All Chapters of Dying As Guard, Awakening As Bride: Chapter 41 - Chapter 46
46 Chapters
41. "Unknown History"
Gray headed to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients. He and Victoria had plans to catch up this weekend to discuss their agreement. However, Gray was more eager to hang out with her than to focus on the deal."I forgot to check if she has any allergies," Gray muttered as he examined a ripe tomato. "Maybe I should ask her about it?"As he strolled through the aisles, Gray absentmindedly scrolled through his phone. Unfortunately, he accidentally bumped his cart into someone else's."Oops, my bad!" the other shopper quickly apologized.Gray glanced ahead and uttered, "No worries. It's actually my fault for not paying attention. I'm so..." His words trailed off as he realized who was standing in front of him. "Miss Nadia?"Nadia squinted her eyes at the attractive man before her. "Gee?"As they recognized each other, they decided to head to a nearby coffee shop after finishing their grocery shopping."It's been ages, hasn't it?" Nadia remarked with a smile.Gray, who Nadia knew a
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42. "Confession She Didn't Expect"
"Do you happen to remember a girl named Vic?""Of course. She was my first love."The fork slipped from Victoria's grasp, creating a loud clinking noise as it landed on the plate.As she gazed at Gray's attractive face, she couldn't help but question if she had heard him correctly.It had been years since their initial encounter, and Victoria couldn't recall all the interactions she had shared with Gray. But how did a handsome man like him fall for a girl like her?'I've always had a plain face. I was taller than my peers, and many thought I had a boyish vibe. Even when I worked as a bodyguard, my colleagues never saw me as a woman. How did I become Gray's first love?'It remained a mystery to her. She understood the concept of love, but she had never experienced someone having a crush on her until Gray expressed that she was his first love.It gave her awkward and awesome feelings at the same time."So, how did you know what I looked like before?" Gray asked, interrupting Victoria's
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43. "Thirst For Revenge"
Zoe was getting increasingly anxious as she paced back and forth in her room, clutching her phone."Why hasn't he responded yet? I already sent the money!" she exclaimed.She was eagerly waiting for Alex's reply, as they had planned to expose Victoria's affair with the video he had filmed.But there was still no news about Victoria, and Alex hadn't given his response."This was supposed to be my way of getting back at that woman," Zoe muttered under her breath.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she received a message from Alex's number. With excitement, she quickly opened the message and started reading its contents.["I'm really sorry, Miss Zoe. Unfortunately, I won't be able to continue working with you. I've been feeling really guilty ever since Sir Martin had that accident. But don't worry, I'll still keep my promise and won't reveal anything. Just know that you won't find me in the Cabin anymore because I've decided to quit my job."]Zoe was boiling with rage. Her hands
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44. "Caught"
When Victoria arrived home, her parents immediately approached her in a rush."Where were you?!" her father, Emmanuel, asked. "Things got crazy because of the scandal. And you just disappeared out of nowhere?"Sabby, her mother, added, "What's this scandal all about? And now there are videos of you helping children at the orphanage.""Please tell me the affair isn't true. The man in the video is Martin, not Mr. Gray. Confirm that for me," Emmanuel demanded.Where should Victoria even begin to explain? She knew her parents wouldn't be happy if she admitted that the man in the video was actually Gray, not her fiancé. Plus, the sudden appearance of her helping at the orphanage was unexpected."Actually," Victoria started, but before she could finish her sentence, someone interrupted her, cutting her off mid-thought."What's the matter with the news?" Victoria's twin brother, Mikhail, chimed in, his tone nonchalant as he glanced at their parents. "Sure, my sister may have lost her memorie
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45. "While I Am Victoria"
Mikhail absorbed every detail. From the moment Vic was accused of attempted murder to the day she passed away and woke up in his twin sister's body.The whole situation felt like a bizarre dream. But as he observed the drastic changes in his sister, it all started to make sense."That's what happened," Victoria said, breaking the silence.Mikhail stared at her, his mind racing. He was at a loss for words, unsure of how to react or what to say.Seconds ticked by, and Mikhail's gaze shifted to his twin sister's face. It was hard to believe that a complete stranger now inhabited her body.'And what about my sister?' he pondered silently. 'If this bodyguard took over her, then what happened to her?'Maybe being intelligent has its downsides. Because when Mikhail pondered that question, he entertained the possibility that his sister had already passed away!His heart ached, and his breathing became heavy. He rose to his feet and grabbed Victoria by the collar.His gaze was intense, but Vic
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46. "Audition"
Years ago…"To be the best bodyguard, you should know how to disguise yourself in public!" the trainer said.With hands behind her back, Vic answered, "Yes, Sir!""Mastering the art of adapting to different scenarios is crucial," the trainer continued.Victoria dedicated herself to honing her skills in disguise training, often partnering with her fellow guards during practice."I just need to immerse myself in the role," Victoria thought to herself as she faced the judges.Mr. Harry, who had always been critical of her, challenged her, "Show us what you've got."Melvin, the third judge, inquired, "Who are you interested in auditioning for?"Hailey elaborated, "The film 'No Country for Weak Women' revolves around women striving to become strong in the face of societal injustices. We already selected the female lead yesterday. Nevertheless, you can still give it a shot."Victoria cast her gaze downwards, contemplating the script she had perused the previous night.'The female lead is a
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