All Chapters of After Betrayal, I Married My Ex's Enemy. : Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 Chapters
Nina“I said to myself, ‘One more last thing,’ as I placed the candle stick on the table. ‘There, perfect. Everything was almost ready.’ But then I thought, “Wait, I’m forgetting something.’ I looked around the room and spotted the jewelry I had designed myself in the corner. I grabbed it, thinking, “Leo would love this so much. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees this.’ Just then, the oven timer went off – Beep, Beep, Beep. I rushed to turn it off and opened the oven, but was nearly blinded by smoke. “Great, another cake ruined”. I thought, “How in the world am I going to get everything ready in time before Leo arrives? Definitely not like this.” It was our first anniversary, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I smiled, thinking, Fiancée, I love the sound of that. Leo, my first love, my first everything, the only person who has been by my side since we were kids. He was the only one who stood up for me, protected me, and even helped me in my business. God, he
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Caught in between
Nina Tears streamed down my face as I shook with sobs. No, it wasn’t true. I refused to believe what I had just heard. How could they do this to me? How could Leo betray me so brutally, and with my sister, no less? The very person who had always tried to make my life miserable. What had I done to deserve this?I had always been a simple girl, living a simple life, even when my parents were well off. I never let it go to my head and always wanted to do my own thing. I was soft-spoken, and kind, and never had any issues with anyone. Though my parents had a business, I chose to be different and built my own company. But everything changed when my mom died during my university days. My life was never the same. My father became more and more distant, and I was shocked when he announced he was getting married again.The moment Flora, my stepmom, and her daughter came into the picture, my entire life was turned upside down. They took everything away from me – my life, my family, and now my
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Betrayal of trust
NinaI knew something was wrong the moment I stepped into the company and the first thing I saw was the pitying looks on people’s faces. Apparently, news spread fast, it took everything I had in me to prepare for work today, especially with everything that happened last night with my sister and my fiancée…. Well, ex-fiancée Leo, but I sucked it up and came, today’s a big day for me and I’ll be damned if I let anyone spoil it for me.“Nina, your father needs you in his office”, the secretary called.Finally, it is time, about two months ago, Father assigned a task to me, May, and some other persons in the company, we were to come up with a design for a jewelry set, any design that gets picked by the client, the designer gets a promotion, it is an opportunity I was waiting and I gave it my all, I know my designs are great and I was confident about it too, let’s just hope Dad feels the same way.“You sent for me”, I said as I entered his office, Lo and behold, I see May beside Father, Wh
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Game changer
NinaSoft silky sheets, heavenly goodness, since when did my sheets become soft, in my semi-conscious state I reached for my teddy bear Toodles, and came up empty, something wasn’t right, Toodles never leave my bed, this was not my room. Where the hell am I, I got up with a bolt and nearly fell off the bed. Damn, my head felt like someone was repeatedly hitting it over and over again, how much did I drink last night anyways.I looked around the room, nothing looked familiar in any way, I couldn’t even recognize a single pin, I scrambled off the bed, panicking about how in the world I got here.“Calm down, Nina, calm down, try to remember what happened last night”, I tell myself.I had a shitty day at work, all thanks to my wonderful sister, May, then I headed over to the club to put my sorrows in a bottle. I must have blanked out then, I don’t remember anything after that. I noticed my clothes folded nearly at the corner of the room, someone must have changed my clothes and I don’t ev
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All I had lost
Nina“We both have a score to settle with both of them, I suggest we both join hands together in making them pay, it’s high time we take back what belongs to us”.“How do I even know I can trust you, I barely know you, how am I sure you won’t turn on me instead, who knows this might just be part of your plan too”.“It’s a good thing you don’t trust me, because I don’t either, I might change my mind and turn on you instead, after all, you’re the much easier prey”.At least he’s honest, I’ll give him that.“I’m also taking a risk here as well, how do I know you won’t go blabbing to Leo, after all, you have been quite close from birth, but I’m willing to give it a shot, I’m giving you a chance Nina to take back everything you’ve lost and then some, so how is it going to be, are you in or out”.“I have to think about it, I’m not sure if I can trust you, I mean we are talking about going against my sister which ultimately means going against my family since she has everyone on her side, I
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Family dinner
NinaDid I ever mention how badly I hate family dinners? The Amber family dinner it’s always an elaborate affair, Different extended relatives, cousins, maternal and paternal sides, and even those married into the family and those affiliated as well everyone who wants a piece of the Amber fortune gather together in one place to reminisce and to talk about things they've missed, in other words, it’s a hellhole, a gathering relations show off the things they've achieved recently, make fun of other relative losses, gossip about whose family is failing pretending to be in good terms but at the same time looking for weaknesses of the other that they can latch their sharp teeth onto. Everyone’s praying for what the others stand for and at the same time also hypothetically wishing the other more winnings.They were all a bunch of hypocrites each of them seeking to out-do the other and at the same time get to the top of the food chain, and guess who's at the top, yeah you guessed right my fa
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A walk of diginity
Nina I sat at the dinner table surrounded by my family including my extended family and my sister who beamed with pride as my father praised her latest achievement proudly sponsored by yours truly, we had just finished the first course and there was a break before the second one was served and trust my family to utilize it to the fullest.“So Nina I heard you and Leo broke off the engagement, this was the tenth time someone brought up the topic, and at this point, I was ready to commit murder“The both of you have always been together right from your early years, it’s a shame you both had to break up, what happened”.“Why don’t you ask the lover boy over there, I’m sure he has an answer”.Yeah, Leo arrived a bit late and has been glued to May’s side ever since, he didn’t even take one look in my direction, Sure enough everyone noticed it.“Nina and Leo had decided to break off the engagement, they just weren’t compatible together and he had found someone else better, right? Leo baby”
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Time to heal
NinaI walked into Alexander’s office with a sense of determination, I had finally decided to work against my family, but most especially against my sister May and Leo, that backstabbing cheater.“Welcome Miss Nina, we’ve been expecting you”, the receptionist said as soon as she saw me.“Right, this way Ma’am.” She led me into an elevator and pressed a button. Immediately she stepped back.“Wait, you’re not coming", I said, confused.“No ma’am, the boss likes his privacy, he specifically requests for you to be directed into his office as soon as you arrive”.“B.. but how would I know his office”.“It's not hard to miss, his office is on the entire top floor”. The elevator door closed.The entire top floor, I was stunned, exactly how rich he said he was again, the elevator dinged its arrival and stepped out of it into a very huge office, my jaw dropped to the floor.“ Ah, I see you’ve arrived Nina, glad you could make it”, Alexander said, looking so handsome in his suit, he looked so e
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Revenge best-served cold
NinaThe event was one of the biggest occasions I had ever seen, the organization by my family didn’t even come close and they were lavish. To be honest, I developed cold feet. Alexander had a hard time convincing me to attend this event, but I wasn’t so sure, what if they didn’t like me, if I somehow managed to embarrass myself like I always do, what if I’m not good enough. What if May wins? I was drowning in a bunch of what-ifs, but Alexander pulled me out of it.“Relax, you would do just great, I’ll be by your side, have no fear.”It was the only way I could summon the courage to attend. As we arrived at the party all eyes were on us, we made a stunning couple and I could feel the speculation in the air.“Are they dating?”.“What the hell is she doing with him?”.We mingled with the crowd having fun and laughing, but I could sense the tension beneath the surface, May was here somewhere probably staring daggers at me, and my family would be wondering what the hell was I doing here,
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