All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
103 Chapters
The Threat
Lovelyn knew how stubborn she could be when she sets her mind to something. As soon as she heard of Naya little dinner party, she disguised herself as one of Naya’s male cousins and walked in. She wasn’t sure of why she thought that would be a great idea, but that worked out well when she was allowed in freely. She gazed around the house looking at the guests and searched for her daughter Hailey. That was who she cared about the most and that was whom she had come to get. If she doesn’t get Hailey, then no one was having a successful party. As she gazed around, moving suspiciously trying not to be noticed, she bumped into Zara who looked as lost as she was. “Could you watch where you are going?!” Zara scolded her in anger. Lovelyn ignored her and went on. When she got to the mansion stairway, she turned back to be sure Zara’s eyes hadn’t followed her. How wrong she was? The lady was still staring at her, as if suspicious of why she acted so weird. “Where the hell is that girl?!” Lo
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Can’t say goodbye
Brett has never run as fast as he did before. He pushed the guests out of the way and raced up the stairs. There was no sign of Lovelyn at the hallway, but he did catch sight of Halley's door flung open. He hurried in and felt his heart almost skip. Naya was with her, hugging her softly as she comforted her and reminded her that all was good. He could see the fear in the girl’s eyes and the non stop tears that wouldn’t stop flowing. “Where is she?” He asked Naya as if she would know. “I saw her run down the hallway, back towards the staircase. I had to call the authorities immediately.” Naya informed him.“It is good you did,” he sighed with relief. “That lady is crazy. I do not think anyone can handle this much craziness.”“Why is she out of jail though?” Naya questioned. “She pointed a gun at everyone in court.” “My wife has connections,” Brett informed her. “You shouldn’t be surprised at the things she gets away with. She has done so many crazy things, I can assure you.”“Your
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Be Mine Forever
Naya turned off the room light and climbed into bed feeling tired. As she placed the blanket over her, she felt Brett’s hands slide up her leg, towards her thigh to her stomach. “Wait!” She stopped him sharply. “I forgot to tell the servants to take out the crate of dirty plates. They can’t leave it in the kitchen overnight. It will make that place stink and attract rodents.” Brett frowned with an upset look. “Come on. You cannot be thinking of a responsibility when I am already so hard. I really need you in my arms right now.” He kissed her on the neck, and went straight to bed. “Baby, you need to give me a few minutes, okay?” Naya could barely concentrate. “I cannot sleep thinking of that thing lying out there on the kitchen counter.” “Where do you want them to put it then? It is past midnight.” Brett didn’t understand what she was on about. “They could put it in a dishwasher,” Naya already had the plan in mind. “We have about 5 dishwashers. They aren’t for fancy, are they?”
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Two Close Friends
“My mum made some nice hot cookies,” Ryan said to Hailey as he approached her desk with a box of cookies. “Since you love her meals, I thought you would love some.” Hailey smiled and accepted it gladly. “I would love some, thank you,” she appreciated with a large grin. “I wish your mother still likes me though. It will be tough to win her trust again.” Ryan understood. “It will take time,” he told her with an understanding look. “But it is not impossible. She has a forgiving spirit. She might find it in her heart to forgive you, who knows.” Hailey took a bite of the cookie and felt the texture melt on her mouth. “Your mother’s skills are amazing. Someday I will come to her home to convince her to teach me how to cook like her.” Hailey promised herself.Ryan laughed as he took a bite. “Sure,” he accepted. “She will happily do that. Let’s find a plan to win her heart first. Perhaps you should write a long apology letter and make her some chocolate cookies.” Hailey’s eyes widened
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Brett couldn’t stop thinking of the message he received on the dinner night. Though it’s been five days since he received that message, he couldn’t sleep a wink. Naya suspected something was wrong with him due to how disturbed he looked, but he couldn’t disclose anything to her. He suspected she might get worried unnecessarily and that was nothing he wanted at that moment. Unable to forget the creepy chills it gave, he got out of the bar where he hung out with friends and grabbed hold of his car keys. “Where are you off to?” One of them asked, wondering what’s wrong. “I have something to handle,” Brett told him sharply before heading out. He got into his car and drove off towards the police station. He couldn’t keep this to himself anymore. He had to tell someone. He really needed to. “We are still trying to find your ex-wife,” the inspector told him as soon as he walked into the office. “You need to give us time to do our jobs. You aren’t helping by calling us every two days.”
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Short Lesson
Naya gazed at both Hailey and Ryan unsure of what the principal wanted her to do with the information she had just given. “You need to caution, Hailey, Mrs Naya,” the principal went. “I know she isn’t as rude and noisy as before, but she should at least stop ruining the peace of the class. How can she run around, climbing over her classmates desk like that? And this knucklehead had to follow her as if he had nothing else to do with his time.” “We were just playing,” Hailey defended herself. “I promise that this isn’t as serious as you think.”“Do not speak when I am speaking!” The principal lashed at her. Hailey rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “We are sorry for what we did, ma’am,” Ryan apologized on their behalf. “Why are you apologizing?” Hailey asked with surprise. “We have done nothing wrong.” “Does it matter?” Ryan whispered to her. “We need to get out of here soon. If we don’t apologize and leave this place, she is gonna put us in detention. How are we gonna attend the
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The Suspicion
Naya arrived home as quickly as she could with her heart banging against her chest. Brett was home too. He was seated on the couch, waiting patiently for her. As soon as she walked in, he flung his arm around her and hugged her very tightly.“I almost thought I was going to die,” he said with a broken tone. Naya broke the hug and cupped his face in her arms. “Look, I am here for you, okay?” She reminded him. “Just tell me what is going on.” “Take a look at this message,” he pulled out his phone and opened the message for her to see it. As soon as she saw it, she was dumbstruck and her face turned pale. The message goes as thus “It will happen one day when you didn’t expect. A bullet will be shot into someone’s skull and you won’t know who.” Naya read the message over and over again trying to be sure she read right. Her hands were literally trembling in fright. “Who…who sent this?” She managed to ask. “Must…must it be…. must it be…” She could barely complete her sentence.“I do
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Bombastic Side Eye
Hailey couldn’t imagine she would have that much fun in her teen years. She’d already imagined her life as a sad teenager, probably mumbling over the wrongs Lovelyn had done to get. There was something deep that Ryan told her that day which she would never forget. “You do not have to remain a victim. You can build yourself from being a victim,” he said. These words replayed in her mind repeatedly and she knew she would never forget them. When they arrived before her home later that evening, Hailey offered Ryan an appreciative hug. “You made my day today,” she thanked him. “Thank you so much.”“You made my day too,” he smiled. “Thank you for hanging out with me as a true friend.”“Of course!” Hailey said sharply. “No one knows if we will get this opportunity again. I will be leaving next week so…” Ryan’s facial expression turned sad. “About that,” he began. “Even though you have been a pain in the neck, you are still an amazing friend. I will miss you when you leave.”“Same with me
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Hurtful Discovery
“Could you stop me at Ryan Gabby’s home for a few minutes?” Hailey asked her personal driver who looked displeased by that. “Sorry, Hailey. Your mum had specifically asked us not to drop you anywhere but home,” he told her. “It’s fine,” Hailey rolled her eyes. “I understand that you want to keep your job and all that. But could you let me give them this box of cookies at least.” She showed him the box of cookies that she made for Ryan’s family. “You are making me break rules and you know how much I hate breaking rules,” The driver looked mad as he diverted from their usual direction and went to Ryan’s place. “Thank you so much,” she appreciated, “You can tell Mrs Naya if you are in the mood to gossip. I do not care.”Frank’s experience had thought her a very big lesson. It was stupid to trust such loyal workers with secrets like that. Especially secrets that are against their masters. There is no doubt that they will report the secret to maintain this thing called loyalty.“I won’
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Go with me
Hailey was confused by the sight of Frank. She could swear that his sight was the last thing she had expected to see that day. Frank wasn’t alone. The passenger door of the car opened up and Lovelyn walked out wearing a heavy jacket and sunglasses. Hailey rolled her eyes in anger. “What’s this? This woman again,” she thought to herself with a frown. “She is the criminal, right?” The driver asked her as he dialed an emergency number. “Yes, unfortunately,” Hailey said with disappointment. Lovelyn walked to the driver’s window and knocked on window glass. No one told the driver that it was an indication for him to wind down. He winded down and watched her look in and stare at Hailey. “Can I speak to Hailey for a few minutes?” She asked with a cold stare and showed the gun in his pocket. The driver looked very nervous. He sharply nodded and opened the door for Hailey to step out. Hailey did, trying to avoid trouble. “Why are you doing this?” Wendy asked Lovelyn in disappointment. “Yo
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