All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
103 Chapters
Mother issues
“Her pain?” Brett scoffed. “You do not even let her make friends. You do not let her follow her dreams. You control her all the time. How does that make her happy?” Hailey knew he was right about that. She sulked and turned to her mother. “He isn’t wrong, you know,” she said. “I know what’s best for you,” her mother snapped at her. “Trust me, okay?!” Hailey nodded and went back to back up her mother. Brett was done with both of them. He picked up his luggage and left for his new apartment. He needed to win Hailey's custody at all costs. He didn’t care how long it took or what it entailed. It hurts to see his daughter in such a condition and he couldn’t bear it anymore. After a brief conversation with his lawyer, his mind wandered to Naya. Perhaps Naya could also help him get custody of the child. He wasn’t sure of how he would convince her to help him, but he knew that he needed to take action. He had to take action. He searched for Naya’s beauty salon, but got discouraged by the
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Naya laid on her bed recalling the night Lovelyn pushed her down from the bridge. It was a night she knew she would never forget, no matter how hard she tried. It was a night that held so much memory in her mind. A night that had made a history in her life. She took out a photo from her photo album and admired the picture of her mother and Desmond. “I hope you are both happy in paradise. Good night lovelies,” she said with a smile, before kissing the picture. This was something she did every night, before going to bed. She couldn’t get herself to fall without bidding her mum and step dad good night first. As she adjusted her duvet cover, her phone beeped with a message. It was from Miss Cherry. “There is an emergency meeting with a client! Very very urgent! Rose Garden, Los Angeles. Your presence will be very much needed, thank you.” Naya was confused on who this important guest was. She acknowledged the message and laid back down ready to sleep. Her thought went to Hailey. “My sw
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Watch and see
Naya arrived at the Rose Garden, feeling desperate to see who this urgent client was. She's gotten her official outfit ready and ensured her make up was spotless just for this meetup. When she walked into the garden with a positive glamor, she ordered her guards to stand at the garden entrance and wait for her. This was unlike her since she was always cautious of people after her. “Are you sure?” Her body guard asked. “Have I never been sure of something?” She answered a question with a question. He let her be and ordered his other men to stay in position. “Good.” She smirked before walking further into the garden. There was a nice tent which had a nice dinner area. But she caught sight of no one. Who the hell was this guest who wanted to see Naya and why was she late? Naya bit her lips in anger since she hated her time being wasted. “Naya,” Brett's voice said as he walked towards the tent to join her. Her eyes widened in shock. She stood up from where she sat immediately and tried
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“Exam is in an hour!” One of the teachers announced to the students as he entered Hailey’s class. “Make sure you revise what you have been taught and ace this.”Hailey gave him a cold stare as he began to narrate the rules guiding the students. “No examination malpractice. Any form of malpractice will lead to an expulsion!” The teacher warned. “When you are done blabbering, could you leave?” Hailey asked him rudely with confidence. The other student mumbled among themselves with surprise. The teacher frowned. He wanted to scold Hailey so bad, but he knew he had no permission to. The principal had specifically warned every teacher to let Hailey be. She is facing a crisis at home, he said. She needs time to adjust. Adjust his foot! Hailey was showing no freaking sign to change. “Take you time,” the teacher said eventually before walking out. Hailey rolled her eyes and called someone with her phone, as she walked out of the class. “Meet me at the back,” a deep voice said. She nodded
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Tit for Tat
The Fashion Show started later in the afternoon of that weekend. As usual, Lovelyn made a promise she wouldn’t keep. “I am going to be there for you dear,” Lovelyn promised with a friendly tone. Hailey took it as mere words. Lovelyn wasn’t going to be there. The lady was never there for her and might never be there for her. The person she instead saw was her father who waved at her from the seat she sat. It’s been a week since she saw him and his cute childish smile hadn’t left yet. Hailey felt excited by his sight even though she showed a serious face upfront. “Thank you for coming,” she said in her head before walking to the session for the students. “You look beautiful, my date,” Ryan complimented her long silver gown. She felt a bit disgusted and gazed around to be sure no one heard. “Don’t tell me that!” She snapped, as she gazed around in embarrassment. “You’re making me feel uncomfortable.” “I am sorry,” he apologized, turning away from her. “But you do look very lovely th
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Feed me the truth
“Keep it low, Naya,” he advised her. “Those times were different. You acted crazy and I thought you wanted to kidnap her from me!” Brett defended.“How could I have kidnapped her? She is my freaking daughter!” Naya defended. “She was my life and my mother had died that time.” “I am sorry about your mother,” he apologized. “I supported your aunt in burying her.” Naya felt her heart shatter. She turned back to her side of the seat trying to blink back her tears. “I couldn’t even bury my own mother,” she thought. “I don't think anyone will understand all I have been through all my life.” “I am really sorry about this, Naya,” he said with a soft tone and drew her for a hug. She unconsciously hugged him back, since she needed someone to confide in. Hailey caught sight of them and fumed more. She clenched her fist in anger.“Your father and Naya know each other?” Ryan was being nosy. “I do not want to talk about it,” she brushed off the topic.The time came for the fashion queen to be
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Let me be
Naya gestured to Brett to be calm but he wasn’t. “Why would you talk to your mother that way?! She freaking shot someone just for you! Is this how you would repay her?!”Hailey was surprised. “She shot someone? What do you mean?” Hailey asked. “When you were three years old, some robbers came to our house and tried to kill you. Hailey risked her life to save yours. That’s one of the reasons she went to jail!” Brett informed her, causing Hailey confusion. “What?! She did that?” Hailey couldn’t hide her shock. “Did you really do that?” Naya nodded in reluctance. Hailey got deeply disappointed in Lovelyn. “All Lovelyn does is lie to you, Hailey,” Brett informed her. “She doesn’t love you. Do not believe any word she says. Believe us instead. Stay with us. We will make you happy. We care about you more than you can imagine.”Hailey gazed at them one last time before walking out on them. ***“Let me guess, you didn’t win the most fashionable for this session,” Lovelyn said to her as
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Trust is expensive
The next evening, she grabbed hold of her school bag and jogged down the stairs. Even though it was a Sunday evening, and everyone was at rest, she chose to formulate a lie about study lessons which she hoped her mum would believe. “Hey, mum! I am off to Priscilla’s place for some lessons. She has some old notes I will love to borrow from her,” Hailey lied. “Sure, of course. As long as it is Priscilla I do not mind. Come home before 8pm,” Lovelyn ordered. Hailey nodded and left the house. She got into the car and rolled up the car’s windows hoping not to see her mum’s face.When the car drove halfway into town, she tapped him on the shoulder with a smile. “Could you help me, Frank?” Hailey asked. “I am going to a friend’s place and I do not want my mother to know about it. Could you not tell my . mum about this?”Frank was a nice person so he didn’t mind complying at all.“Is it a guy?” He asked with a smile. “It is just a friend. But he is a fun one. I just hope to have a bit of
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What have you done
The dinner was so fun that Hailey didn’t realize so much time had gone. She immediately hurried out to meet Frank who was waiting for her on the car. “Wait!” Ryan stopped her. She turned back to him as she was about to open his car door. “Thank you for coming today.” “Thank you too,” she smiled. “You showed what a healthy family looks like.” He smiled and nodded. “It’s fine. Your family can be healthy too. You’ve just got to recognize those who deeply love you,” he advised. “At this point, I am okay by myself. I do not think I can trust anyone at this point. Everyone in my life seems to be lying to me…except you,” Hailey informed him. “I know it can be tough,” he advised as he took her hands in his. “But you’ve got to recognize those to trust. Believe me, it’s not everyone who is lying to you. Some people really care about you. You’ve just got to recognize them.” She thanked him and gazed into his eyes for a while before leaning to peck him on the cheek. “Thank you for tonight
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Make things work
“How does seeing your daughter hate you make you feel?” Naya’s therapist asked as she sat before her contemplating Hailey’s coldness towards her. “It reminds me of how much I hated my father,” Naya confessed. “I used to treat him the same way because of how much he abused my mother. I even did worse than Hailey is doing right now. I spat in his food, applied graffiti on his car on a Monday morning before he went to work, I spoke out loud during his business calls.” “Do you think this is karma teaching you a lesson?” The therapist asked. Naya laughed. “I do not regret any of those actions. Hailey’s situation is different. I didn’t do anything to harm her. I am the one who is wronged here, but she doesn’t understand. My father wronged me. He was abusive towards my mother and normalized toxicity. That was just too painful to watch. I had to do something about it. I didn’t know how else to react to such a cruel man.” Naya explained. The therapist nodded. “Alright, I understand,” she
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