All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
103 Chapters
My Promise to you
Naya changed into her nightgown and climbed into bed, acting seductively so that Brett would notice her. She was very horny that day and all she needed was for Brett to hold her close and grab her tighyBrett was so focused on his laptop to even pay attention to her. “Would you really choose work over me?” Naya frowned sulking like a child. “I am sorry,” Brett apologized, pecking her on the lips. “I just have to complete this job application and send it tonight. I hope they accept me for this job in Germany.” Naya smiled and leaned against his shoulders. “My love, they will,” she said in smiles. “Do you not trust your skills?” Brett laughed. “My skills are amazing. They are 100%. What I do not trust is the company. What if they do not give me this job? I worked so hard to get my CV and the connections who helped me with this.” Naya nodded, caressing his arm. “I love how hard you work. It makes you look hot,” she smiled, as she gazed into his laptop. “Of course, that’s why you
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Goodbye my lover
Ryan ate his meal weakly. He unfortunately missed school for 5 days and the doctor thought it wasn’t a good idea for him to go back for a while. “Rest,” the doctor advised him. “Get your strength back first. Let us watch you and know what our next move will be.” Ryan hadn’t let his pain define him, so despite whatever he faced, he joked with his grandparents and had fun with his mother. The following week, his mother had brought in Hailey’s cookie box, ready to store some old grains in it. “Did Hailey give you that?” He asked intuitively. “He wasn’t sure of why he thought of Hailey, but that was the most likely thing. “Yes dear,” his mother nodded. “Hailey brought this for our family. She even wrote a cute apology letter.” Ryan smiled. “I knew she was going to apologize.” He was silent for a while before something suddenly occurred to him. “I hope you didn’t tell her that I was sick.” Mrs Gabby swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She definitely did since Hailey was worried for him
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Let him go
Naya sat down at the dining area with Mrs Gabby as they waited for children to speak to each other. The house was silent that day and a lot of things were going on outside that they couldn’t witness. Mrs Gabby got Naya a mug of coffee and offered it to her. She brought her a kettle of milk to add if need be.Naya thanked her and took a sip of it. The taste was so good. “Is this Irish?” She asked intuitively.“It is,” Mrs Gabby answered sharply. “How did you know that?”“My father use to make Irish coffee back in the days. The taste always get me and my mother flabbergasted. We are like ‘What’s this divine drink that fell from heaven.’ My love for it then was something I couldn’t compare with any other. Me and my tea? O! Boy!” “Children will always have the purest form of love,” Mrs Gabby said with a smile. Naya nodded.“That’s true. When it came to friendships, I never had Hailey’s kind of friendship growing up,” Naya admitted. “My friendships have always been short lived. It
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Time Loop
9 YEARS LATERNaya hurried out of the salon and got into her car as she picked up her phone to call someone. She looked desperate to attend something or see someone. “I am on my way,” she told the person at the other end of the call. “Hey! Could you drive faster?!” She tapped the driver with an impatient look. The driver nodded and increased the speed of his car. She placed her hand over her medal feeling anxious. She was freaking 42 years old and still, she could get over the fear of not being there for her kids. This was something she couldn’t endure at all. It was something she didn’t want to face. Her children were her everything and she would be there for them no matter what. Her phone rang one more time, and the name Brett showed up on her screen. “Hey Brett,” she greeted with anxiety. “I am really trying so hard. This is so difficult.” “Naya, relax,” Brett told her with a soothing voice. “You will be fine. I promise. Just be there for them and support them.”“But I am late
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Hailey’s Fiance
Naya felt proud seeing her 22 year old daughter with the love of her life. She tried all she could to keep calm knowing she had always waited for such a moment to come. She wasn’t even sure of how to explain how she felt at that moment. She ensured that everyone had their ration of meals before starting the discussion. “What do you do?” She asked Ferdinand who smiled. “I help my parents with their oil company,” he told her with an enthusiastic tone. “That’s huge!” Brett exclaimed. “There is definitely money in there. I heard of how much the price of oil has risen lately. That should be huge for your pocket.” “Hopefully,” Ferdinand gazed at Hailey with an admirable look. “I am willing to do anything to give Hailey the life she deserves. She is a one in a million damsel.”Naya observed Hailey’s blush and arched her brows. She gestures to Brett with her eyes signaling him to say such nice words to her too. “Someone is very good at complimenting women,” she said to Brett with passi
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Hailey was glad by the success of her introduction ceremony. The two families got along well and surprisingly loved each other. Ferdinand ’s parents were a bit surprised by how young Hailey’s parents were, but they had not minded at all. According to them, Hailey was a good girl from a good home and they trusted the choice of their son. “Let us fix the wedding then,” Ferdinand 's mother suggested with a smile as she took a sip of their fresh wine. “¡Perfecto!” Naya agreed sharply. “Wedding date it is. Next month shouldn’t be so bad.” Hailey almost choked on her drink. Ferdinand caressed her back softly. She thanked him. “Next month isn’t a bad idea. We could do it in Paris where most of my family members are,” Ferdinand ’s mother agreed. “I do not disagree with that plan,” Ferdinand ’s father agreed. “Isn’t it a bit too early?” Ferdinand asked, observing that Hailey hated the idea.“No it is not,” his mother disagreed. “As long as we get the preparations right, it is all good
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Admit it
Ferdinand said nothing all through their drive home. Hailey understood she had crossed the line and wasn’t sure of how to explain her overwhelming emotions either. When he stopped before her home, she tried opening the door but he shut the doors preventing her from leaving. “What was that?” He eventually asked angrily. “You embarrassed me before my friends. What were you trying to prove with all that? What was going on in your mind?” Hailey took a deep breath and decided to explain herself. “I am sorry,” she apologized. “I didn’t mean to hug him like that. He is my childhood friend and I haven’t seen him in years. The last time I saw him, they told me that he was going to die. I had lost all hopes of seeing him again. Just see it as the dead coming to life”. Ferdinand didn’t care. “I am not bothered by who does and comes back!” He scolded her. “I do not care who was breathing and not breathing. All I ask you is why you would hug him like that?! You embarrassed the hell out of me.
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As much as Hailey loved Ryan as a child, she hadn’t expected the feeling to grow with her. Her whole life, she had grown up working on projects and planning for a bright future. Never had she thought she would see her first love, and feel the overwhelming feeling of love again. It was something she never imagined or wanted. “Why are you asking that?” Hailey asked her mum when her mum asked the million dollars questions. “You need to be honest with me, Hailey,” Naya said with a soft tone. “I know you loved Ryan as a child. I could see it in your eyes obviously. But do you still love him now? How does he make you feel presently?” “Nothing,” Hailey said quickly as she walked to her wardrobe to get her pajamas. “Ryan doesn’t make me feel anything. My heart only beats for Ferdinand and that is it.” Her mother sighed. “The reason why I am asking you this is because I am worried for you,” her mother admitted. “You were really hurt when you thought Ryan died. The mention of him brought t
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Two Men Vs 1 Lady
The fight wasn’t something Hailey expected that hot afternoon. It was an embarrassing sight to the point she had wished that the floor could swallow her. What the heck was she seeing? Two men fighting over her?! What the hell was that?! That was her biggest nightmare and she hated it so much. She forced herself to stand ignoring the pain on her toe and cried in pain as the place hurt a lot. Ferdinand was more focused on his violence that he hadn’t heard her soft voice whimper in pain. Though each step she took sent a sharp pain in her joint, she just didn’t care anymore. She gathered all the strength she could and hurried to them. “Stop it!” She screamed at them, but Ferdinand wouldn’t stop hitting Ryan. Ryan did not fight back. He tried every attempt to explain to Ferdinand what happened, not Ferdinand wasn’t listening. Ferdinand was more of a fist than talk. “Ferdinand stop it!” Hailey couldn’t take it anymore. She drew Ferdinand away from Ryan and slapped him hard on the cheek. “
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Naya’s Plan
Ferdinand was all Hailey wanted in a man. He was her dream prince and the feelings she had for him was unspeakable. But what she couldn’t understand was why he played with her emotions all the time? She always felt victimized and this severely affected her mental health. Naya thought her relationship was perfect and Brett was too focused on his job to pay attention. Hailey couldn’t tell how to start explaining to Naya that Ferdinand was not a straightforward guy and sometimes she doubted whether their relationship would work or not. She had learned to endure things for long, but Ryan was the threshold. It was as if Ferdinand had been hiding his insecurities for so long and couldn’t hold back anymore. What could she do to make him understand that she wanted only him? How could she convince him not to be insecure anymore, but he should give her a chance to be his best lady?That night, Hailey couldn’t sleep. She gazed at her phone, waiting for Ferdinand’s mother to call and tell her th
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