All Chapters of ALPHA ZAYN'S DISTRUST: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
57 Chapters
I Am Not Your Average Fiend.
MAISIEA few days later, I called together the women of the pack to make preparations for the upcoming Joyous Moon Festival. However, as we sat together, I couldn't help but notice the hushed conversations and exchanged glances that suggested something else was on their minds. Despite the undercurrent of unease, I tried my best to steer the discussion toward festival plans, all the while aware of the unspoken questions lingering in the air regarding Gwen and the rumors surrounding her.But it was not enough when one of them suddenly couldn't restrain her curiosity anymore so she asked me directly, “Maisie, why is Gwen not present for the meeting? Is it true that she is pregnant? Who is the father of the baby?”I was now torn between my desire to keep quiet to maintain my saintly image or satisfy my vengeful mind by wrecking my best friend's image. In the end, I decided to speak, “Thea, I am not clear about the details yet. Why don't you wait until she arrives at the meeting so you can
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Teaching Amber A Lesson.
ZAYNDamn, I really needed to get laid soon.Almost all my men were out of the house screwing the single ladies in the pack, while Micah and I were busy sparring, training our bodies in preparation for the upcoming operation on the Joyous Moon Festival. Ever since I saw Maisie's body under the moonlight, my desire for her had been rekindled with a fierce intensity that stuffed out my interest in other women. I wondered if that had been her plan all along, not that it could change anything because I knew I would rather cut my two wrists than touch her again."Sir, may I take a break?" Micah's sulky voice reached my ears as he dropped his dumbbells on the floor. He seemed very miserable, unable to join the rest of his men but as my bodyguard, he couldn't be sexually gratified when I wasn't, right? "I'll make us something to eat."I grunted and continued my intense workout for a few more minutes, sweat dripping down my muscles. When I finally got tired, I decided to hit the shower first
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Silencing Simon And Gwen For Their Secret.
MAISIEMy heart raced in fear seeing Simon and Gwen standing together in front of us. Gwen brought out her phone after Simon had spoken, intending to call Lincoln like he had ordered and I was afraid of what would happen if he found out the truth. So I stepped forward and said, “What makes you think that things would change even after you report me? I am the most dominant wolf in the pack, the only woman worthy of being his Luna.”“Don't think that you are something just because of your high dominance, Maisie!” Gwen yelled back at me. “I am also carrying his baby so that means he wouldn't let me down either.”I was purposely trying to buy us time here because I knew Zayn was planning something. We had gotten ourselves in big trouble and now it was difficult for us to come out of it unless we managed to stop them from leaving the forest somehow. I had no qualms about silencing Simon permanently but what were we going to do about Gwen?Simon who was the shrewd one among the pair, turne
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Meeting His Wolf For The First Time.
MAISIE I didn't hear anything about Zayn, Simeon, or Gwen until the next morning when I came downstairs and heard Lincoln yelling over the phone. He was in his study facing the window behind his desk when I came in so I decided to eavesdrop on his conversation. Nausea rolled in my stomach at each passing second I waited for him to say something that would provide a hint to what he was talking about. "What do you mean Simon is dead?" My husband's face was red with rage as he banged the wall with his fists, "I just spoke to him yesterday, Irene and there was nothing wrong with him. Who killed him?" My body sagged with relief when I heard the news, so I entered the office and dropped the coffee mug that I had come to deliver. Lincoln turned around with a sharp expression that eased slightly when he saw me. I watched him speak a few more words to the pack healer before he ended the call. "Is there something wrong? Your loud voice woke me up from sleep." "I'm sorry, Maisie," He took a
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A Competition Between Two Alpha Wolves.
ZAYN. I knew the exact moment my mate had fallen unconscious from the other end of my mating bond. It wasn't a bad thing, I thought to myself since she had already lost a lot of energy and I didn't want her to keep worrying about me. After I took care of Simon and Gwen, I returned to my men covered up in blood but I didn't wake up for a long time until Gwen found me in our mating bond. If she hadn't come to save me on time, I probably wouldn't have woken up until evening, giving Lincoln a reason to suspect me. The battle with Simon had been tough but the reason was only because I had underestimated Simon's strength, a bad habit I had acquired from being the strongest wolf in the lands for a long time. But I later confirmed that he was indeed an outlaw alpha, someone who was supposed to be banished but he had somehow managed to hide in the Moon Stone pack.An hour later, Lincoln appeared at my place asking to see me but Micah had told him that I was resting. This fueled Lincoln's sus
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A Dance Under The Moonlight.
MaisieOn the night of the Joyous Moon Festival, the delicate glow of the moonlight bathed the entire surroundings as I stood in front of a full-length mirror, carefully zipping up my dress. "Why am I the only one attending the festival first?" I pursed my lips with a mixture of annoyance and frustration, "What would our guests and the rest of our pack think if they saw this?"I wasn't surprised when Lincoln suddenly asked me to attend the festival with Alexei, saying he had some last-minute issues to resolve. I was thrilled that he was too busy to monitor me like he usually did, but I knew I had to maintain appearances to avoid suspicion. Everything was finally falling into place, and I was so close to achieving the freedom I wanted."I am so sorry, hon," My husband walked into the room, placing a soothing kiss on my cheeks, "I promise I will make it up to you when we return."We both knew that was a lie but I wasn't ready to call him out on it yet. Suppressing a scowl, I turned aro
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The Feeling Of Being Betrayed By Someone You Trust.
ZAYNI stealthily slipped out of the crowd when the bell started to ring to join my men who were waiting for me near the entrance. Maisie seemed to be talking with the pack priestess with a nervous expression, but I knew she would be able to handle it. I was going on a hunt right now, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from catching my prey."Where are you going, Zayn?" A small hand tugged my trousers, causing me to tense up as the young voice continued, "Mama said that we mustn't leave when that woman starts dancing there."My gaze followed the direction of his finger pointed at the pack priestess, who had already begun the ritual. I knew I didn't have a lot of time left to save those missing children, so I bent my knees to talk to him, "You go ahead, Alexei. I need to go somewhere. I will be back soon.”“Okay.” I was relieved when I felt his grip on me slowly slacken so I quickly left the party before anyone else tried to stop me. The men I had deployed to monitor Linc
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Taking The Person She Loved The Most.
MAISIEI knew he would never forgive me. When I watched Lincoln slowly dying in the hands of my mate, my body moved before my brain could process the action, and I had done something unforgivable that night. I let my husband escape, not because I loved him, but out of a desperate need to save the man who had done so much for me and Alexei from a gruesome fate.After the conclusion of the Joyous Moon Festival, the whole pack found itself encircled by Frost Fang wolves, forbidding anyone from entering or leaving the territory until Zayn regained consciousness. I later realized that he had issued that command to prevent my escape, but by then, I had already closed off my escape route when I chose to prioritize saving Lincoln.Irene came out of the room where he was being treated and reported to me first, “Don't worry, he won't die. His body is healing so fast that it seems that he didn't even need my help to treat those wounds in the first place.”“I'm in trouble, Irene,” I stopped paci
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Discovering Alexei's Hidden Identity.
ZAYN“So what did you say what's wrong with him again?” I asked the pack healer who was sitting on the bed with my son, stroking his hair as he lay on the bed unconscious. Ever since Alexei fainted on us like that, Maisie had been crying non-stop like her world just collapsed and I had been dying slowly from guilt and fear each time his eyes remained closed. I knew my son had always been stronger than he looked, and there was something in him that kept repressing that power he possessed. “I don't know, Zayn,” The pack healer sighed. “I have done all the psychic and physical scans on him but there are no positive results.”“So what you are saying is we will have to keep waiting like this?” Maisie's bloodshot eyes shot up from her palms, her lips quivering as she asked her, “What's going to happen to my son?”I was deep into thought, trying to weave a solution out of nothing like I had always done when she suddenly spun around to face me. “What about you? Can't you heal him like you d
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Entering The Frost Fang Territory.
ZAYNWe swiftly departed from the Moon Stone pack as the first light of dawn illuminated the horizon. Our pack members took charge of transporting our belongings while we made haste in our wolf forms. I would have departed earlier, but Alexei was keen on bidding farewell to the pack healer and his dearest friends.Although the distance between the Moon Stone pack and the Frost Fang pack was not very far, it was still a long journey ahead. Since our son was still very young, I offered to help carry him throughout the journey but he refused and went to meet his mother instead.After five hours of running, Maisie was visibly exhausted by the time we reached the Frost Fang border. I spotted a group of men waiting for us so I quickly changed before I approached them. My twin, Kodiak dressed in black and silver clothes greeted me with a tight hug and a smile. "Why are you late?" Kodiak inquired, slightly conveying his displeasure with a subtle dig of his claws at my back – not enough to br
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