All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
103 Chapters
Victory is ours
“Where the hell did I put it?!” They heard Tiana nag as she ransacked her drawer. “I remember putting it in here! Where is it?!” The poor girl was getting restless now. She flung her wardrobe open and began to push down the junks in it. “What do you think she is looking for?” Hailey whispered to Ryan who gazed at the folder. “No! No! There is no way.” Ryan placed his hands over her lips instructing her to keep shut. Tiana shut het wardrobe in frustration before picking up her phone to call someone.,“Mum, I can’t find it,” she nagged. “I have searched every single place. I can’t find it!” She walked back to the wardrobe and began to ransack it, before her eyes fell on something. “Found it!” She screamed as she pulled out a form from the drawer. “This took forever. I thought I would never find it.” “All that for a pen?” Hailey thought to herself in awe. “What sort of dramatic girl is this?” “How old is she?” Ryan asked. “I think 16 or so. I don’t know. I never cared to ask my d
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Naya sat before her doctor hoping for a duplicate of her report, but he came with a rather discouraged look. “We cannot give you the duplicate, I am sorry,” he apologized. Naya was shocked. This made no freaking sense. Why couldn’t they give her the duplicate? “I do not get it,” she confessed. “I paid so much money for this. You should be able to give me the duplicate, right? It is my right to get this report!” “We still have your record on our system,” the doctor assured her. “But you will need to pay some amount of money to get it printed out again. It cannot be for free. I am sorry.” “Why do I have to pay money for something I have already paid for?” Naya was getting pissed. “You collected so much money from me just to get this test done. You billed me almost a million for every freaking consultation I got from this hospital. Now you want to bill me for my report? Is it because you think I am wealthy or what?0 The doctor adjusted his glasses. “That’s how the hospital works,”
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Nerve Racking
The next few days were a good day for Naya since she could feel a ray of hope again. She avoided Tiana at all cost and refused to share eye contact with her. “Water?” Tiana had the audacity to ask her later that evening as she walked in. Naya wanted to refuse and probably spill the water on her, but she recalled Hailey’s plan and smiled. “Sure, thanks,” she accepted the cup of water. “Do you need anything?” Tiana asked. “I need you out of my house,” Naya said without bothering to gaze at her. “No can do,” Tiana said rudely before leaving. Naya smirked. As soon as the girl was gone, her phone rang. It was Hailey calling. “Is she gone yet?! Has that devil left?” Hailey asked nonstop. “She is gone, calm down!” Naya calmed her. “Are you sure about this plan?”“100%! Trust me. It will make so much sense and plant doubt in father’s mind,” Hailey assured her. “This is not a good idea,” Naya hated the plan. But there was no point. Brett walked in anyway, adjusting his tie. “How do yo
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Let us move on
When Doctor Doris heard of how successful Naya had become, she felt a bit upset and jealous. “That mere surrogate!” She thought to herself. “She couldn’t even pay her way out of jail. If she was smart, she would have found a way to bring me down for what I did to her. How did that fool even become a celebrity?” Doctor Doris wasn’t sure of why she hated Naya so much, but Naya's sudden success was a shock to her. She knew when Naya had nothing. How could such a person become a public icon just like that? Anyway, at least her plan to use her daughter against them was working. Her daughter was doing a great job and she couldn’t be any prouder. “Very soon, you will be down, Naya,” Doctor Doris smirked. “You will be so so gone!”As she took a drink of her wine, she smirked and laughed evilly. Doctor Ben walked in with some files. He noticed her happy look and smiled. “Is there anything I do not know about, Aunt?” He asked. “Dear Ben, their downfall just makes me happy. I do not know wh
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She was a crafty woman
A few months later, Naya sat at the prison’s visitor’s lounge waiting for Doctor Doris to be brought before her. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that the table would turn around. A whole Doctor Doris! You’ve got to be kidding her. There was no damn way! Nothing in this world would convince her that Doctor Doris would finally be out behind bars. When Doctor Doris was brought before her, Naya smiled at her sight. “How are you faring, Doctor?” Naya asked with a crafty smile.“If you came here to mock me, it won’t work. I have no intention to speak with you,” Doctor Doris made it clear. “It’s okay, I understand,” Naya smiled. “I mean, you can enjoy your time as a doctor here. It really doesn’t matter, does it? I mean, prison inmates fight a lot. You could be their doctor…” Naya gasped. “Damn! I am stupid! My bad! I forgot they withdrew your license. That was stupid of me. I am so sorry,” Doris frowned. She offered her a death stare and looked like she was going to m
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Pool Romance
Later that night, Naya had submerged her feet in the swimming pool watching the full moon. Brett joined her with two glasses of wine. They cheered and took sips. “Why does the air feel different?” He asked Naya who couldn’t agree more. “We are at a new era in our lives. A live where all our enemies have been put in their place,” Naya told him and took another sip of the drink. “Funny enough, we do not have to do anything. It just falls into place, you know,” Brett boasted. “I love when things fall on our laps. Damn! Let them all be coming, and let’s be showing them where they belong. It feels good to be evil,” Naya smirked. “Your soft heart is incapable of white, unfortunately,” Brett mocked and took the drink from her. He dropped it on the tiles beside the pool and jumped in. “Come on!” He called her out. “Let’s have fun in the pool.” Naya nodded and got in carefully. She swam towards him and poured a handful of water at him, which he retaliated. They swam around like childre
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Now and Forever
Few months later, as Naya got Damian ready for daycare, she heard a loud scream from the highway and hurried to look. It was poor Hailey, getting scared for no reason at all…or maybe there was a reason. “What’s wrong?” Naya asked. “Relax, dear.”“Someone has kidnapped Ryan!” Naya cried. “What?!” Naya was shocked. “Why?! How?!” “I don’t know. He asked me to come to this address, we need to go,” Hailey showed her an address on her phone. It was a remote location Naya didn’t have faith in. “Let us go with the police. I do not trust this place,” Naya informed her with a doubtful stare. “No, mum, you do not understand. They will hurt him,” Hailey cried. “We have no other choice,” Naya advised her. “We need to involve the police, if not, they will do something to us.” Hailey couldn’t argue with her mum. In a few minutes, they were on their way to the location with the police. It was an abandoned location with an odd looking warehouse which hadn't been used in years. “Won’t you guys
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Hailey hurried up the stairs in her pajamas carrying a bouquet as the rest of the servants raced behind her.“Please tell me the band is here,” Hailey pleaded as she walked down the well lit hallway. The house was busy that weekend and everyone couldn’t hold back from the noise. There was a huge celebration happening at the Hazards apparently and everyone had their eyes on Hailey. “Why aren’t you ready yet?” Zara asked in shock as she walked out Hailey’s room with a jewelry box. “Do not be upset, I am just busy,” Hailey waved her off. “There is so much going on and we have to make this day a success.” “You need to calm down,” Zara calmed her down. “The marriage will happen anyway. Just calm down.”“No, I can't calm down. The band isn’t at the venue yet. The meals are still pending. What do you want me to do? Everything is a total mess,” Hailey nagged. “Hailey, you cannot get things done with a panicked mood,” Zara rolled her eyes. “You need to think clearly if you wish to plan som
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Secret Nemesis
Brett stepped out of his car in his well ironed suit. The ceremony was about to start and everyone ran helter skelter to see what pending tasks were left. Brett wasn’t bothered. He seemed a bit at ease for a new groom, and kept his hands tucked in his pocket maintaining his composure.“The ceremony is about to start. Do you know where your wife is yet?” His mother asked as she cuddled Damian who was asleep on her shoulder. “She will be here soon,” Brett said with a smile. “Let her take her time.”“Are you serious?” His mother looked unimpressed. “We have a freaking time limit here! You can’t just tell us to be patient with the wedding. The priest is already here.”“Trust me. Hailey knows what she is doing,” Brett said to his mother. “You spoil that woman a lot,” his mother hissed before walking out. When she left, Brett shut his eyes and took a deep breath. It was still difficult to believe it was the damn D day. If someone told him, he would never believe it. “Congrats man!” A gro
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The allegations
The Mafia Lord heard of the approaching wedding and frowned as he gazed at the E-invitation card with a frown. Of course he hadn’t been invited. But Brett was stupid enough to keep his enemies closer. Unfortunately, one of Brett’s office colleagues got invited. And that was his son, Herald. The Mafia Lord kept Herald away from the mafia business for a long time, seeing him as a golden child. There was no way he wanted his favorite to get into trouble. It seems that won’t last for long. As long as Brett worked with his son, and his son Herald was an easy way to get across to Brett, he had no issue with that. Things seem to fall in place…right? If only the Mafia Lord was in the same country with Brett to watch him and his family die slowly. The thought was really eating him slowly. Well, since his son was working with Brett, things should be easier. “I see you are friends with Mr Brett Hazard,” the Mafia Lord said to his son over a phone call. “You never told me you were close to th
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