All Chapters of Dying As Guard, Awakening As Bride: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
46 Chapters
11. "If You Wanted To Keep Our Engagement"
An Anti-asthma was given to Martin. Once he started feeling better, he decided to pay a visit to his fiancée, aware that Victoria had inhaled more smoke than him.'I have so many questions,' he pondered.Firstly, he wondered why Victoria had addressed him as "Sir" during the incident. Secondly, how did a wealthy woman like her know how to rescue someone from a fire?Victoria had undergone such a transformation, stirring up emotions in Martin's heart.However, upon arriving at the emergency room where Victoria was taken, he spotted his childhood friend, Zoe, sitting on the floor.'Why is Zoe sitting there?!' he silently exclaimed. He shifted his gaze towards Victoria, who was giving Zoe a cold stare.He wanted to understand the situation, but then he heard Victoria's rude remark."You wanted Martin all to yourself. To steal him away from me, you had to resort to this dirty tactic once again, didn't you? You cling to Martin, hoping that someday, you'll be the Chairman's wife," Victoria
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12. "Meeting Again"
"I will do my best to persuade Victoria to apologize to you." Martin assured Zoe that he would try his hardest to convince Victoria to say sorry to her. Zoe was looking forward to witnessing Victoria swallow her pride and apologize publicly. Unfortunately, Victoria's words at the party left everyone stunned. "Mr. Cadell, if you want us to stay engaged, you'll have to ask Zoe to leave your house." Zoe's mouth hung wide open. Even Mikhail was taken aback by what his sister had just revealed. Meanwhile, Martin was speechless. He had purposely kept this information private to protect Zoe's reputation. How did Victoria find out about this? In a matter of moments, whispers filled the room. "Oh, my goodness. That woman is staying in Martin's house?" "I thought he was supposed to be engaged to Victoria?"
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13. "Clash"
"We met again, Miss."Vic glanced at the attractive man she had once encountered at the knife store. She had never expected to cross paths with him again, and now she couldn't help but question why she was entangled with him once more."Um, are you...?"The silence was shattered by the slurred voice of a drunken man behind them. Gray turned around and noticed the man stumbling towards them.He swiftly shifted his gaze between the two of them, comprehending the situation."Have you tried to harass another woman, Mr. Harry?" Gray confronted him, positioning himself in front of Vic like a heroic figure."T-This isn't what it seems!" Harry's voice trembled as he finally recognized the person standing before him. "I didn't do anything to her!"He tried to persuade Gray, but Gray's eyes were already dark.If he had not come, what would have happened?'Harry is probably dead,' Gray, who knew Vic's combat skill, thought. He didn't want Vic to go to prison after killing a man like Harry, who d
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14. "It's Me"
The following day, the maids continued to pack Zoe's belongings."We're all going to miss you, Miss Zoe," one of the maids expressed.Zoe simply smiled, though inside she was seething with anger."It's alright. Who knows? I might come back sooner than you think," Zoe replied.She was determined not to let Victoria marry Martin, so she was hopeful to return to Martin's residence."You really should, Miss. Sir Martin only listens to you," the maid remarked before her attention was drawn to someone approaching. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed. "Madam Margaux!"Zoe glanced to her right and spotted Martin's grandmother, Margaux Cadell.Margaux, the current family leader and the second most influential shareholder of Crimson Corporation, caught Zoe's attention.In a rush, Zoe hurried over to where the elderly woman stood, causing Margaux to momentarily pause. Margaux observed Zoe's cheerful smile, which caused her eyebrows to raise.“Long time no see, Grandma,” Zoe greeted. "How have you...
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15. "A Way To Break The Engagement"
Martin holds a special place in Vic's heart, but her trust lies with Hunter.Growing up together in the same orphanage, Hunter and Vic shared a bond like siblings. In fact, before Vic died, she worried for Hunter so much.Now, seeing Hunter again, memories flooded back of their last meeting in prison."You look more weathered since the last time we met," Hunter remarked, peering at Vic through the glass partition. "Are you taking care of yourself? How's the medication treating you?""I'm not sure anymore, my body or my mind," Vic replied."Don't be such an idiot. Sir Martin will understand once you explain your situation," Hunter reassured.At his words, Vic inquired about something else, purposely attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction. "How's Martin? Is he doing well?""He's swamped with work. As usual," Hunter replied."I see. He should be," Vic remarked.Hunter was even more saddened by Vic's indifferent response to the news. So, he eventually raised his voi
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16. "To See The Rich CEO"
Gray, dressed in his chef attire, walked past another chef who was cooking fresh clams in a pan with butter.“Budget your time well, okay?” He said.Altogether, his cooks answered, “Yes, Chef!”An amateur chef took a step back when attempting to put damp shrimp in the pan, resulting in a reaction from the oil.“Hey!” Gray yelled out, "you shouldn't be putting those wet shrimps in the hot oil like that." Walking over, he expressed his frustration, "Seriously, how many times do I need to remind you about this?"Glancing at the other chefs, who seemed oblivious, he emphasized, "When someone is in trouble, pay attention! I don't want to have to repeat myself over and over again, okay?"“Yes, Chef,” they answered.This is what Gray's typical day in the kitchen looks like. Even though his employees are aware of his kindness, he becomes a complete terror when he's working in the kitchen.But since Gray doesn't come around often, they think it's bearable to endure his tantrums for a day.Gray
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17. "A Deal To Make"
When Gray returned to the kitchen, everyone immediately noticed the shift in his mood."You messed up, but it's alright. We all make mistakes. Just fix it, okay?" Gray said to the Chef, who had made an error while cooking."What caused this sudden change?" they all wondered.Finally, the work hours came to an end.Curiosity got the better of Gray as he glanced into the dining hall, wondering if Victoria was still there."She waited for hours," Gray whispered to himself as he saw her sitting upright in the chair where he had left her.As Gray delved into researching about Victoria, he discovered that she had a not-so-great reputation due to her temper. However, after waking up from her coma, she had undergone a remarkable transformation."Someone as rich as her actually waited for hours just to see me?" Gray whispered, scratching his chin.Now, his curiosity was piqued even more.Feeling a mix of suspicion and happiness, Gray approached her. "I'm surprised you're still here, Miss."Vic
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18. "Helping Because She's Now Victoria"
“Sir Richard.”A sweet voice a woman echoed in the hallway.Sir Richard, Mikhail’s secretary, turned around and looked at the owner of the voice. He was awed for a bit to see Mikhail’s twin sister running towards him. Not only she’s pretty, but she even called him ‘Sir’!“Y-Yes, Miss Victoria?” he asked.Vic stood before him and tucked her hair behind her ears. ‘I really wanted to cut my hair short but it’s disrespectful to Victoria’s soft hair.’With a sigh, she lifted her head and looked at her twin brother’s secretary.‘Even though she’s my boss’s twin sister, she looks very different to him,’ Richard thought with a gulp.“I heard that there is a family outing between Red and Cadell family. May I know why I wasn’t informed about this?” she asked.Richard answered, “That was because your family knew how much you hated the engagement. They just don’t want to create a situation where you will feel uncomfortable with your fiancé.”‘I appreciated their care,’ Vic said to herself, feelin
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19. "Don't Go In the Orphanage"
“I don’t need you unless it’s really Vic. I only like my sister Vic! Don’t come here anymore!”**“Ben!” Nadia's call for Ben went unanswered, prompting her to turn to Victoria with a mix of confusion and sympathy. "I'm sorry. I think he really cares about Vic.""It's okay. Can I try talking to him?"Nadia gave a quick nod, allowing Victoria to step outside in search of Ben.While she had anticipated some of this, Victoria was still taken aback by the reality of the situation. She couldn't help but feel guilty that the child was upset because of her."Ben!"Worried that he might have wandered off too far, Victoria scanned the area and spotted a small figure huddled under a tree behind the orphanage.She felt a wave of relief wash over her the moment she recognized Ben.Instead of calling out to the crying figure with his head in his lap, she quietly went and sat down beside him.Ben lifted his head at the sound of footsteps, and his expression changed to surprise when he saw that it w
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20. "Coincidence?"
Leaving his current tasks behind, Martin hopped into his car and headed towards Joy Orphanage.Before long, he pulled up in front of the building situated on the outskirts.Reading the sign that said "Joy Orphanage," he double-checked the nameplate by the entrance before cautiously stepping inside.As he made his way through the garden, the delightful sounds of children's laughter filled the air."I'll hide now!"Amidst the joyful voices, whether they were playing or not, he followed the sound as if it were guiding him."Alright! Hide well, kids!"However, upon hearing the woman's voice accompanying the children, he stopped in his tracks.'That voice,' he whispered, recognizing the familiarity.Staying put, he continued to listen to the sounds surrounding him."Miss Vic! Please don't look! And don't forget to count all the numbers!""Sure thing! I'll count them all. Quick, go hide!"Martin whispered to himself, "Miss Vic?"He couldn't resist picking up his pace when he heard Vic's nam
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