All Chapters of Dying As Guard, Awakening As Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
46 Chapters
31. "Victoria's Partner"
Hunting is a big part of their outing, which is why the Cadell family decided to buy the island. Once both families had rested, they all got ready for the hunt by putting on their gear and clothes.Victoria changed into her hunting attire and noticed that her mother, father, and even Zoe were getting assistance with their gear."I can do this on my own," Victoria thought to herself. However, she didn't want to draw any attention to herself and risk being suspected of acting out of character for a wealthy heiress."Excuse me, can I have some help too?" Victoria asked, raising her hand.A male employee started to respond, "Yes, Ma'am. I will…" but Martin stepped in and blocked him."I'll take care of it," Martin declared.His statement caught the attention of the onlookers, including Zoe and Gray.Fully equipped, Martin approached Victoria.As they stood face to face, Victoria's heart raced uncontrollably. Despite being accustomed to hiding her emotions from Martin, she looked directly
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32. "Things She Can Do"
Holding a gun, Victoria set off to the forest with her partner, Zoe. They were a bit slower than the others due to Zoe's leg condition.Since she couldn't run to the fullest, why did Zoe even participate in this game? With that question in Victoria's head, she suspects Zoe is planning something. Which was why Victoria remained on high alert."Ah. So in this part, we will see many deers to target," Zoe said, pointing a direction on the map she's holding. Her gun was behind her, and it was as if she had no plan to use it.Smiling widely, Zoe looked back at Victoria. Zoe admitted, "I'm not really good at shooting." She then looked down and continued, "Plus, even if the bullet can't actually kill the animals, I feel bad for hurting them even a little bit."Unbeknownst to Zoe, Victoria rolled her eyes in response. Undeterred, Zoe exclaimed, "Alright then! I'll navigate it, and you can handle the shooting. Sound good?"In reality, Zoe lucked out with Victoria as her partner. Out of every
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33. "In Danger"
Shoot!Martin fired a harmless bullet at the deer's head, causing it to shake its head and feel a bit dizzy before bounding away."Phew," he sighed, glancing around.It appeared that all the nearby prey had disappeared. "Where did they all go?" he wondered aloud.He was determined to win this game, not just for the meat, but to prove his skills."Does that count as four points?"Martin turned his head and saw Gray strolling casually with his gun. It seemed like he had no interest in scoring any points at all."You're so laid-back, aren't you?" Gray remarked."Speaking of which, why did you even join this game if you don't care about winning?""I don't want to exhaust myself," Gray stated.Martin retorted, "Or maybe you lack any skills."Gray chuckled, turning towards him, "Do you think I cook in the kitchen without bringing my ingredients?""Well, you can simply visit a market. A market and a forest are two completely different things.""Exactly. It's based on my personal experience,"
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34. "Going Crazy"
Zoe was scared.She was convinced that Victoria wouldn't make it. She had been dishonest so many times, yet there was Victoria, alive and well?!Not only was Victoria a skilled fighter, but she also managed to rescue Martin.'I'm done for. Victoria will spill the truth to Martin, and they'll know I've been lying!' Zoe shuddered at the idea, sinking to the ground.However, neither Victoria nor Martin seemed to be thinking about that at the moment.Perhaps Zoe was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't catch what Victoria asked Martin after saving him.[“Are you okay, Sir?”] That’s what Victoria asked, and now, she regretted saying it.Victoria gazed at Martin's trembling pupils as she looked down at him. They were both lying on the ground, with Victoria positioned on top of him. Strangely, she found herself unable to move.‘Why did I say that? Why did my old habit slip out now?’ she scolded herself.Her mistake was addressing Martin as 'Sir.' Wasn't that what she said when she wor
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35. "Unexpected Event"
"What am I going to do? What should I do?!"Zoe was in a state of panic, constantly asking herself those questions.She nervously bit her nails while sitting in a wheelchair, pretending that she couldn't walk anymore. In reality, her legs were perfectly fine, but she was putting on an act to avoid suspicion.Her main concern wasn't her legs, though. She needed to figure out a way to ensure that Martin didn't think Victoria was in trouble because of her. How could she protect her lies?Lost in thought, a tall figure suddenly appeared before her. Slowly raising her head, Zoe saw the handsome Gray with a wicked grin on his face. The memory of Gray's coldness when he abandoned her in the forest flooded back.What was it that he had said again?["Why should I stay here and babysit you? I've got better things to do."]Using his heartlessness as a weapon, Zoe began to cry. "Gray, why would you do that?" She sobbed.Gray simply raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused by her emotional outburst."Y
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36. "Don't Want To Lose"
["I was busy doing all the jobs for my boss, and you told me what?!"] Hunter exclaimed over the the other line.Victoria, who was on a phone call, placed her phone on the other side of her ear. She was ready to hear Hunter's nag.["I read your text just now. The chef you met turned out to be Mr. Gray. And you were attacked by wolves. You saved my boss, and you accidentally called him 'Sir.' Wow. I am speechless."]"If you are speechless, then what about me?" Victoria said, sighing. "I wanted to avoid talking to Martin. If he asks me who I am for the second time, I might have no excuse left."["You should make an excuse. Unless you want everyone to call you 'crazy.' Actually, right now, I wanted to go there and break Zoe's legs for real. But I kind of understood why you pretended as her new friend. You wanted to get evidence before she could erase it, right?"]When Zoe accused Victoria in her first past life, the evidence was erased. Zoe committed another crime, and if Victoria acted i
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37. "Look Elsewhere"
Gray and Martin have consumed a large amount of beer this evening. Surprisingly, neither of them is drunk, and they are both determined to outdo each other.The competition continues despite their flushed faces."We almost forgot about this," Sabby mentioned as she revealed the bottle of wine she and her husband had brought on the outing.When Sabby placed it on the table, Emmanuel started to explain, "This is a new wine we've produced. We're planning to launch it publicly next month."Margaux impressed the couple by asking, "That's great news. What will you name it?"With a smile, Sabby glanced at her daughter, Victoria, who had been sipping on juice all this time. "The wine will be named 'Victoria.'"Victoria glanced at her parents in shock as the unexpected news hit her. Even Martin and Gray paused their silent argument to focus on the mentioned wine."Why did you name it after your daughter?" Margaux inquired.Victoria's twin brother, Mikhail, responded, "Because it's Victoria's r
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38. "I Remember It"
Gray was furious for multiple reasons. To begin with, he was enraged to witness Victoria in such a disheveled state after being attacked by wolves.Furthermore, he had a strong belief that someone intentionally endangered Victoria's life. His suspicions fell on Zoe, so he made an effort to assist Victoria in exposing her. However, Victoria disregarded the evidence and even formed a friendship with Zoe, despite being aware of the truth.Lastly, as Victoria pushed Zoe's wheelchair, Gray noticed the jealousy in her eyes towards Zoe and Martin. It infuriated him to see Victoria, a remarkable and amazing woman, willingly subject herself to danger and endure such hardships.It was simply unacceptable to Gray!But what made him even madder is that he had no rights to save her because she's with her current fiancé, Martin.So, If he spent time with Victoria, he feared he'd be overwhelmed with emotions once more. To avoid this, he made sure to avoid making eye contact with her.Despite his eff
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39. "Intentionally"
Alex, the hunter's trainer, had a single motive for assisting Zoe. She had promised to pay him in exchange for helping her with anything she required. Alex was in dire need of money due to his gambling debts, and the salary he earned from taking care of the Cadell's cabin was insufficient. This is why he was willing to obey Zoe's orders regardless of the consequences."All I have to do is send the video to a reporter and inform them that Miss Victoria Red is cheating on Mr. Martin. It's incredibly simple."With a laugh, Alex began dialing a reporter's number. After a few rings, the reporter answered the phone."Hello. I have a tip for you. Are you familiar with the wealthy Red family? Well, Miss Vi..."However, Alex couldn't finish his report because someone snatched his phone from behind.He looked back, and his eyes widened when he saw Martin's secretary, Hunter!Hunter hung up the phone and turned his attention to Alex. "Who were you talking to?" he inquired.Alex swallowed nervous
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40. "I Can Do It Better"
Martin was there when Victoria and Gray were kissing. He was worried with his fiancée so he decided to follow Victoria. But when he arrived, he saw them kissing.'She's drunk. Gray initiated the kiss,' that's what Martin said to himself. Initially, Martin's instinct was to confront Gray and give him a good punch. But then, he started to question his own emotions.It was strange for him to feel this way. Although he was intrigued by Victoria because she reminded him of his bodyguard, this time, it felt different. It was almost as if seeing her with another man caused him pain.If it wasn't jealousy, then what else could it be?Martin had a hunch, although he didn't want to admit it. "Maybe," he thought to himself, "I've developed feelings for Victoria."He's willing to forgive Victoria, especially when he knows she might have done this just to break off their engagement. But what did she say to him? She liked Gray because he's a good kisser!Martin was furious!How could she prefer Gra
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