her only friend was enough,
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Selfish people
Clara shot at him, her anger rising. "What? No. No. I'm here as your friend. Hayley doesn't even know I'm here. She's currently not speaking to me. I think I might have done something that greatly annoyed her. I think I might have ruined it all..." Clara scoffed incredulously. "Oh really? Well, you should have thought of that before getting your 6-year-old a freaking car as her birthday gift. Didn't you know that was the last piece to my puzzle that enabled me to uncover the truth?""Oh... regardless, I'm sorry, Clara. You're and you've been nothing but a good friend, and I don't want to lose that friendship because of what happened. Will you forgive me? What can I do to make it up to you?"Clara scoffed, shaking her head as she recalled Hayley had also asked her the same question. "Like husband, like wife indeed." She bit out.Leonardo furrowed his brows, not understanding what she meant by that.But Clara didn't explain, instead, she shrugged carelessly, adding. "Like I told Nina
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