All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
103 Chapters
Something is Fishy
Hailey waited patiently for Ferdinand’s call, but got nothing. This made her slowly lose hope. What more could she do? She has apologized to him multiple times and sent voice notes, but he wasn’t paying attention to her. He wasn’t opening her messages talk of answering them. This got her heart overwhelmed. “I told Ryan not to bother,” she said, losing all hope. “Why does he need to bother himself this much? This is my fight with Ferdinand. He needs to stay out of it.” Hailey sighed and ran her hand down her hair. As she slowly lost hope and slowly dived into depression, Naya announced a news she’d expected. “Ferdinand’s family are coming tomorrow. Since the wedding is next week, they will love to clarify something,” Naya told her with her arm crossed. Hailey nodded. “Ferdinand must have told them he isn’t interested anymore,” Hailey said with a sad tone. “I guess they are coming here to cancel the wedding in a friendly way.” Naya sighed and carressed her hair. “Dear Hailey,” Nay
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“I cannot believe it worked,” Hailey said with enthusiasm when Naya called her to the kitchen to help her serve cookies. “I thought Ryan would never convince Ferdinand. I know my fiancé. He never listens.” Naya opened the oven to inspect the new batches of hot cookies. “Are you happy with this marriage?” Naya asked her the same question a billion times. “Mum, you are getting really annoying now,” Hailey hissed. “Can’t you see the smile on my face? Of course I am happy. I have been with Ferdinand for six years. I would almost die if he didn't marry me. I have been dreaming of my future with him for six years.” “Is this about the duration of time?” Naya asked Hailey in disappointment. “That shouldn’t be a problem because you are still young. You can still back away. What if he is not the right one for you? What if you are ignoring the right one for you? What if you are focusing on the closed door for too long and aren’t noticing the opened door?” Hailey groaned. “Mum, wh
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Help me!!!
Hailey knew Naya had a brief discussion with Ryan, but she couldn’t tell what they discussed. She had tried eavesdropping on their conversation until being stared down by her twin siblings who thought she was becoming nosy. “You didn’t see anything,” Hailey told them, trying to avoid acting suspicious. “Give us something in exchange for the silence,” Partrick stretched out his arm with a smirk. Hailey was shocked by the audacity.“What?!” She exclaimed.“Do not worry,” Patricia loved her brother’s strategy. “They do it a lot in movies.”Hailey frowned. She dipped her hands into her pocket and took out a dollar. At least a dollar was like gold to the 9 year olds. “I will tell mum to stop making you watch TV,” Hailey threatened as she slipped it in their hands. “A dollar is too small,” Patrick frowned. “I agree with Patrick. A dollar can’t buy anything great these days,” Patricia folded her arms. Hailey was completely speechless. “You guys are just children. What do you know abou
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The Slap
Hailey arrived at the restaurant for the double date. It was an expensive 5 star restaurant which she knew Ferdinand adored a lot. No matter how furious that guy was, she was certain that he wouldn’t create a scene in such a classy restaurant. He was that egoistic not to embarrass himself before multi-millionaires who were probably more successful than himself. She took a deep breath and walked in. Her long silver gown with off shoulders dragged behind her as if she was in some kind of classy event. Who told her to over dress you may ask. Even she herself had no answer to that question. She walked in, smiling at the guard at the door. “You are looking very beautiful, Madame. Who are you looking for?” He asked in a British tone. “I am looking for Mr Ferdinand Sucre,” she said. “I am his fiancée. We have a seat reservation.” The guard looked at his tablet to scroll through his list of reserved customers. “That’s right. He has already been locked in. Please follow me. Let me take yo
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You will see
The slap was so loud that everyone in the restaurant turned towards their direction to find out what was happening. This was Ferdinand’s greatest fear. His shocked look turned to anger as he looked round at the inquisitive faces. “Only God knows how long I have endured you enough,” Hailey said furiously. “You have always messed with my head and looked down on me and I am just tired of it! I am damn tired of it! I am tired of trying, I am tired of taking the blame, I am tired of looking stupid trying to please you! I am tired of defending you! I am tired of the temporary happiness you show me which leads to more pain than good! I am tired of your existence in my life! I am even tired of your disgusting smelling face and your good for nothing wealth!” Ferdinand was confused since he has never heard Hailey speak like that to him before. He’d always seen her as meek and soft spoken, but never that brave and confident. “Don’t you dare talk to me like like….” He tried grabbing her, but s
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You make me melt
Ryan and Lora stood up at the sight of Hailey and hugged her in rounds. Hailey knew she didn't know Lora well yet, but her morals couldn’t help with the aspect of courtesy. No matter how distant she felt towards the lady, she knew she’s got to greet her.“You look so nice,” Lora admired her orange shirt and blue Jean. In fact, she had only dressed casually. Hailey could swear that there was nothing special at all about her outfit. “Thanks,” Hailey thanked her anyway and signaled her mother to join them. “Lora, this is my mother, Naya. Mum, Lora,” Hailey introduced. Naya offered Lora a wave and hurried in to get the guests some chips. As soon as Naya was done, Hailey sat down.“Don’t mind my mum,” Hailey said, running her hand down her hair. “She always does that. She can’t attend to a visitor without offering them her chips.”“I guess most mothers are like that. My own mum was so obsessed with the cookies,” Ryan said with a laugh. Hailey recalled and smiled. “I remember those times
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What’s wrong with Naya
“What game is that?” Hailey decided to ask. His face was drawing closer to hers. This weakened her feet as her body got aroused. “I am gonna kiss you slowly, and then get intense with it. If you do not push me off, then I will believe the feeling hasn’t died within you,” he brought forth a challenge. His perfume was so good and her nose yearned for more of that fragrance. Though she knew how risky it was for them to kiss in the open like that, she just couldn’t help it. Her heart wanted him so bad and it had been so long since she fulfilled her heartfelt desires. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed it slowly as he promised. Hailey felt so weak. Her frisky mind caked down instantly and her body felt like it was immersed in a dream. She forgot the challenge of pushing him off if she felt uncomfortable and wanted him more. As he increased the pressure against lips, he ran his hands down her stomach. This made her moan and directly kiss his neck. She couldn’t push him off. She ju
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The Truth
Naya opened her eyes slowly. She gazed up at a white ceiling and turned beside her to be sure of what was going on. Hailey was sitting beside her sobbing, while her twins were arguing over a toy looking bored. Brett was arguing with a doctor at the entrance. As soon as Hailey saw her conscious, she screamed happily and hugged her tightly. “Mum! You are fine!” Hailey couldn’t stop sobbing. Naya didn’t understand what was going on. Why was Hailey getting so emotional? It made no sense to her. “Mum!” Her twins hurried to grab her legs. “What’s happening?” Naya asked, looking around her. “Why am I in the hospital? Where is Damian?”“Damian is safe,” Hailey calmed her down. “He is with grandma at this time. We had to leave him with her so that we can stay with you.”Naya felt relieved. “That’s good to know then,” Naya smiled. “But why am I here? Why were you crying?”“You fainted,” Hailey said, wiping her tears.“Dad was scared. I have never seen him so scared before,” Patrick said. “
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The devil is back
“Are you sure these reports are correct?” Naya asked the doctor as she placed the documents before him. “Yes, Naya,” the doctor nodded. “You are cancer free. What is wrong? Why do you not feel happy about it?” Naya smirked in anger. “Someone is doing this to me,” Naya said frustrated. “Someone is purposely making me fall sick and lying to my family that I have cancer. But this makes no sense. Why would they do this to me?”The doctor didn’t understand what she meant. “You are perfectly fine,” he indicated. “But we noticed a bit of poisoning in your blood. We will need to flush that out because we aren’t sure of what that will lead to. Perhaps the cancer you fear might occur.” “So someone has been poisoning me!” Naya slapped the table in anger. “The person is trying to sabotage my family and business. The person is making me look crazy when I tell everyone that I am fine.”“Who else lives in your house?” The doctor asked. “I only live there with my children and husband. There is
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Almost Caught
Naya couldn’t understand why Doctor Doris would be after her like that. It made no sense. She hadn’t even done anything bad to her. If anyone needed to go through the path or payback, it should be her not Doris! Doris had been a freaking psycho. Naya took her handbag and walked out thinking of what to do. She needed to find out Tiana’s secret and kick her out. As she walked down the stairs, she caught sight of Hailey who hurried in with a bag of groceries. “I am back, Momma!” Hailey placed the grocery bags on the table, grinning. Naya hurriedly grabbed Hailey’s hand and took her out of the house towards the yard. Hailey was shocked by how scared she looked and her frightened glances.“Are you fine? You are scaring me,” Hailey confessed. “Tiana is a spy,” Naya reported. “She poisoned me and is trying make everyone think I have cancer. She stole my original medical report and made a fool out of me. Now your father thinks I need to stay in the hospital.” Hailey shook her head in conf
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