All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
103 Chapters
Help me out
“Those tears speak a ton of what you are going through,” the lawyer said as she caressed her back softly. “There are some things we do not need words to convey. We just let the actions do the speaking.” Brett couldn’t agree more. “It’s fine, Naya,” Brett told her softly. “I am here to help you out. Just confide with us and tell us what we need to know, okay?” Naya cleared her tears and nodded. She took a deep breath and tried so hard to control the pain in her. It was just too hard. “So,” the lawyer pulled out a document. “As I can see here, you’ve been locked up for 8 months now if I have not been mistaken. You were charged for robbery, adoption and harassment of Mrs Lovelyn Hazard.” “I never did such a thing,” Naya defended herself. “She has always been the one harassing me. First she took my daughter from me and then she lied that I tormented her through the robbery. I didn’t even know they would force me to rob the Hazard’s mansion.” The lawyer understood. “It is fine, brea
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Lovelyn watched Hailey do her assignment in peace. Her mind couldn’t leave the events of that day. Her husband almost caught her in the jailer’s office. Luckily, he got distracted by another guard who informed him of Naya on the sickbay. Lovelyn hissed as she showed her disappointment. The person she paid to murder Naya hadn’t done it right. The stupid prisoner called Huge Basky or whatever couldn’t even complete a simple task. She turned to Hailey for a while and thought of an idea. “If I won’t get Hailey, you won’t,” she thought to herself before bringing out her phone to search for Naya’s picture. As soon as she saw it, she smiled and showed it to Hailey. “Who is this?” She asked Hailey who twisted her nose. “Witch! Take her away from me!” Hailey pushed the phone from her face. Lovelyn smirked. “Why is she a witch?” Lovelyn asked. “They might all call her your mother eventually. She will one day want you to call her Mama. What will you call her instead?”“She is the witch in m
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Never again
Brett woke up to a splitting headache. He groaned and checked his time only to gasp at what he saw. There was no way he overslept! How could he have slept all through the hearing?! Why didn’t his alarm wake him up as planned? “Hey, baby,” Lovelyn brought him a cup of coffee. “I brought you a cup of coffee.” “Why didn’t you wake me up?!” He roared at her in anger. “I slept all through the court case. What sort of witness am I if I am not there?” Lovelyn smirked before pretending to be sympathetic.“O! You did?” She feigned helplessness. “I didn’t know you had a court hearing to attend today.” “I did, okay?!” He hurriedly wore his trousers. “This was Naya’s only chance to be free. I needed to be there. I have to be there!” He grabbed a shirt.“Well, if you had told me that you were going for an important case, I would have woken you up earlier. I had no idea. This is a punishment to you for hiding things from me,” Lovelyn gaslighted him. “Look, I do not have the time for this,” he
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Ruined Future
8 YEARS LATERNaya flinched as her tattoo drawing got interrupted. This wasn’t something she’d expected on a hot Sunday afternoon, while she an inmate preach the word of God. “You are free to go, Naya Aurora,” he said as he gave her a bag filled with her things. Naya was completely shocked. What?! How? This was unbelievable and she could swear that she didn’t understand what was going on. “They eventually looked through the evidence and let you go,” Miss Cherry said as she joined her at the Jailer’s office. “I never gave up on the court case, even if Brett did.” Naya couldn’t control her tears. She drew Miss Cherry for a hug and hugged her tightly, feeling tears roll down her cheeks. “Thank you so much,” Naya thanked her. “It’s fine. The past few years has been torture for me. I was unable to eat or sleep. I just wanted you out of here. That’s all that mattered to me,” the lawyer explained. Naya couldn’t stop smiling. They finished up the paperworks and led her to Miss Cherry's
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It hurts
Brett drank one last glass of bear trying so hard to hide his depressive state. Lovelyn was giving him so much hard time. His daughter wasn’t even making things easier. Everything in his life was going very wrong. So so wrong! He couldn’t help but beg the universe for forgiveness of all he’d done. He felt all this was a repercussions for his bad decisions. If he hadn’t cheated on his wife, his life would have been much easier. If he had seen through his wife’s act that night and not drank the orange juice, Naya would have been released. She would have been able to get Hailey from Lovelyn and raise her right. Now he was unaware of what to do. His daughter had turned into a handful of problems. Even himself couldn’t control her. She hated him as much as she hated Naya. Soon the girl was beginning to grow hatred towards Lovelyn. No sooner would she grow to hate herself and cause menace to society. All this was caused by one mistake!Just one mistake!His phone buzzed and he checked the
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Enough for you
“Isn’t it enough that I have to bear your good for nothing mother?! Why do you have to make my life hell too?! What is wrong with you?! Why can’t you just be good for ones?! Why can’t you just be like…like…” He stopped. “Why didn’t you complete your sentence?” Lovelyn asked from the door with an angry look as she joined her daughter. “You could have just mentioned that witch in this house and ruin my peace further.”“This isn’t how to find peace,” Brett corrected her. “Ruining the life of someone else’s daughter isn’t how you find peace.” Hailey was baffled by what he said. “What does daddy mean by someone else’s daughter?” Hailey asked her mum with surprise. Lovelyn got tense and pecked her on the forehead. “Forget he said anything,” she avoided the discussion. “I will follow your dad to school tomorrow to apologize to this visitor. I am sure she won’t be angry with us for long. We are very good people, are we not?” Hailey nodded with a smile and threw her dad a hateful look, b
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My Plan
Naya knew that it wasn’t necessary to visit Hailey’s school for an apology, but she needed to do it. She had to see her beautiful daughter again. She knew how tough it would be to get close to her, but she did not mind trying. She arrived at the school the next day without her apprentice. Hailey was already standing in the principal office with a stone look. As soon as Naya caught sight of her, she smiled and spread out her arm for a hug. At first Hailey shook in fear thinking she wanted to hit her. But realizing it was the opposite, she gazed at Naya with surprise. With an angry stare, she stepped away from Naya immediately. “Come on,” Naya pulled her for a hug anyway. “It is just a hug.” Hailey felt very uncomfortable as Naya crossed her arm around her and stroked her back. “Stop it!” Hailey pushed her off her almost causing her to fall over her heels. “What’s wrong with you?! Do not touch me.” “I was only hugging you,” Naya corrected. “I do not want your hug,” Hailey refused.
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Lies lies lies
Hailey arrived home from school having a lot of questions about her mother. The information was too huge for her to keep in her mind alone. “Are you my real mother?” She asked Lovelyn as she walked into her room to get her dirty laundary. Lovelyn's heart sank when she heard the question. This was a question she hated and she had prayed days and nights that Hailey never asked that. She relaxed herself and turned back to Hailey. “Why did you ask that?” She asked. “I insulted Naya Aurora yesterday in school and she invited you and dad to apologize to her today. Unfortunately you didn’t come, so she told dad that she was going to sue you both for something that happened in the past. She also said something about me being her real daughter and the fact that she will do everything to get me back.” Hailey explained. Lovelyn got furious and pulled Hailey’s hair, ensuring it hurt her badly. “Didn’t I warn you not to hide things from me?” She asked Hailey in anger. “Mum, I am sorry,” she
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Not better than me
Brett zipped up his traveling bag ready to leave. He had had enough and couldn’t keep up with the situation anymore. His home was draining to him and he had to leave. Wait?! Home. Was that even a home? A place that brings nothing but chaos and misery wasn’t a home. It was a freaking prison. “You are finally leaving,” Lovelyn said leaning against the door. “It was high time you left anyway. You have done nothing but cause Hailey and I pain.” Brett said nothing to her. He walked passed her, rudely brushing her off the way and yelled Hailey’s name. “Hailey!” He called. “Hailey!” “What do you think you are doing?” Lovelyn asked with a pisssd look. “Hailey!” Brett called out for his daughter one more time ignoring what Lovelyn said. Hailey hurried out of her room, wondering what was happening. “Do not call me to death!” She nagged in irritation. “Get your things, you are coming with me,” he ordered. Hailey was stunned by what he said. “ No! No!” Lovelyn argued against it immediatel
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Desperate actions
“Her pain?” Brett scoffed. “You do not even let her make friends. You do not let her follow her dreams. You control her all the time. How does that make her happy?” Hailey knew he was right about that. She sulked and turned to her mother. “He isn’t wrong, you know,” she said. “I know what’s best for you,” her mother snapped at her. “Trust me, okay?!” Hailey nodded and went back to back up her mother. Brett was done with both of them. He picked up his luggage and left for his new apartment. He needed to win Hailey's custody at all costs. He didn’t care how long it took or what it entailed. It hurts to see his daughter in such a condition and he couldn’t bear it anymore. After a brief conversation with his lawyer, his mind wandered to Naya. Perhaps Naya could also help him get custody of the child. He wasn’t sure of how he would convince her to help him, but he knew that he needed to take action. He had to take action. He searched for Naya’s beauty salon, but got discouraged by the
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