All Chapters of Dying As Guard, Awakening As Bride: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
21. "Confusions"
"Sir. Why don't you rest for today? You did a lot of work," said Vic. Martin answered, "Adults have their own games. And they have no time to rest because they have to win every day." Those words were etched in Vic's mind for a long time. Therefore, she mistakenly repeated the same word when Martin was standing before her. ** ** Martin pulled Victoria away from the children and from the director of the orphanage. In a place where no one could watch them, they stood in front of each other. She looked at Martin, who pulled her head and saw a more hostile expression than she had ever seen. "What's wrong?" she asked, hurriedly pulling her arm out of his grasp at the momentary change in the atmosphere. But Martin had such a strong grip on her that she couldn't shake him off easily.Martin was in a state of confusion. Those were the words that Victoria had said before."How do you know that?" he asked. "Huh? What is it?" "I'm asking about those words you said earlier. Adults have th
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22. "Certain"
“Do you have feelings for me?” Victoria asked Martin.The mere question caused Martin to fall silent. If Victoria's intention was to silence him, she had achieved it.A tense silence lingered between them as they locked eyes. Eventually, Victoria was the one to break the silence."Do you believe your interest in me only sparked because I changed so much after losing my memories? Or have you developed feelings for me?" she inquired once more.Martin's response this time was a simple, "No."‘As expected,’ Victoria said to herself before chuckling bitterly. “Same here,” she lied. “I have no feelings for you. The conversation ended.”"You're mistaken. It's because your question is flawed. I know small details about you even when you had your memories. How can I develop feelings for someone I barely know?"Victoria looked down and replied, "That's it. So...""But I want to get to know you."She fell silent and gazed at him, realizing he wasn't joking.She couldn't comprehend his words. It
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23. "He's Chasing Her"
"Did Vic really try to kill you?"** **Martin always had complete trust in Zoe. So, when he posed the question, Zoe's eyes quivered. She couldn't utter a single word as she gazed at Martin."What if you simply misinterpreted everything?" he interjected. "Perhaps Vic didn't actually intend to stab you. Did she truly confess her jealousy towards you?"Zoe shivered. Tears filled her eyes, not because she was hurt by Martin's doubt but because she feared being exposed.But when Martin caught a glimpse of her eyes, his perspective shifted. Memories of the day he unintentionally injured Zoe's leg during their childhood flooded back, leaving him overwhelmed with guilt."Sorry," he muttered, his voice filled with remorse. "I never meant to question you."Gulping, Zoe's voice broke as she said, "It's been so long since you last talked about her. You know that I still have trauma when I think of Miss Vic." She looked down, trying to conceal her anxiety.Martin let out a deep breath and replied
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24. "A Chance To Encounter"
As much as possible, Victoria doesn't want to attend the family outing just to meet with the mysterious Gray Thompson.'I don't want to meet Martin, Zoe, or Margaux,' she said to herself with a sigh.So, if there's another way for her to see Gray Thompson, she would do it before the outing.["Go to Two Thumbs Up Beer Bar. I heard Gray Thompson usually visits that place."] Information was sent by Hunter.Thanks to Hunter, Victoria got some information about Gray. So, she attempted to enter the bar in just a shirt and pants. However, the bouncer stopped her at the door."You can't go in, Miss," he said.Confused, Victoria asked, "Why not?""Dress code," he replied, gesturing to the other girls entering.Victoria glanced at the other girls and was taken aback. They were all dressed provocatively, unlike her usual style.Realizing she needed to blend in to get inside, Victoria reluctantly went to a mall and bought a dress similar to what the other girls were wearing. She made sure to conc
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25. "They Ended In the Hotel"
Gray and Victoria found themselves strolling down a hotel corridor, heading towards their room.How did they end up in the hotel?It was quite a serendipitous encounter as they had crossed paths at the bar earlier."I trusted you!" shouted the drunk Victoria. She was swaying as she grabbed Gray's collar and pinned him to the wall.Gray glanced around, feeling mortified by the scene. Luckily, there was no one nearby witnessing him being cornered by an intoxicated Victoria."Hey, hey, just take it easy. Why don't we head inside the room first? You can unleash all your wild antics there," Gray suggested, attempting to gently nudge her aside.But Victoria was strong, and he ended up getting pinned on the wall again.'Just how strong this woman is?' he thought with a sigh."I drank the… juice because I knew you wouldn't spike it. But why am I feeling dizzy now? Why?!" Victoria complained and pouted. Her face was all red.Gray stared at her current face and thought, 'But at least I saw this
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26. "Going Home"
Outside the hotel, Gray and Victoria were seen sitting on the bench.Gray was crouching down, holding his aching head. While Victoria looked at him, feeling the second-hand embarrassment.Just a moment ago, Gray's towel slipped downward, and Victoria saw his thing.Victoria looked at Gray. She extended her hand and tapped his back as if consoling him.In an instant, Gray glared at her and said, "Why are you patting my back? Is that some sort of comforting me? If you're attempting to console me, then patting my back won't have any effect." He was teary when he continued, "YOU SAW EVERYTHING IN ME. DAMN IT!" Victoria pulled her hand away from him. She was thinking so hard about how to comfort Gray. Then, she thought of an idea."Don't worry," she said. "It's not like my first time seeing that. I used to see those in the past."Gray stopped and looked at her with widened eyes. "What?" He gasped and covered his mouth. "Are you that kind of woman?"With a frown, she said, "No. I never ha
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27. "I Will Love Someone Else"
Inside Victoria's large room, Martin was sitting on a couch while drinking coffee. He was calmly sitting there as if nothing crazy happened a moment ago.Victoria sat on the opposite side, watching him.'I still couldn't believe that he prepared many people and cars just to find me,' she thought, completely still in shock. 'Did he do that just because I am his fiancée?'"I caused quite a scene earlier," Martin started the conversation. He glanced up and locked eyes with her. "When I heard that my fiancée had been kidnapped, I immediately rallied my men. I didn't have time to verify if it was true. So, I apologize if I startled everyone."Victoria was at a loss for words. She simply couldn't find the right response.Martin continued, "So, where were you last night? Why did you go out alone and only come back this morning? I thought you were unwell."Finally, Victoria replied, "I was feeling bored. And I only lied to you because you wouldn't stop pestering me to go out.""Ahh. I get it.
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28. "The Outing Day"
On an island owned by the Cadell family, there stood a spacious cabin by a serene lake. It was meticulously maintained to provide comfort and tranquility to its visitors.Today, the Cadell and Red families are set to enjoy a day out together. The first to arrive at the cabin was Margaux Cadell, the head of the Cadell family."Make sure you bring only the freshest ingredients for cooking, got it?" Margaux instructed the staff she had hired to serve the two wealthiest families in the country."There can be no mistakes," Margaux vowed to herself. The Red family was a crucial ally, and she was determined not to jeopardize the relationship that had been established by their ancestors.The only issue was the unsettling rumor that her grandson was now chasing Victoria Red, his fiancée."Even though I wanted to gain Red's favor, I need to ensure that spoiled brat understands her place."In the past, Victoria was obedient to Margaux because she wanted to be a dutiful grandaughter-in-law. Howev
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29. "True Identity"
Martin and his bodyguard boarded the helicopter for a prior meeting with an important investor. Their destination was the meeting place, and they had to reach there before sunset.As they soared through the sky, Martin couldn't help but notice that his bodyguard remained vigilant, constantly scanning for any potential threats."There's nothing to guard against up here," Martin remarked.His bodyguard turned to him and replied, "I understand, Sir. However, it's crucial for me to stay prepared in case of an unforeseen emergency.""You mean like if the helicopter were to suddenly crash?" Martin asked jokingly."Don't worry, Sir. I assure you, I won't let that happen," the bodyguard reassured him.Martin couldn't help but chuckle at the seriousness in her expression. "You should try to relax a little, Vic."“I will try, Sir.” He inquired, "By the way, I heard that you have a license to operate a helicopter. Is that true?""Yes. We underwent training to be proficient in operating various
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30. "My Woman"
'What was your motive for deceiving me?''What were you trying to achieve by lying?''How did you feel knowing that you made me look foolish?''I suppose you had a good time, didn't you?'Victoria had a multitude of questions for Gray as they sat facing each other at the table. If only they were alone, she would have already asked those questions. However, due to the presence of other people, she couldn't do so. Instead, she resorted to imagining kicking Gray's butt ten times.Thanks to Gray, Victoria seemed to have completely forgotten about Martin, Zoe, and everyone else on the trip. Her attention was solely fixed on Gray, who appeared to be enjoying his meal.Gray took a small bite of shrimp and made a face. He quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin.'Doesn't he like it?' Victoria thought to herself.He then tried another dish, and his expression changed to a smile.'Ah, now he enjoys it,' she realized.Victoria remembered that Gray was a chef, so he had to have high standards when
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