All Chapters of Just A Night Stand: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
103 Chapters
Change my mind
Hailey paced around her room wondering why it took so long for them to take her. She called her father hoping for an explanation but he wasn’t picking her call. “What happened? Why is no one answering me?” She thought. The door opened eventually and standing before her was Naya who looked emotional to see her. Hailey felt disgusted by herself and looked around for her father. Without any warning, Naya pulled her for a hug and Hailey rolled her eyes in frustration. “I really missed you,” Naya said, tightening the hug. Hailey said nothing. She waited for the hug to be broken before looking around for her father. “Where is my dad?” She asked. “He is coming up now to carry your bags,” Naya said, clearing the tears that flowed down her cheeks. “I am really so happy to see you.” “Whatever,” Hailey was an ingrate. She walked out of her and jogged down the stairs to see her father. On seeing her, she wrapped her arm around him for a hug. “You had to keep me there all morning,” Hailey n
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My deal our deal
Lovelyn was impressed by what Hailey said. She cleared her fake tears and hugged the girl tightly, kissing her on the cheeks repeatedly.“Thank you so much my love,” Lovelyn appreciated. “Thank you for not leaving me alone.” “Mum, it’s fine,” Hailey cleared her tears. “Stop crying. You are going to make me feel hurt now. I just want you to promise me one thing.”Lovelyn nodded. “Anything for my baby girl,” Lovelyn agreed with a smile. “I will do anything for you.” “Stop being harsh to me,” Hailey said with a broken voice. “I won’t leave you, I promise you. I understand you wanted a daughter so bad and you are overprotective due to that. I would have done the same too, but please do not be hard on me.” Lovelyn had a slight confused look for a second before turning to Naya with a hypocritical nod. “Sure, sure!” She agreed anyway. “I will change my ways for you.”“Also leave Ryan’s family alone. They have done nothing to deserve this. You shouldn’t have gone to their home to embarra
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Touch me like that
Brett couldn’t be more grateful that Hailey was living with him again. Before she arrived home, he ensured he gave her the best room and painted the wall her favorite color. He bought her a lot of fashion magazines and placed a make up box full of makeup items under her bed. When the poor girl caught sight of these things, she was highly impressed. Lovelyn never let her use them, and the fact Brett was giving her this freedom shocked her. The poor girl wasn’t sure of what to say. She gazed at Brett for a while and hugged him briefly.“Thank you,” she thanked him. “But this won’t change my mind about you.”Brett understood why she said that, so he pretended to be unbothered. As soon as he left her room, he walked back to Naya with teary eyes. Unconsciously, he pulled her close for a hug pressing her breast against his chest. Naya was very uncomfortable since she had never felt this close to a man. She had but not when she was in her right senses. She stood there like a stiff tree conte
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Let it all out
When Hailey stepped into the school, everyone gazed at her awkwardly. She couldn’t tell if it was because she lost the fashion queen contest or because of what her mother did to Ryan. Either way, she knew that both news were embarrassing enough for students to talk about her for days. She couldn’t still make friends and wasn’t even sure of how to start. The first one she had managed to make hated the living hell out of her. Thanks to Lovelyn who made drastic decisions. “At least she promised not to do it again,” Hailey said to herself, trying to convince her mind not to hate her mother. “Give her another chance, Hailey. It is not mum’s fault. Those people were just unfair to her.”Arriving at her classroom, she caught sight of Ryan making jokes with the others. When they caught sight of each other, Ryan ignored her coldly. He went on making his jokes pretending that she didn’t exist. Hailey’s heart broke. What the hell had her mother done to those people? Was it that bad? During rec
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My Hangout
Naya felt relieved that Hailey was slowly opening up to her. They paused the movie for a while and took a walk in a park close to Brett’s apartment. They both watched cute dogs play around and some young couples giggling over a cone of ice cream. “How was staying in prison like?” Hailey asked. Naya made a funny face as if indicating that it wasn’t as easy as they presumed. “It was bad,” Naya confessed. “During my first few months, I was bullied a lot. I had to work as a maid for this ugly lady who wouldn’t shower at all.”“Ewwww!” Hailey exclaimed in shock. “That must be disgusting. How did you cope with her?” “I was positive at that time,” Naya smiled. “Someone gave me hope that I would be out soon, so I held on to that dream. The person deceived me big time. I felt very stupid.” “Is that why you are angry at dad?” Hailey asked. Naya shook her head. “No, your dad’s offense came later on. I was angry with him for years but it wasn’t his fault though. As usual, Lovelyn played her
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My conclusion
Naya arrived back home with Hailey and waved her goodbye as she walked back in. Brett admired the view. He joined Naya with her hands buried in his pocket. “I see you are getting along with her,” he said to Naya who nodded. “It isn’t easy,” she confessed. “But I am trying. Hailey has been through a lot lately and she is learning how to open up. I just hope I was able to win her trust. She seems to like me a bit now.”Brett laughed sarcastically. “Hailey is a good actress, Naya. She can pretend to get along with you, but that doesn’t mean she really likes you. At that point, she might just be going with the flow, or trying to get the conversation over with.” Brett informed her.“Good way to encourage me to keep fighting for her,” Naya said with an angry look. “I cannot believe you are being such an arsehole right now. Is this something you are supposed to tell me at a time like this?”Brett smiled and ran his hands softly on her cheeks. “I am sorry,” he gazed at her lips and drew c
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A day before main
Hailey grabbed hold of her ringing phone and sighed at the sight. It was her mother calling her for the fifth time that day, probably trying to convince to choose her over her father. Hailey was indecisive of her choice at that moment. Since she spoke to Naya, her mind had second thoughts regarding her mother. Naya wasn’t such a bad choice and she knew she could learn a lot from this strange lady. But she was already used to being with her mother. It wasn’t a comfortable feeling living with a father whom she didn’t admire and a woman who claimed to be her mother. A woman who has been proven to be her real mother. Hailey groaned and laid on her bed in anger. “Why is this so hard?!” She thought to herself. “Why can’t I decide who to trust? Mummy must have made a mistake in the past, but she can change, right? She has promised to change.”Her phone rang for the sixth time. This time she picked it up and placed it over her ear without much thought. “Yes?” She questioned adjusting her b
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The court
Hailey gave Lovelyn a pitiful look as they all sat in court ready for the hearing. Naya prayed silently in her mind. She wished for nothing more than for Hailey to realize how much she meant to her. Hailey’s lingering stare at Lovelyn deeply discouraged her. It was at that point she knew that something was wrong, but she couldn’t tell what. What had Lovelyn told Hailey and why does Hailey keep staring at her mother like that?“I think we might be in trouble,” Naya whispered to Brett as he watched the judge settle down. “Why is that?” Brett asked, confused. “Hailey keeps staring at Lovelyn,” Naya explained. “Lovelyn must have told her something which is troubling her thoughts. I do not like where this is heading at all.”Brett took her hand and offered it a soft tap. “You are overthinking this now,” he informed her. “Relax, Naya. Everything will be fine. Hailey isn’t a child anymore.” “Brett, you do not understand!” Naya argued. “Hailey is a sentimental child. What is Lovelyn telli
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My love story
No one expected Lovelyn to go crazy like that. The idea of Hailey leaving her must have really shook her a lot. Perhaps, she hadn’t expected Hailey not to fall for her lies of being sick. “So you do not care about your sick mother?!” Lovelyn asked in rage. “If I were truly sick, you wouldn’t have sympathized with me, would you?” Hailey was confused. “Wait, you aren’t sick?” She asked with surprise. “Mum, you told me yesterday that you were sick. I was going to ask dad to help you.” “Well good thing I am not sick, because it would be a blow to me if I were to experience this as a sick woman. This is definitely one of the greatest betrayals I have ever experienced in my life!” The police managed to grab hold of her and collect the gun. “I won’t forgive you for this, Hailey! I won’t!” Her mum screamed as she was taken away. Naya sighed with relief when she was gone and turned to Brett in shock. “You married a crazy woman for sure,” she sipped in some air. “I cannot believe she lie
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The Sketchy Guest
“Did you ever imagine a day would come when we will both be in the room, sharing the same duvet cover and making love under the rising sun?” Brett asked the next morning as she opened her eyes from her sleep. She’d slept on his muscular chest the whole night, enjoying the sound of his beating heart. “No,” Naya admitted. “If someone came from the future and told me that I would marry you, I would never agree at all. I would think the person is crazy.”“It’s funny how life works, isn’t it?” He kissed her forehead. “It is the person you least expect that makes your heart ponder.”Naya smiled. She adjusted herself on his chest and cuddled him closely. “All I want is for this moment to last forever, that’s all. I want nothing more. I promise,” she said softly. “It will,” he assured her. “We just need to find the time to be all by ourselves. Just you and I,” he caressed her arm softly. She gazed at him sweetly and kissed him on the lips. “Just you and I,” she repeated. “My baby’s daddy,
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